Spreadsheet : VINs, Delivery Dates, Order Dates etc

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c1987 said:
Anyone see this comment over at green.autoblog.com? If it is more then speculation, it would explain the delays for some folks:

"ALL of the early production run (VIN numbers less than around 300) must have had some kind of "production defect" and were held at the US docking point for retrofitting."

but it is not. why cant we accept that Nissan wanted to make sure they got this batch perfect?? i also think they had to finagle a bit to make sure Carwings worked right.
Just got the call. My Leaf will be ready to pick up a 6:00 tonight!! Boardwalk Nissan here I come :lol: :lol:
raptor6677 said:
Just got the call. My Leaf will be ready to pick up a 6:00 tonight!! Boardwalk Nissan here I come :lol: :lol:

nice!! kinda disconcerting that you did not get much warning. did u receive the "less than a week" email?
Yeah, I got the email on Monday and I talked to my PD yesterday and they were expecting it today but said they wouldn't have it ready till Friday. Then they called today and said, never mind...it will be ready at 6:00 tonight.
raptor6677 said:
Just got the call. My Leaf will be ready to pick up a 6:00 tonight!! Boardwalk Nissan here I come :lol: :lol:

Awesome. Please share your experience and options and details like purchase lease etc etc. My PD is also Boardwalk Nissan so would be nice to know ahead of time the various details.

csriram45 said:
raptor6677 said:
Just got the call. My Leaf will be ready to pick up a 6:00 tonight!! Boardwalk Nissan here I come :lol: :lol:

Awesome. Please share your experience and options and details like purchase lease etc etc. My PD is also Boardwalk Nissan so would be nice to know ahead of time the various details.


You bet.
DaveinOlyWA said:
raptor6677 said:
Just got the call. My Leaf will be ready to pick up a 6:00 tonight!! Boardwalk Nissan here I come :lol: :lol:

nice!! kinda disconcerting that you did not get much warning. did u receive the "less than a week" email?

I got that beat! I don't call Fontana very often but decided to give Danny a shout tonight just to see how things were going, thanks for posting truckload pics and see if he has heard anything about our car? When he realized who I was, the next thing out of his mouth was... YOUR NEXT :shock: !!! WT#???? Totally blindsided by this news! It would seem the saga of the missing NISSAN LEAF has now been solved. Our silver SL L3 has been in the port of Long Beach since Dec 20th. I STILL have nothing on my dashboard to even give me a clue of this. No eMails, everything still locked up and a delivery date just saying "Month of January". According to Danny, our "missing" LEAF was noticed in the Fontana deliveries this week and he still does not have a VIN for us in his official system. After some phone calls by his GM to Nissan, our LEAF was located. It was on the first boat all along!!! VIN# 202. All Danny would say is "it will be the first LEAF on the next truck from LB" and could be as early as tomorrow. RATZ! I had totally given up on a car this month and will be gone all of next week... but it's All Good. All I care about is that we did actually order a car, it was actually built, it is in the port of Long beach and it does belong to us.

:? Now if I could just somehow clearly, carefully explain to Nissan that I don't have Carwings :roll:...
Tronz, interesting on that information. Danny has been expecting the next truck for a couple days and my car should be on it as well. Yeah, you need to get Carwings going before you take delivery. If you are in EVProject then you do not need to have that checkbox done but if you are not then you either need to have the waiver on file with Nissan or have your home docking station installed/scheduled (not sure on that one). Good news otherwise. If both of our cars are on the same truck then I might see you if we both pick them up Saturday (if they arrive Friday).
Thanks SkyWagon. I was beginning to think I should have ordered a black LEAF for either being a "black sheep" or just so darn stealthy. This week Danny and his GM had to explain to Nissan (again) that they were missing an 8/31 ordered car. It should be a 1/5/11 delivery! Danny has always been very good about NOT telling me what order # I was at Fontana (once #4 was kinda mentioned). I guess this week someone at the dock finally noticed a silver LEAF just sitting there. ALLLLrighty Then! I have not been bothering CS lately but I think I might call them tomorrow. Ya know, sorta mention that our LEAF (#202) is at the dealership anytime now and maybe it would be really "neato" if we could access CarWings. After all, CS Supervisors specifically lectured me about having CarWings completed before picking up our car (they have no idea how much I would like to comply with them). Danny sorta freaked when I told him that our dashboard still has CarWings locked, no specific delivery date, no emails... nothing but a "Congratulatuions" banner:!: Heavy sigh :roll: . Thirty days ago I told CS supervisors that someday, someone at Nissan is going to say WT# "why did'nt someone tell us about all this"?!?!

It all good. :ugeek:
Got home a few hours ago with my new Leaf. Really love it! The guys at Boardwalk Nissan were great. They were all really excited too as mine was the first one they've sold so far. I didn't have any surprises and was out in about 1 1/2 hours.
TRONZ said:
I had totally given up on a car this month and will be gone all of next week... but it's All Good. All I care about is that we did actually order a car, it was actually built, it is in the port of Long beach and it does belong to us.
Good for you, TRONZ! Glad they unraveled the mystery of your missing car and are getting it delivered to you. I'm sure they can get the Carwings thing straightened out quickly and you will be driving it soon.

I can totally see this happening. I am an Aug 31 order but my wife upon seeing the colors in person at the road tour wanted a red leaf instead of silver. It took several days but Nissan confirmed the change. I could see #202 being our's originally now lost in the logistic trail awaiting reassignment to the next silver SL-L3 order. Orphan test #1.
That might explain why ecotality was in such a hurry to get my evse in by Dec 15 and my delivery date popped up as Feb 2011.
bowthom said:
I can totally see this happening. I am an Aug 31 order but my wife upon seeing the colors in person at the road tour wanted a red leaf instead of silver. It took several days but Nissan confirmed the change. I could see #202 being our's originally now lost in the logistic trail awaiting reassignment to the next silver SL-L3 order. Orphan test #1.
That might explain why ecotality was in such a hurry to get my evse in by Dec 15 and my delivery date popped up as Feb 2011.
As to colors . . . to each his/her own. But ... no matter how much I hated the color I picked, and no matter how much I love another . . . NO WAY would I change in mid stream. That can only be a kiss of death for a delivery. In fact that might just put you out there around the back of the line. Maybe. Folks are braver than I.
bowthom said:
I can totally see this happening. I am an Aug 31 order but my wife upon seeing the colors in person at the road tour wanted a red leaf instead of silver. It took several days but Nissan confirmed the change. I could see #202 being our's originally now lost in the logistic trail awaiting reassignment to the next silver SL-L3 order. Orphan test #1.
That might explain why ecotality was in such a hurry to get my evse in by Dec 15 and my delivery date popped up as Feb 2011.

If your RAQ had been completed before ours then I could see that as a possibility. Your RAQ was completed a day after ours so not likely. Nissan built/painted all the cars from the RAQ's so due to your color change, they just built one extra silver LEAF. Danny explained that #202 was assigned to us when everyones VIN's were assigned but the problem lies in our dashboard (which I affectionatly call "The Demon" :twisted: ). Still, as of today, The Demon is frozen and not working or playing well with anyone... including the web site technicians that are wrestling with it personally. It is supposed to say delivery 1-5-11 and everything opened. Regulars on the forum know that I have done everything I possibly could to warn Nissan and provide a "heads up" about all this. I really hate being right in this situation, trust me! But now the pressure is on. The car is arriving and "The Demon" is loose. I was assured this AM by LEAF CS Supervisors that they are "on it" :!:
TRONZ said:
Thanks SkyWagon. I was beginning to think I should have ordered a black LEAF for either being a "black sheep" or just so darn stealthy. This week Danny and his GM had to explain to Nissan (again) that they were missing an 8/31 ordered car. It should be a 1/5/11 delivery! Danny has always been very good about NOT telling me what order # I was at Fontana (once #4 was kinda mentioned). I guess this week someone at the dock finally noticed a silver LEAF just sitting there. ALLLLrighty Then! I have not been bothering CS lately but I think I might call them tomorrow. Ya know, sorta mention that our LEAF (#202) is at the dealership anytime now and maybe it would be really "neato" if we could access CarWings. After all, CS Supervisors specifically lectured me about having CarWings completed before picking up our car (they have no idea how much I would like to comply with them). Danny sorta freaked when I told him that our dashboard still has CarWings locked, no specific delivery date, no emails... nothing but a "Congratulatuions" banner:!: Heavy sigh :roll: . Thirty days ago I told CS supervisors that someday, someone at Nissan is going to say WT# "why did'nt someone tell us about all this"?!?!

It all good. :ugeek:

Tronz, there's nothing on the spreadsheet about whether you have an EVSE or not. I'll bet it's safe to say you'll be taking the toll road home. If you feel the toll road climb is too much of a crescendo on the final few miles of your drive home to aliso viejo, please stop by our home in lake forest. I'd be proud to have you be the 1st to use our "solar powered" AV branded EVSE. And I'd be delighted to tour you around our lake on our all electric boat, while you juice up! Just a thought. And of course since garygid is just a few blocks away, he and his better half will want to be her too, undoubtedly. How's that for a cheezy way to get to see your car.
No, I'm really serious!
"Nissan isn't talking." What else is new!? LOL! :lol:
Nissan is only talking to those who ordered 08/31! Those who ordered 09/01 are next!