Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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Sent you an email and PM not sure if you got them. I went ahead and created a form that members can submit for changes and it would go into a sheet similar to the original with a timestamp. All then you would need to do is sort my a member and then copy the row with the latest time stamp for each member and paste it over the original. Once done you can delete the all the rows for each member as a result when you are done with the updates the the spreadsheet output of form would be empty everyday and ready to take more entries for future updates.

Give it a try and let me know if you think it works as intended then we can open up the form to the members.
These updates could not have come at a worse time as I am on the final push to complete the hybridization of a garbage truck for a local municipality and have been working crazy hours. (I'm typing this standing next to the truck as I'm in the process of bringing the systems on line.) So it takes me a bit to get to them, But I'm not behind more than 24 hours or so.

I do scan other threads and update anything I see but I don't read all the threads...just don't have the time. I usually make sure to scan this thread, and the "i received my leaf" thread. All the other threads I get to as I can.

I did see the PM, I will look at it tonight. Thanks for doing that, I hope it works out. I previously tried and kept getting errors from google.
This seems like an insane way to do it. What about doing a public version and a private version. The private version will be a backup to any sabotage on the public version?

Is there a way to lock certain cells in a public version but leave new cells open so people can add their info?
I think the real problem with making the document public was multiple members editing the document at the same time. Additionally if someone was just sorting the columns etc and say another was editing, this goes out of hands.

Let turbo2ltr have a look at the form version I have created, which I think would work well. Members wanting to update their info are required to fill up the entire form which translate to columns the way they intend it to be on sheet. I think thats a minor work for members to do if they want all the info to be updated on the sheet.
After getting yanked about with incorrect information for the past month it would be safe to say that I am now twice bitten twice shy. Therefore I am not going to jump all over these last phone calls from Nissan and Fontana. However, I will say that I am in a MUCH better mood now and will be watching my dashboard and InBox very closely. In fact, if I did just get correct information, others should be watching their InBoxes and dashboards very closely as well. Jan 14th is a "significant date" if what I have been told is actually true. We shall soon see :!:
TRONZ said:
In fact, if I did just get correct information, others should be watching their InBoxes and dashboards very closely as well. Jan 14th is a "significant date" if what I have been told is actually true. We shall soon see :!:
NO TEASING! Spill the beans now, Tronz! PLEASE! We who shall not see our cars for months still live on the rumors and innuendo here. :?
Throw us a bone...
Put me in red letters! I picked up my car last night (1/11/11)!

I think if the car starts to levitate and shoot towards the sky when I hit the accelerator hard, I won't be surprised. It feels like a spaceship, it is awesome.

Of course, I hope the floodgates open soon and they start dropping into dealer lots by the dozens (hundreds!). Hang in there guys.
Instead of 5 "bright colored" (delivered) car icons and 5 "dimmed" cars, perhaps replace the "un-delivered" icons with the same colors as delivered, but with a red ("No") circle and slash over them. Easy to do, just copy (and then paste-edit) the 5 "bright" car icons.
garygid said:
Instead of 5 "bright colored" (delivered) car icons and 5 "dimmed" cars, perhaps replace the "un-delivered" icons with the same colors as delivered, but with a red ("No") circle and slash over them. Easy to do, just copy (and then paste-edit) the 5 "bright" car icons.

Working on something like this for the next update..

ttweed said:
TRONZ said:
In fact, if I did just get correct information, others should be watching their InBoxes and dashboards very closely as well. Jan 14th is a "significant date" if what I have been told is actually true. We shall soon see :!:
NO TEASING! Spill the beans now, Tronz! PLEASE! We who shall not see our cars for months still live on the rumors and innuendo here. :?
Throw us a bone...

I was told that the next shipment of LEAFs is due at the port of Long Beach on Jan 14th... BUT I have been so beaten up over all this that I don't know what to believe anymore. If true, dashboards COULD update 24-48 hours ahead of this ships arrival (any time now). Has anybody been tracking ships lately??? Anyways, certain (off the record) statements were made today regarding our specific delivery and if they do come true, then very soon, I will know I was being given accurate information. Only time will tell.
kolmstead said:
Three and a half, Richard. Mine's in Palmdale today; dealer promised me that he actually touched it and verified s/n. I'll go get it Friday. Sept. 1 order.
What was your delivery date ? Did you get the 7 day mail ?
turbo2ltr said:
I updated about 40 people last night as per their request. I don't think it's too out of date.

Thanks to csriram45 for the initial spreadsheet and thanks to turbo2ltr for maintaining it and thanks to Richard for the cool visualizer -- the spreadsheet is a great tool!