Sudden Drop in Charging Capacity

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May 17, 2019
Hello. I purchased a 12 bar 2015 Leaf this summer. All was well.
I lost a bar of charging capacity about 2 weeks ago which I was expecting. However I now seem to only be able to charge my vehicle up to 68 miles whereas in the past I always hovered between 82-86. Any thoughts? Do you think I should take it into a local Nissan Dealer and have it looked at? Any ways to do some troubleshooting myself? Thanks for your help.
Have the last few minutes of your driving route, before you park, changed? That's what the range estimator uses. Is your actual range reduced? The range estimator is called a "Guess O Meter" for good reason - it isn't often very accurate. I assume you still have all 12 charge bars showing when full?
Did it get significantly colder where you live recently? Cold reduces range in a number of ways, some of which are accounted for by the GOM.
Yes, it has gotten colder and I noticed that if/when I put on heat there is a dramatic drop in estimated mileage. However, something different seems to be going on. Yesterday, after charging at work, the mileage read 85 and within 1/4 mile once again dropped to 68. I am going to track actual mileage and see what I am getting. What about a LEAF SPY? Might looking at battery health be helpful. Thanks.
there is a small chance that you have a weak cell developing in the pack, but most likely it is the colder temperatures. The range on the GOM is a wild guess, focus more on the battery percentage, that is a much better indicator of rate of discharge. I live my commutes/drives in how much % capacity they take, rather than how many miles of range they use.

for example, depending on speed and temperature my drive to work can take 25-35% of battery, and i don't live somewhere where the temperature fluctuates that much even.

LeafSpy is a good idea for monitoring this car in any case, if you dont have it yet.

If you have an S, then expect at best 60 miles of range, in Eugene winter weather, on a dry day. Snow and rain reduce range even more.

Also, make sure your winter tires are inflated to 40 psi to reduce rolling resistance a bit. With winter tires on my LEAF, I estimate I lose almost 10% range.

In short, winter range sucks, a 30% range loss isn't out of the ordinary.
barbarasklar said:
Yes, it has gotten colder and I noticed that if/when I put on heat there is a dramatic drop in estimated mileage. However, something different seems to be going on. Yesterday, after charging at work, the mileage read 85 and within 1/4 mile once again dropped to 68. I am going to track actual mileage and see what I am getting. What about a LEAF SPY? Might looking at battery health be helpful. Thanks.
Forget the stupid GOM. I can charge to full w/the GOM showing 80 miles, drive 8 miles and it'll become 88. If I go up highway 17, after 10 miles, the GOM drops 40+ miles.

Yes, turning the heat on/off along w/eco on/off will affect the GOM.

If you have range complaints, answer the questions at here.

Since you have a Leaf that's model year '13+, you should instead being looking at the % state of charge display. GOM is a waste of time.

Yes, LeafSpy will let you see SOH and if there are any weak cells.
Luckily, for Vancouverites driving a 24kWh LEAF, there's pretty much a 1:1 km to kWh ratio during winter, which makes it really easy to estimate range.

Eugene climate is pretty similar to Vancouver, and the terrain isn't very hilly, so I would think that .6 miles per 1% SOC is a pretty accurate estimate of range on average.
Did the range drop happen after you turned on cruise control? The range estimation (Guess-O-Meter) changes the way it does the calculation when you turn that on, and it almost always is much more pessimistic (and realistic!).