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LakeLeaf said:
I understand they are installing one in the LEAF that Southwest bought.
Hah - if Nissan used aluminum for the roof of the car, that'd probably cut a decent amount of weight, though! Typically 25-50 lbs for a body panel that big...
I had a convertible and rarely drove it with the top up, so I'm sure I'd use the sunroof. :)

I am still debating between a manual pop-up (it would be lighter, use no power to open / close, and would take no headroom) and a power sunroof (it would look better and fit the whole 'luxury car' ethos.)
I notice that the Volt doesn't offer a sun roof either. It seems to me a sunroof would work particularly well in an EV as it lessens the amount of time you have to run the A/C and thus reduces the battery consumption. But neither offer it, I wonder if the sunroof's weight or drag offsets this advantage.
Weight is the primary consideration. Plus, the roof has to be made stronger with a sunroof to meet rollover standard. Cost is another.

I'm not sure why a sunroof would be any more efficient at cooling that just cracking open a window or two, however... More often than not around here, it is hotter outside than in though, so you'd want to keep everything closed up under those circumstances regardless.

LKK said:
I notice that the Volt doesn't offer a sun roof either. It seems to me a sunroof would work particularly well in an EV as it lessens the amount of time you have to run the A/C and thus reduces the battery consumption. But neither offer it, I wonder if the sunroof's weight or drag offsets this advantage.
I was thinking the opposite, that it would increase solar retention and make it require more juice to keep cool. probably was left out for cost/weight.


LKK said:
I notice that the Volt doesn't offer a sun roof either. It seems to me a sunroof would work particularly well in an EV as it lessens the amount of time you have to run the A/C and thus reduces the battery consumption. But neither offer it, I wonder if the sunroof's weight or drag offsets this advantage.
Typically they claim that rolling down the windows increases drag more than you gain from the air flow, so I assume that they use the same argument for a sunroof. As is always the case in matters like this, the *real* answer is 'it depends'.

From How Stuff Works.Com, I found the following article:

Some interesting facts in the article, but the bottom line seems to be if you're driving at < 40 mph, windows are probably your best bet and > 50 mph that the A/C is better.

I wish that the Leaf made it easier to say 'just blow outside air into the cabin and don't attempt to heat or cool it'. I want the fan, but I don't want to guess if it's trying to use the resistance heater (at least the A/C is a single button to turn off!)
rcyoder said:
Some interesting facts in the article, but the bottom line seems to be if you're driving at < 40 mph, windows are probably your best bet and > 50 mph that the A/C is better.
Those tests typically compare running the windows fully down - when you usually just want them open enough for sufficient airflow - so it's not quite as cut and dry as it seems.
So.... no one yet? I really want a sunroof. I don't know any reason it would be difficult to do. It is just a car after all.
drees said:
Hah - if Nissan used aluminum for the roof of the car, that'd probably cut a decent amount of weight, though! Typically 25-50 lbs for a body panel that big...
Don't forget the glass in the sunroof; that can't be light. Replacing a plain piece of steel (the front part of the roof) plus any OEM internal ribbings, with the sunroof's frame, cable and crank assembly, maybe a motor, and a sheet of glass maybe 3/16" thick... not sure if that's gonna be weight gained or lost. It'd be interesting to know for sure; I'm kinda thinking a sunroof adds weight...
That would likely make meeting roll over standards more difficult...

drees said:
Hah - if Nissan used aluminum for the roof of the car, that'd probably cut a decent amount of weight, though! Typically 25-50 lbs for a body panel that big...
sheet of glass maybe 3/16" thick
Are there not acrylic roofs?
As for the roll over I think that when you mod a car from the original specs eg. Tein Coilovers you are voiding any gov test results anyway.

And although impressed by that roll over numbers once the roof goes I do not hold out much confidence in that paper headliner doing much to cushion my head :lol:
You can do almost anything you want. The manufacturer can not.
Brightonuk said:
As for the roll over I think that when you mod a car from the original specs eg. Tein Coilovers you are voiding any gov test results anyway.
Haven't looked at this year's model but in the past the hybrid version of the civic sacrificed the sunroof, with weight cited as the reason. Seems that a sunroof is a "deoptimization".