Was April now May

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"It is a helluva way to run a railroad". At the top of my dashboard "your order timing has not changed". They changed me from April to May.
ttweed said:

I reserved on 4/20, within hours of receiving the invitation email, and was told I would have a Sept. order date... After ordering on 10/1, I was told I could expect my car to be delivered in 3-4 months. Later, I received an email informing me it would be 4-7 months (the second broken promise). On Feb 8, 2011, I received an email saying my car would be delivered in April, and "should your delivery date change by more than two weeks, we will send you an email to notify you of the change." Today, my dashboard says May, a change of one month, and no notification or explanation for this delay has been received (third broken promise). If the car is not here on May 1, it will be over 7 months since my order (4th broken promise) and over a year since I reserved it.

This has been exactly my schedule of disappointments, including the "four broken promises", to the day.

My delayed order was caused due to Nissan CS service telling me to wait for a RAQ, but NOT sending me an RAQ, apparently since I had completed a EVSE waiver.

The biggest screw up, IMO, was sending out the April delivery Emails and changing to May only 9 days later. It defies logic that Nissan had the certainty of delivery to warrant sending the April date emails.

I cannot understand how a company has the resources to develop the LEAF but cannot deliver the most basic levels of customer service.
If you have Ordered, your Order date is fixed, and has NOT changed.

Your car's Production date might change, for example if they were to delay production to fix a hypothetical "windshield mounting" (causing a pressure-crack) problem.

Your LEAF's Delivery date might change as your car waits for an increasing number of in-Port pre-checks to be done on it, and change again if other possible problems are discovered, and your car needs to re-checked.

Then, when finally released from Pre-Check, the Delivery date might change a few more times as it is scheduled for transport, is actually transported, and the dealer finally gets it ready to sell.

Many have wanted "more" information. You are getting it.

If you find the "moving target" unpleasant, monitor your dashboard much less frequently.

In any case, flying several experts 2000 miles (RT) in response to a customer problem ... seems like the work of a very responsible manufacturing company, and might be a good example for others with new-product, in-field "failures". Good work, Nissan!
"Many have wanted "more" information. You are getting it."

Actually, we seem to be getting more misinformation.

I expected the long delay before receiving the April month delivery date, 11 days ago, was the result of Nissan correcting the error it had made earlier in the roll out, in giving specific and overly optimistic delivery dates. But after the most recent revision, I now have far less confidence in the new May date.

In November Nissan told me I could expect delivery in 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 months. Today, three months later, I am told I can expect delivery in 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 months. This past and future uncertainty has caused me, and other buyers, considerable inconvenience.

The fact that it is a great car, and and Nissan may be doing a good job of correcting flaws in the few cars it has delivered, can not excuse this example of poor customer service.

garygid said:
If you have Ordered, your Order date is fixed, and has NOT changed.

Your car's Production date might change, for example if they were to delay production to fix a hypothetical "windshield mounting" (causing a pressure-crack) problem.

Your LEAF's Delivery date might change as your car waits for an increasing number of in-Port pre-checks to be done on it, and change again if other possible problems are discovered, and your car needs to re-checked.

Then, when finally released from Pre-Check, the Delivery date might change a few more times as it is scheduled for transport, is actually transported, and the dealer finally gets it ready to sell.

Many have wanted "more" information. You are getting it.

If you find the "moving target" unpleasant, monitor your dashboard much less frequently.

In any case, flying several experts 2000 miles (RT) in response to a customer problem ... seems like the work of a very responsible manufacturing company, and might be a good example for others with new-product, in-field "failures". Good work, Nissan!
We all want the cars built right-- the complaints here is about communication. Given the time it takes to ship across the Pacific they would have been smart to send the expected arrival date e-mails when the cars were actually on the assembly line-- and then everyone would have been thrilled to learn their cars were only weeks away.

And I doubt that any of us expected that when we signed up within a few hours on April 20th we would have to wait a year for our cars-- after all, at that time they were talking up 2010 delivery.

They got great PR when they opened orders and announced how many they got, and frankly, despite our gripes it was good for them because mos tof the public isn't paying attention to these delays like we are. But annoying your earliest, most enthusiastic adopters is not optimal either and despite all of the opinions to the contrary many (not all) of those in the queue are annoyed.
"should your delivery date change by more than two months, we will send you an email to notify you of the change." :lol:

Mine also changed from April to May(be) 2 days ago.
Changed from (im)Pending to May(be) ... :lol:

Note: ALL estimates are ALWAYS wrong, at least by a little bit.

Even the too-vague estimate that you will buy your LEAF sometime
"this year or next" ... can easily be wrong.

And, 11:11 AM on Nov 11, 2011 is a bit too specific.

To be useful, estimates evolve with the changing of circumstances, often getting better and more accurate as the goal is approached.

Nissan does not control all the circumstances any more than you do.
Something to think about - prior to the Leaf, Nissan Corp (as opposed to Nissan dealerships) has had very little experience with direct customer contact. Also true for other Car Makers. Past experience is basically sending out recall notices.

Not saying this is an excuse, any major corp. starting up a new initiative should be expected to do it right, and Nissan hasn't on the direct customer sales process. This is one of the reasons I think this system goes away after the first 20k are done. Nissan hasn't invested in the process like it was to become permanent.
I don't know about everybody else, but this all seems like a MAJOR nightmare I had back in High-School!

I was a major Nerd, in L.O.V.E. :geek: with a Cheerleader (Stacy).

Stacy would Time & Time & TIME again give me indicators, hints, signs (etc., etc.) that she would "Go-All-The-Way"...

...But strangely, it-NEVER-Happened!!! :twisted:

(and I'm sure all the Jocks were laughing, in the background, as they saw this head-gaming-theater)

This "Cat-In-Mouse" continued, until I FINALLY got smart (after 4 years of High School), when I finally told Stacy to Go-To-Hell !! :lol: ,

(and then I ran to the nearest "Ugly" girl, whom I knew liked me, and I proceeded to get Layed :mrgreen: ).

So will I (and we all) learn our Lesson here?! (or will we all continue to allow ourselves to be "Teased" to DEATH!!) :!:

I have my own "breaking point," in which I will cancel, and drop this whole charade and tease! (and then I'll just wait, to give my money to the Americans [Ford] - Yes, I'll have to "wait" more, for probably a year more, but at least I'll have some satisfaction in not letting this Teasing @#$%>@&.. Foreign [Japanese/French] company to continually play its "Head-Games" with me!! :evil: ).

HOW-LONG will the rest of you guys allow "Stacy" to string-you-along, with false/broken promises & hopes!?! :?:

News reports say that the "drop" rate is now at aorund 40%. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it increased to 60/70% by/before summer 2011!

(And if I do dump, I swear by God above, I will NEVER look at a "Nissan" again, in my entire Life!!) :twisted:

(PS/FYI/BTW - If it wasn't for the major tax credits and Central Valley incentives I wouldn't even consider this vehicle. They [Obama] BETTER change the credit to a "major" Rebate [of $14,000, or more] or his "dream" of a million EV's on the road will be [only] a mere "Dream." [and if Nissan ever administered it, it will TOTALLY be a fantasy!!]) - As others have noted, "Nissan? Are you Indeed Listening/Reading!?!?"

DOUBLE PS - And Nissan, Please STOP your Leaf Advertising!!! (It is SHAMEFUL that you would advertise [continually] the Leaf, while you give us all a [continual] "Cold Shower/Delay" with this car!!)

Dr. C.

April 21, 2010 reservation date (Due to Tech "Bug")
Ordered at the END of Nov 2010
Delivery was "month of April" now pushed to May
SL, Silver, eTec trim
EV project (I WISH!! [I'm in the Boondocks!])
Desiring/Hoping to get/do a Self-Install (DYI), as AV is a RIPP-OFF!!
The Leaf is just a car, it isn't Stacy. Wait 6 months, and all of this complaining will be history... and the Nissan Leaf will still be the first mass produced electric car in history. On the other hand, if you do cancel, I will get my Leaf just a bit sooner.
Stoaty said:
The Leaf is just a car, it isn't Stacy. Wait 6 months, and all of this complaining will be history... and the Nissan Leaf will still be the first mass produced electric car in history. On the other hand, if you do cancel, I will get my Leaf just a bit sooner.

It is not about a "person," it is about a/the "Principal."

(I was only using the "Stacy" story as a allegory/parable (you do know what these are, right?))

In our society, it's very foundation is based upon TRUST (in other terms: truth, confidence, faith, credence, conviction, assurance, etc., etc.)

I guess it would be a good thing for you if, on your paypay, they say, "Oh, do you mind 'waiting' a few more days to get paid?"

And then you come back in a week or two later, and ask for your pay, and you hear [again], "Oh, do you mind 'waiting' a few MORE days." (and so on).

I guarantee you would NOT be so.."accommodating." (especailly, if it continued on).

It is one thing to be "patient" (which, in fairness, most of us would give someone a break or two).

....BUT...what Nissan is doing (and has done) is a CONTINUAL "Pattern" of Lies, delays, deception, and distrust!!

I don't know about you, but in my book, this is NOT a very good way to do business!! (and if you do believe in this, then you have a VERY chaotic concept of business, and most likely wouldn't mind the M.O. & practices of the Russian, Asian or other Mafia ways of business - in other words, legitimacy, trust, and common/logical business practices mean nothing to you!, right?!? -- In the Twilight Zone this may make sense, but in our [real] world, most of us want "results." [and truth]).

Dr. C.
It is not a game. Nissan is doing all it can to get you the car along with thousands to other people.
Don't take the delay personally as Nissan is not picking on you. They are trying their best.
Just because you may have moved you from April to May does not mean they took the month off just to mock you.
Get real.
Devin said:
JimSouCal said:
I want the car to come of the line as best it can, and am happy to wait a few more months (as a function of the years+ I have already waited). Building an innovative product, such as this car, with all of the best meeting of the user needs, for mass production and distribution, has so many things that can go wrong, and it is important to get it right.

I somewhat agree with you that it is important to get it right out of the gate, but there comes a point where perfect becomes the enemy of good. Cars have problems, it's natural. If they try to squash every bug in the pursuit of perfect then they will never get the car out.

That said, I don't think this is an issue with bugs in the production process, it sounds more like an issue of prioritizing as well as biting off more than Nissan could chew. It's a fair assumption that Japanese customers were bumped ahead of US customers before their tax credit runs out and I am not going to argue the business merit to that concept. But when you are not sending more than a small trickle of product to one of the largest markets for it then that market will lose interest, especially when you've been stringing them along for a year. We're only seeing VIN numbers up to around 500 in the spreadsheet and those cars won't be delivered until March. That's 5 months into the production cycle with fewer than 500 vehicles in the hands of customers residing in one of the largest automobile markets in the world.

When you place a reservation on something and don't receive it for more than a year, a lot of the excitement and allure of the product goes away, especially when there is more competition by then. Nissan's advantage was having a car available first. The main reason I have ordered a LEAF is because it's a fully electric vehicle. I'm not crazy about the styling and it's lacking in some basic luxury features (like leather/heated seats), but it's electric and that's what I'm looking for in a car right now.

In May, there will likely be more choices on the horizon and if it's another 6 month wait for a Focus Electric then I will very seriously consider getting one instead of the LEAF. If it were a year difference, I'd stick with the LEAF - but Nissan is closing that gap and every day spent waiting for the LEAF is also a day closer to the availability of competing vehicles.

I'm 100% with you Devin!!

I believe there was/is a TON of "favoritism" in this process (as Many in Europe and [especially] Japan are having theirs delivered/given FIRST!) :evil:

I too am [more] pissed because of what you [and many] mentioned throughout the various post/forums - that is, OVER-promising and UNDER-delivering.

It is one thing to make a promise, but for OMG (Gods Sake) PLEASE DELIEVER!!! :!:

I swear to God, that I would indeed go over to a Chevy/GM Volt if I could get past the "pain" of the extra 10 grand.

If Obama proposal does pass (fat chance, with the Repubs in power), and they boost it up and/or make it a rebate (of up to $14,000) then I'd be jumping all over a Volt like a Sailor on a Ho!! :mrgreen:

Dr. C.
smkettner said:
It is not a game. Nissan is doing all it can to get you the car along with thousands to other people.
Don't take the delay personally as Nissan is not picking on you. They are trying their best.
Just because you may have moved you from April to May does not mean they took the month off just to mock you.
Get real.

YES, I 100% agree with you - this is NOT about Nissan "picking" on me [personally/individual].


What is soo...hard about you guys understanding that!!! :!:

Don't you want people/businesses/etc., to KEEP their Freaken Word?!?

(As I already stated, as a logical example, you would SURELY want your boss [and other similar places in life] to KEEP-THEIR-WORD in Paying you your PayCheck, on-time, Right?!?) :eek:

Then why in the Heck can't some of you Bonehead people not see it here, with this situation?!? - AMAZING!!! :shock:

(So PS/BTW - YOU "Get Real") :roll:

Dr. C.
I don't see your name on the spreadsheet... why is that?
It would help explain your place in line if you would post the info.

Lots of Leafs have been delivered. The ramp up will be April/May.
You may well still be waiting for yours(as I also am) but the fullfillment has begun.

When exactly did you reserve? When did you place your order?
smkettner said:
I don't see your name on the spreadsheet... why is that?
It would help explain your place in line if you would post the info.

Lots of Leafs have been delivered. The ramp up will be April/May.
You may well still be waiting for yours(as I also am) but the fullfillment has begun.

When exactly did you reserve? When did you place your order?

I just recently joined this site/forum so am not familiar [yet] with the site process.

Here is what I first posted:
April 21, 2010 reservation date (I tried to register the first day, April 20th at 1PM, but Due to the web sites Tech "Bug" [which initially prevented me/and many from registering] I was not officially registered until 4AM the 21st)
I was able to place my order at the END of Nov 2010 (after contacting Tennessee, because it said I could register in Nov, but didn't open to me until Nov 30th [strangely, after my Nasty Gram :)
Delivery was "month of April" now pushed to May
SL, Silver, eTec trim
EV project (I WISH!! [I'm in the Boondocks!])
Desiring/Hoping to get/do a Self-Install (DYI), as AV is a RIPP-OFF!!

Lastly, I tried to find out my place on the "list," but EV Support gave me the "brush-off" when I asked for this info. So I hope [now] you can see why I'm not too thrilled with the process (and Nissan). I mean, I like and do want the car, but also [like many here] the broken promises are getting REAL OLD!! :evil:
Check here for the summary of the spreadsheet:

The delivery day projection should be ignored.
Even the tail end of September orders have been moved to May. So a November order delivered in May would be in the normal sequence.
Most orders placed Aug 31 and Sept 1 seem to have been fulfilled.

My reservation on April 20 was delayed because work got busy-crazy that afternoon and I did not register until I got home and DW says I got an email from Nissan. Right now I am kinda OK waiting a bit as IMO quality may improve after the first couple thousand have moved down the assembly line.

If you keep reading you will find that most believe many vehicles have unexpectedly been diverted to the Japan domestic market as the government subsidies expire March 31 over there. These subsidies were expected to get renewed and apparently have not. At the same time production has been slow to ramp up. Nissan has indicated nearly full production capacity will come around April.
JohnTheBaptist said:
It is not about a "person," it is about a/the "Principal."

(I was only using the "Stacy" story as a allegory/parable (you do know what these are, right?))
Yes, but Stacy could have "given it to you", but refused. Nissan is doing everything they can to produce cars and get them out to the customers (that is how they make money). They didn't have a contract with you to deliver by a certain date. They only have $99 of your money, and that is refundable. Like I said, feel free to cancel, but don't expect others to jump on your bandwagon about how awful Nissan is for not being able to deliver the Leaf as soon as they hoped. Yes, they did over-promise and that was a mistake. If there were other electric cars available for sale at that price it would probably hurt them... but there aren't.
smkettner said:
Check here for the summary of the spreadsheet:

The delivery day projection should be ignored.
Even the tail end of September orders have been moved to May. So a November order delivered in May would be in the normal sequence.
Most orders placed Aug 31 and Sept 1 seem to have been fulfilled.

My reservation on April 20 was delayed because work got busy-crazy that afternoon and I did not register until I got home and DW says I got an email from Nissan. Right now I am kinda OK waiting a bit as IMO quality may improve after the first couple thousand have moved down the assembly line.

If you keep reading you will find that most believe many vehicles have unexpectedly been diverted to the Japan domestic market as the government subsidies expire March 31 over there. These subsidies were expected to get renewed and apparently have not. At the same time production has been slow to ramp up. Nissan has indicated nearly full production capacity will come around April.

Thank you smkettner for your help and feedback (you've given me more from your quick response than Nissan EV ever has since I started this).

I am probably more pissed, besides all the delays, because I couldn't register immediately as I planned and would have liked (I have a Ph.D. in technology for Gods sake, and STILL couldn't register!)

I'll do the Spreadsheet thing when I get the time (have to run now).

Dr. C.

PS – Can you tell me when the Leviton 16a EVSE is coming? (I’m dumping AV as soon as another EVSE comes out. It seems like Leviton and SPX are the only choices coming soon. Any thoughts?)