The colors suck.

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I totally agree with the OP. In my dictionary, white is the definition of boring. Seems at least half the cars on the road are white. It is such a neutral, blank, and unimaginative color. Black is exactly the opposite of white, still a neutral color as it has no hue, so not much better. Silver? Well, once again it's hue-less! Silver would be a great color if it had a little personality, maybe a slight gold or violet tinge - but without any hue, it's boring too. The red appears to be that plain ol' primary color red that we all learned about in science class - mix in an equal portion of green and blue and you get white. Primary colors are too simple, you look at them once and you can name them right away. No thanks. The only interesting color of the four choices offered is that sky blue color, which is not a bad color really, it's just unfortunate that it's the only *real* color that they offer!

Regarding tinted windows, yeah I'm all for them! It would keep me a lot more comfortable under the bright California sun! And I really like the bright interior of the Leaf - not only does it look pleasant and inviting, but it really would keep the interior cool because it reflects a lot of the sunlight right back out the windows - whereas a dark interior absorbs the sunlight and turns it to heat (greenhouse effect).
Looks like they need to offer two sets of colors
Seattle (dark colors)
California (light colors)

Last time I switched on the AC in my car was so long ago - I don't really remember. And we had the hottest day ever recorded last year.
Bicster said:
Car color vs glass (not interior) temp. Interesting nonetheless:

Apparently the color of the interior affects the interior temperature much more than the exterior color of the vehicle. Since we don't get a choice of interiors, that makes things easier.
Looking over the measurement technique and his assumptions ... IMHO the method used is inconclusive (to say it mildly -- again, only my opinon). Radiation and Convection in ambient conditions (wind, sun direction, glass surface angle, temp) are too much of a variable to conclude that the INTERIOR temperatures can be derived from exterior glass surface measurements. Discard; try again.
It would be nice if Leafs of different colors are at the test drive events so we can get a good look at the colors on the actual vehicle. But somehow I think there will only be one Leaf to test drive in each geographical area. This is purely speculation on my part and I hope I am wrong because it is hard to choose the color from a swatch like they have at auto shows.
I too always thought white was boring...I have never had a white car or bike or scooter in my life...


One...I will be getting white as it works best in our hot sun.

Two...I have seen white done insanely nice...Lexus has a white on their sc model that is killer.

Three...I plan to make my white car similar to the Fiat 500 Abarth...White is cool with a stripe of color running through it...


In speaking to a dealer's specialist today ... I was told that the colors we have been able to select from aren't finalized and really more for "research". I had wanted to look at the real (in sunlight) colors of other Nissan models that would match or closely resemble what we've been presented during the online reservation process ... I did not want to scramble on the day the "order now" email arrived. Supposedly a LEAF specific "color chart" will be available at the dealer for the "order now" time frame, but not yet.

So ... that may be good news ... and I am wondering whether we should all vote here to give Nissan some more "marketing feedback" ;)

BTW, you can actually see all the colors on current Nissan models, except for the blue and (at least for a little while longer) the red. The silver is a 370Z color; the white a Murano color; the black is available on the Sentra; and the red will be available on the Juke.
My fantasy that'll never quite come true....

You just know that the first Leaf off the line that they're going to give to Lance Armstrong will be yellow...It makes perfect sense and they'd be crazy to give him one of the boring colors....

Well, I want my Leaf to be right in line behind his on the assembly line and I want it to be yellow too! I was even thinking the other day that I'd pay extra to get a yellow Leaf...These days, you'd think they'd be able to do just about whatever color you want....

Back to reality, planet Earth. I'm sitting on a Red SL reservation... A red car that I want to be yellow...
Don't know if/when it changed, but same dealer contact (last talked Friday) has now confirmed that the following colors are final: Blue Ocean, Super Black, Cayenne Red, Brilliant Silver, Glacier Pearl.

However, when I enquired, these color names are not yet linked to color codes. The confusing part is that the same color code (on existing Nissan models) is sometimes called by a different name across the models, and vice versa. Once the three character color codes are known, then we'll know for sure whether the color on another Nissan model will match and be representative of what the LEAF will come as. To me this is important, because I want to see the "real color" in real lighting conditions on another Nissan prior to ordering. I can't decide between white (Glacier Pearl) and silver and blue. The Blue Ocean is unfortunately a new color, so we have to go by what we saw on the LEAF tour. The shade of white will determine whether I'll chicken-out and go with the silver or blue. Between silver and blue I'm not sure if I want to "stand out" (blue) because that's what's used in all the ads so far, or not (silver).

The interior is said to be no-choice. Only one color offered, but I'm fine with what we've been shown.
I may have mentioned this in another thread. Even the black prototype seen in Arizona had the light gray interior. This makes sense given the interior color vs. heat observation made earlier.

Nissan is known not to tell dealers everything prior to a vehicle launch. Every Nissan automobile (except GT-R) is available in eight or nine colors. GT-R is available in 5. Could the LEAF come only in five? Yes. Could it come in as many as 9? Yes.

Regarding the glass discussion earlier - Nissan uses UV-reducing solar glass in many of their vehicles. I would think it likely they would incorporate it into the LEAF to reduce HVAC load.
I agree that the colors are uninspired. In fact, I felt strongly enough about it that I e-mailed Nissan USA's customer service to suggest at least one other color, possibly as a limited edition color for the special pre-release in the EV Project cities (a la the special cream-colored VW Beetle that was only available to online purchasers.) I had my eye on the cool metallic green color that I've seen on Honda CR-Vs around Portland (I think I was able to identify it as Opal Sage Metallic, but I'm not sure), but I agree with the folks who are interested in yellow. One would think that a "green" vehicle called LEAF would have at least one leaflike hue!

If you haven't already, I highly recommend that any of you interested in alternate color options (or who want to go on record concerning your dislike of the current options) drop a line to Nissan USA ASAP. If they are really going to announce the final color options on August 27, that doesn't leave much time to ask them to change their minds. With all of the cool hues in leaf colors already out there, there has to be something they'd be willing to offer!
Yami1975 said:
I agree that the colors are uninspired. In fact, I felt strongly enough about it that I e-mailed Nissan USA's customer service to suggest at least one other color, possibly as a limited edition color for the special pre-release in the EV Project cities (a la the special cream-colored VW Beetle that was only available to online purchasers.) I had my eye on the cool metallic green color that I've seen on Honda CR-Vs around Portland (I think I was able to identify it as Opal Sage Metallic, but I'm not sure), but I agree with the folks who are interested in yellow. One would think that a "green" vehicle called LEAF would have at least one leaflike hue!

If you haven't already, I highly recommend that any of you interested in alternate color options (or who want to go on record concerning your dislike of the current options) drop a line to Nissan USA ASAP. If they are really going to announce the final color options on August 27, that doesn't leave much time to ask them to change their minds. With all of the cool hues in leaf colors already out there, there has to be something they'd be willing to offer!

Count me in there. My cars have been a brown hand-me-down (blech), a teal-green and a forest green color. I want green! What's the best way to contact Nissan about this?
I am really really really hoping that the final Leaf color codes will be available before August 27th as this is the date that my Nissan Dealer has suspected that I will be able to order my Leaf. I am hoping that I will be able to see the final colors or at least something close to the final colors on an actual car but it is looking more and more likely that this will not happen in time for me. Are we even going to get an option for the interior color? I too would have liked to see a few more colors especially a green. Right now I am considering Blue Ocean and Glacier Pearl.
Spies said:
I am really really really hoping that the final Leaf color codes will be available before August 27th as this is the date that my Nissan Dealer has suspected that I will be able to order my Leaf. I am hoping that I will be able to see the final colors or at least something close to the final colors on an actual car but it is looking more and more likely that this will not happen in time for me. Are we even going to get an option for the interior color? I too would have liked to see a few more colors especially a green. Right now I am considering Blue Ocean and Glacier Pearl.

The interior was only ever going to come in the one color.

You can see the Glaicer Pearl on the current Murano.
Okay the car is called the Leaf right? So why no green?? Or Autumn colors? Spring Leaf, Summer Leaf, Autumn Leaf....could be good marketing. I have the "Silver Leaf" on order....just doesn't have a good "ring" to it.
I am ordering the Cayenne Red, and it is a new color for 2011 models. The only place you can see it in person is on the 2011 Murano, which is due in showrooms in September. I order my LEAF in September, so I guess I don't see it in person until after the order. That said, there are lots and lots of pictures on the web that show the color in lots and lots of conditions (bright light, dim light, full sun, shadow, etc). I am quite certain I will be quite happy with this color when it arrives.

I would like some more info on the tinting that comes with the LEAF. Will the vehicle come with sufficient window tinting as standard equipment, or will there be tinting options from the dealer and elsewhere. This vehicle I want to be as efficiently tinted as is possible and legal.