Using clone ELM327 Bluetooth OBDII adapter with Leaf

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gbarry42 said:
I was contemplating buying one each of the three favorite ELM327 devices (though from what I read I should buy two each, so that's six!) to find out which worked reliably. But I got to wondering, (warning--heretical idea), maybe instead of sending my money to buy poorly-built blatant rip-off products, I could instead get one that's built here with parts actually made by would only cost me three times what one of the clones would, but it should be stable. I don't see where anyone has tried that approach.

One question is whether we'd expect the "real" device to work better in this situation.

The other is whether having the latest firmware in the ELM module would cause trouble with the leaf app, given that the clones use a much earlier firmware version.
The next version of the app will have improvements to work with some ELM devices that have failed in the past. It will also include an ELM logging function to be used to capture failing ELM sequences which you will send to me for analysis to see if the problem is something I can handle in code.

I am currently working with two members offline who have a total of 3 ELMs that did not work. I have ELM traces from all three with the app's first pass logger function which was hardcoded (it has been improved since then to make it user selectable). One issue has been identified, a code fix implemented and fix verified using the ELM. I have identified what seems to be the problem with the second ELM and am waiting for manual confirmation (using Hyperterm type program). If the problem is what the trace shows a fix will be implemented. The third one looks like a timing issue so I will be reenabling the ability to slow down the Leaf responses to see if that fixes the problem.

So basically I am attacking the problem from the other end. Rather then try to find ELMs that work with the app I would like the app to work with most if not all ELM devices.
Turbo3 said:
gbarry42 said:
I was contemplating buying one each of the three favorite ELM327 devices (though from what I read I should buy two each, so that's six!) to find out which worked reliably. But I got to wondering, (warning--heretical idea), maybe instead of sending my money to buy poorly-built blatant rip-off products, I could instead get one that's built here with parts actually made by would only cost me three times what one of the clones would, but it should be stable. I don't see where anyone has tried that approach.

One question is whether we'd expect the "real" device to work better in this situation.

The other is whether having the latest firmware in the ELM module would cause trouble with the leaf app, given that the clones use a much earlier firmware version.
The next version of the app will have improvements to work with some ELM devices that have failed in the past. It will also include an ELM logging function to be used to capture failing ELM sequences which you will send to me for analysis to see if the problem is something I can handle in code.

I am currently working with two members offline who have a total of 3 ELMs that did not work. I have ELM traces from all three with the app's first pass logger function which was hardcoded (it has been improved since then to make it user selectable). One issue has been identified, a code fix implemented and fix verified using the ELM. I have identified what seems to be the problem with the second ELM and am waiting for manual confirmation (using Hyperterm type program). If the problem is what the trace shows a fix will be implemented. The third one looks like a timing issue so I will be reenabling the ability to slow down the Leaf responses to see if that fixes the problem.

So basically I am attacking the problem from the other end. Rather then try to find ELMs that work with the app I would like the app to work with most if not all ELM devices.

Thanks for your continuing excellent work on this app.
New version 0.25p (-FS) up for testing. This might be the final test before general release.

- Works with ELM devices that default to sending a Line Feed character (0x10).
- Eliminate the use of the ATD1 command
- Allow user control over Flow Control Timing
- Built-in ELM Trace function
- Clean up some screen over write problems

To change the Flow Control Timing go to the Settings/Debug panel and change the "xx =yy ms" selector. I suggest starting with the slowest value of "3C =60 ms". IMPORTANT: You need to exit and restart the app for this change to take affect. Run the app for a while and check the Settings/Statistic panel. You should get 100% successful with a good delay value. If you do, then you can select a faster (smaller ms) time and retest. When you start to see errors then you can back off.

Please report the ms value that works best for you and some information about your ELM.

The ELM Trace function is also located on the Settings/Debug panel as the "Trace ELM" checkbox. IMPORTANT: After checking the box you need to exit the app and on the next restart a trace will be taken and saved to the /LEAF_BT_CAN folder with file name TRCdata.txt. This file is always appended to so you should delete any old trace file if you are taking a new one.

This file will grow very large very fast so do not use this function unless you have an ELM that does not work or hangs within a few minutes. If the file is more than a megabyte in size please compress before sending it to me for analysis.

Exit the app as soon as you see the problem as this will stop the trace and keep the trace file as small as possible. It may take a few seconds after exiting the app for the Android file system to release the file so it can be seen for transfer.

You will see a flashing message below the version number when the trace is being taking. The checkbox is automatically cleared at the start of a trace. So if you want to capture 2 or 3 events in one file then go into Settings/Debug and recheck the Trace ELM checkbox, exit and restart app again.

Traces go to the same email address you used to request the Beta passcode.
Turbo3 said:
basically I am attacking the problem from the other end. Rather then try to find ELMs that work with the app I would like the app to work with most if not all ELM devices.
May I interpret this to mean that if I got something never tried before, you would support getting it to'd even be interested in doing this?
Weatherman said:
Turbo3 said:
The third one looks like a timing issue so I will be reenabling the ability to slow down the Leaf responses to see if that fixes the problem.

Just confirming I'll be testing this third one in a little bit.

Very pleased with the first test. Running at the slowest rate, the app stayed "Connected" continuously for the full five minutes of the test. No "Waiting 4 Leaf" messages. This is, by far, the longest continuous connected status I've seen. I checked the stats and it had about a 2:1 successful read rate. That's fine with me as long as it can stay connected.

I'll be giving it about a half-hour test, when I go out for a drive, late this afternoon.
gbarry42 said:
Turbo3 said:
basically I am attacking the problem from the other end. Rather then try to find ELMs that work with the app I would like the app to work with most if not all ELM devices.
May I interpret this to mean that if I got something never tried before, you would support getting it to'd even be interested in doing this?
Correct. Unless an ELM is really defective or has a firmware bug that prevents it from supporting one of the key commands I need, I should be able to get it to work.

That is why I went to the trouble of adding this built-in ELM trace function. That is its only function.
We can probably rate how good an ELM is by how small a delay it can handle and still give a near 100% success rate.

I might add a few more slower rates than 60ms but that is getting pretty slowwww.

So if you have an ELM that does not get to the Connnected state or fails within the first 10-20 seconds use the ELM Trace function to capture and send me a trace.

If the failure happens after 10-20 seconds try increasing the response delay. If that does not help then you can try taking a trace but put the delay back to the default of 16 msec to help keep the file as small as possible.
I know I've brought this up before and it was described as a "feature", but...

Is there a way to prevent the background color on the third page from flipping from cyan to white all by itself?
I am not sure what privacy it buys us, but could you change the way the VIN is obscured? Many of us have posted our last 4 or 5 digits to the forum, but these are the ones obscured in the app. One could possibly reconstruct the intact VIN from a screen shot. I think I would prefer to just obscure the whole thing. If I understand the VIN system (at a wikipedia level). The 9th digit is a check based upon the values of the others, so obscuring that one in particular would be important.

Thanks again!
nogajim said:
I am not sure what privacy it buys us, but could you change the way the VIN is obscured? Many of us have posted our last 4 or 5 digits to the forum, but these are the ones obscured in the app. One could possibly reconstruct the intact VIN from a screen shot. I think I would prefer to just obscure the whole thing. If I understand the VIN system (at a wikipedia level). The 9th digit is a check based upon the values of the others, so obscuring that one in particular would be important.

Thanks again!

Or just obscure everything except the last 5 digits? Not quite understanding the reason for displaying it on the app anyway. Was there a need for it to show up?
vrwl said:
nogajim said:
I am not sure what privacy it buys us, but could you change the way the VIN is obscured? Many of us have posted our last 4 or 5 digits to the forum, but these are the ones obscured in the app. One could possibly reconstruct the intact VIN from a screen shot. I think I would prefer to just obscure the whole thing. If I understand the VIN system (at a wikipedia level). The 9th digit is a check based upon the values of the others, so obscuring that one in particular would be important.

Thanks again!

Or just obscure everything except the last 5 digits? Not quite understanding the reason for displaying it on the app anyway. Was there a need for it to show up?

Educate me. The vin is on public display outside the vehicle. What's the problem showing the VIN inside the vehicle we are driving? Not saying there isn't something to be concerned about but what exactly is the concern? I can go into the parking lot at work and harvest hundreds of VIn numbers with my smartphone.
Actually, I have the VIN on both my vehicles blocked so it can't be read from outside... It's not likely but one thing that someone CAN do with the VIN is get a key made... Thiefs have been known to do that with help from someone inside the dealership... Not too likely on a Leaf, however, as I suspect that there are not big theft targets! :lol:

JPWhite said:
Educate me. The vin is on public display outside the vehicle. What's the problem showing the VIN inside the vehicle we are driving? Not saying there isn't something to be concerned about but what exactly is the concern? I can go into the parking lot at work and harvest hundreds of VIn numbers with my smartphone.
JPWhite said:
[Educate me. The vin is on public display outside the vehicle. What's the problem showing the VIN inside the vehicle we are driving? Not saying there isn't something to be concerned about but what exactly is the concern? I can go into the parking lot at work and harvest hundreds of VIn numbers with my smartphone.
I am more concerned about not having to remove it before I post a screenshot somewhere. And even then I can't give you a solid reason. I'm old enough to have had my exam scores posted next to my SSN in college. It seemed like nothing back then, but we don't do it anymore. I have also used the app at EV meetings to let other Leafers check their capacity and take a screenshot for them, now it is a little trickier.
TomT said:
Actually, I have the VIN on both my vehicles blocked so it can't be read from outside...
That's probably illegal, not that I'd lose any sleep over it. The publicly readable VIN is the next step law enforcement uses to identify stolen vehicles after the license plate, which can be changed. If a car matching yours was stolen nearby and the police checked your car and found the VIN blocked, there would probably be a foofoorah until you came along to clear things up.
Looks like the latest version, with the slowest scan rate, is able to keep a stable connection between my Galaxy S4 and the BAFX. No interruptions during my entire 30-minute drive, this afternoon. Good reads were up to 82%.

It's, also, nice to see the background on page 3 stays cyan and doesn't go white.
TomT said:
Actually, I have the VIN on both my vehicles blocked so it can't be read from outside... It's not likely but one thing that someone CAN do with the VIN is get a key made... Thiefs have been known to do that with help from someone inside the dealership...

This may have been true with traditional car locks. With the intelligent key the dealership has to have the vehicle, keys and a instrument to program them. It's like pairing up your garage door opener, you can't get a fob made if you know the serial # of the garage door opener.

Like all good prizes. you have to present to win :)

Don't worry the NSA know you VIN number, the last of your worries is a thief.