What test drive?

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Nov 27, 2010
Kaneohe (Valley of the Temples)
I have been waiting for an electric car for a long time. The day after the Nissan Leaf website allowed for individuals to put down their $99 to reserve a place in line, I did. I get notices like getting an assessment to install charger system, I do it. Every step I take it. Then I get excited about Nissan doing a tour with Leaf prototypes to allow customers to test drive and get a hands on experience, GREAT. They come to our area (got the email)... they (the cars at least have to) have to get here by boat (Hawaii). They are here for a total of two days, a Wednesday during working hours and a Thursday at a college football game (to go to this event I would have to buy a ticket to the game?). Suffice to say, I could not make either time or location. I get on the chat site with Nissan and they tell me unfortunately these are the only times they will be in our area until they go on sale (starting next February or April). The dealership that is handling my POS, tells me that Nissan contacted select individuals from the reservation site to an exclusive showing. I tried to get on that list, but I was told it was totally random, and my name was not on it. Day before Thanksgiving, I order my car as well as the dealer handling my sale. Now the dealer tells me my car is likely to come before the dealer demo. In order to make everything seamless with the sale, I need to have the charger installed then go down and buy my car. I have never had a car buying experience like this before and frankly find it uncomfortable. It may be, as I have been told by the Nissan, that I will love this car, but I guess I just want to have the chance to check it out... if nothing else, I also need to know that I can fit my 3/4 size double bass in it.

I think that Nissan should have made more prototypes and delivered them to areas of the country and let these prototypes circulate through the dealerships. The tour thing is nice, but I am sorry for me it just added more stress to my potential buying experience. If nothing else, Nissan should realize that my wife's car will need to be replaced in couple of years.
drerio said:
I have been waiting for an electric car for a long time. The day after the Nissan Leaf website allowed for individuals to put down their $99 to reserve a place in line, I did. I get notices like getting an assessment to install charger system, I do it. Every step I take it. Then I get excited about Nissan doing a tour with Leaf prototypes to allow customers to test drive and get a hands on experience, GREAT. They come to our area (got the email)... they (the cars at least have to) have to get here by boat (Hawaii). They are here for a total of two days, a Wednesday during working hours and a Thursday at a college football game (to go to this event I would have to buy a ticket to the game?). Suffice to say, I could not make either time or location. I get on the chat site with Nissan and they tell me unfortunately these are the only times they will be in our area until they go on sale (starting next February or April). The dealership that is handling my POS, tells me that Nissan contacted select individuals from the reservation site to an exclusive showing. I tried to get on that list, but I was told it was totally random, and my name was not on it. Day before Thanksgiving, I order my car as well as the dealer handling my sale. Now the dealer tells me my car is likely to come before the dealer demo. In order to make everything seamless with the sale, I need to have the charger installed then go down and buy my car. I have never had a car buying experience like this before and frankly find it uncomfortable. It may be, as I have been told by the Nissan, that I will love this car, but I guess I just want to have the chance to check it out... if nothing else, I also need to know that I can fit my 3/4 size double bass in it.

I think that Nissan should have made more prototypes and delivered them to areas of the country and let these prototypes circulate through the dealerships. The tour thing is nice, but I am sorry for me it just added more stress to my potential buying experience. If nothing else, Nissan should realize that my wife's car will need to be replaced in couple of years.

I think Nissan has had a few stumbles in the rollout at well as the 'test drive events'. But you're not alone in this boat. Very few people have had anything approaching a 'test drive'. I went to one of the events and drive the car.....for about .75 miles on a very small route and that was it. A few minutes and I was done. NEXT PLEASE!

Personally, I think Nissan underestimated the demand for this car, but that's just my opinion.

I'm an August 31 order, which means I'll probably get my car in the first wave. There will be very little 'real world' info will be out there because no one (but Gudy) will have their cars yet. I plan on a fairly extensive test drive before I sign for the car. Since you just ordered, your car won't be delivered until February or later.....which means you'll have PLENTY of "Nissan was accurate" or "HOLY #$@!@!! My range is 1/3 of what I though it would be!!" information out there to feel more comfortable with the process.

Over, under, or right on the range estimates.....you'll get all that info here before too much longer. The first car will be delivered to Gudy in 14 days!
JimmyDreams makes a good point. The LEAF is going to be "in the wild" starting Dec 11! Very soon after alot more LEAFs will be on the road and all the guessing/speculation will end. Also remember that your $99 reservation is fully refundable. Many people with firm Jan delivery dates are waiting for very specific EVSE's to be released so you do NOT have to have an EVSE before you take delivery.
i think test drives are overrated especially on new cars. i have purchased the last 4 cars brand new without a test drive.

a 2004 Toyota Prius
a 2006 Toyota Prius
a 2007 Zenn
a 2010 Toyota Prius.

i made a commitment to buy each sight unseen other than the 2010 Prius which i had a chance to back out on, but decided at the last minute to buy after having changed my mind at least 3 times from order in Feb to delivery in May (i only decided to buy it when i resigned myself to the fact that there would be no viable EV options in the foreseeable future. i essentially spent most of my Leaf money on the car)

but i am doing the exact same thing with the Leaf. ya, i test drove it... on a Saturday afternoon around one of the largest and busiest shopping malls in the Pacific Northwest. the traffic was ridiculous and just getting out of the parking lot without hitting anyone was not an easy task. we did a loop which would have been less than a mile, but i missed a turn (i saw the Leaf ahead of me turn right, so i purposefully started a conversation and stayed in the left lane. by the time the ride along noticed it it was too late to turn) and probably did a total of a 1½ miles.

only got it up to about 45 mpg because it could accelerate quickly. not bad considering i only had a stretch of about 2 blocks to get up to speed.

but i am doing it simply because i am willing to sacrifice a lot to drive electric. heck, i spent the last 3 years driving a glorified golf cart at no more than 35 mph!!.

i am doing it because i know that hesitation would guarantee me waiting up to an extra 6 months (glad i did nt because it looks like the wait might by much much longer)

so ya, a test drive would be nice, but it does not matter, i am ALL IN!!
I missed my only real test drive opportunity due to family illness, but after I heard what it involved - a few blocks of downtown city driving - I didn't feel like I missed much. Last spring I believed that Nissan was going to provide real test drives for all reservation holders, and only reservation holders, probably before we had to order the car. That would have been far better, in my opinion. Yes, I'm sold on getting the car anyway, but my wife is very hesitant. The family situation at home would be much more comfortable right now if she had been able to drive the car. We're kind of in a, "This is so stupid!" "Well, I'm doing it anyway, and you got to pick the last car." pattern at the moment.
planet4ever said:
I missed my only real test drive opportunity due to family illness, but after I heard what it involved - a few blocks of downtown city driving - I didn't feel like I missed much. Last spring I believed that Nissan was going to provide real test drives for all reservation holders, and only reservation holders, probably before we had to order the car. That would have been far better, in my opinion. Yes, I'm sold on getting the car anyway, but my wife is very hesitant. The family situation at home would be much more comfortable right now if she had been able to drive the car. We're kind of in a, "This is so stupid!" "Well, I'm doing it anyway, and you got to pick the last car." pattern at the moment.

We both did two test drives. My wife is always very "ho hum" about vehicles until she drives them. Fortunately, she is a tech junky so the LEAF pretty much had her and her iPhone at hello. Good luck!
DaveinOlyWA said:
i think test drives are overrated especially on new cars.

so ya, a test drive would be nice, but it does not matter, i am ALL IN!!

I agree except when it comes to the Leaf, at least for me. I have a 63 mile round trip commute to work and a lot of that is highway. I'm confident that I'll be able to do that with no opportunity charging at work.....BUT, a test drive will solidify that confidence. I plan on getting in the car, checking the 'range' number, then driving about 3-4 miles up the highway at 60mph, then back again. If the round trip test drive is 10 miles, then the range number had better be 75 miles or better. if it is, we have a deal.

I drive conservatively and routinely beat the EPA mileage on my Ford Escape Hybrid, so I'm not too worried about the Leaf. Opportunity charging at work should eventually be an option, but not initially.

For peace of mind, a test drive of the Leaf is mandatory, but only for range considerations. Aside from that, it's a new car and will satisfy every issue by virtue of that fact. And yes, this will be my first Nissan product. :mrgreen:
Jimmydreams said:
I agree except when it comes to the Leaf, at least for me. I have a 63 mile round trip commute to work and a lot of that is highway. I'm confident that I'll be able to do that with no opportunity charging at work.....BUT, a test drive will solidify that confidence. I plan on getting in the car, checking the 'range' number, then driving about 3-4 miles up the highway at 60mph, then back again. If the round trip test drive is 10 miles, then the range number had better be 75 miles or better. if it is, we have a deal.

I've already kinda done that for you Jimmy....28 miles at full highway speeds from 51 miles showing at the beginning of the run left 19 miles left. Conclusion - there is a slight overhead for traveling at freeway speeds, but not that much. Although I should remind that we did use the AC on low, so maybe the overhead was it rather than the speed. But, in any case, I would suspect 75 miles range is easily doable at 70mph never mind 60mph.

However, I'm still angling for use of a press car for a couple of days during the first few weeks of December (failing getting my OWN car), and my aim is to replicate my own 60 mile commute as many times as possible with a variety of loads on the pack.
mwalsh said:
Jimmydreams said:
I agree except when it comes to the Leaf, at least for me. I have a 63 mile round trip commute to work and a lot of that is highway. I'm confident that I'll be able to do that with no opportunity charging at work.....BUT, a test drive will solidify that confidence. I plan on getting in the car, checking the 'range' number, then driving about 3-4 miles up the highway at 60mph, then back again. If the round trip test drive is 10 miles, then the range number had better be 75 miles or better. if it is, we have a deal.

I've already kinda done that for you Jimmy....28 miles at full highway speeds from 51 miles showing at the beginning of the run left 19 miles left. Conclusion - there is a slight overhead for traveling at freeway speeds, but not that much. Although I should remind that we did use the AC on low, so maybe the overhead was it rather than the speed. But, in any case, I would suspect 75 miles range is easily doable at 70mph never mind 60mph.

However, I'm still angling for use of a press car for a couple of days during the first few weeks of December (failing getting my OWN car), and my aim is to replicate my own 60 mile commute as many times as possible with a variety of loads on the pack.

Of course everyone's driving conditions are different... 28 miles at full highway speed on flat surface and at moderate temperatures (remember battery temperature which can be affected somewhat by ambient conditions will affect range) are going to be different than freeways on inclines at higher temperatures.

I respect others opinions that test drive don't matter, but it does for me... When I test drive a car, I check to see how accessible controls are (granted one could get used to where things are, but it still means something initially), I want to have good front visibility, along with back and side visibility with minimal blind spots. I typically request from the dealer that I take a slightly different route than the usual round the block. I like to find out turning radius (U-turns), etc. There have been on at least four different occasions where I did not buy the car based on the test drive.

Finally, like so many who have responded, I don't own hybrid so this is much greater transition and I want to get a feel for this new experience. My initial reason for writing was only to say I wish they had made more prototypes for different market areas. The tour thing may have been a great marketing idea for them, but it fell flat for me.

I will likely end up owning it. I am working with both the assistant manager at the dealership and the contractor for the charging unit to coordinate the timing so I have ample opportunity to feel comfortable with my final decision. I will say that I am just glad that my state is giving an additional $4,500 tax incentive and the power company is providing lower electricity rates during certain hours in the evening.
TRONZ said:
JimmyDreams makes a good point. The LEAF is going to be "in the wild" starting Dec 11! Very soon after alot more LEAFs will be on the road and all the guessing/speculation will end. Also remember that your $99 reservation is fully refundable. Many people with firm Jan delivery dates are waiting for very specific EVSE's to be released so you do NOT have to have an EVSE before you take delivery.

You need to be aware that IRS Code Section 30C expires at the end of this year... and given the new congress, don't expect it to be extended. This is the part of the code that give a tax credit of up to $2,000 on Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.... that means if you don't get your Charging station in by Dec 31st... you are going to be paying on lot more for the car. Charging up without this system in place takes up to 14 hours on a 110 circuit, that is not practical.
I have never purchased any vehicle without a test drive first and don't think I ever will. In fact, between my wife and I, we had six test drives of the Leaf. The best was in Anaheim where we were able to drive it for about 6 miles each in varying condition and on varying roads.


DaveinOlyWA said:
i think test drives are overrated especially on new cars. i have purchased the last 4 cars brand new without a test drive.
mwalsh said:
I've already kinda done that for you Jimmy....28 miles at full highway speeds from 51 miles showing at the beginning of the run left 19 miles left. Conclusion - there is a slight overhead for traveling at freeway speeds, but not that much. Although I should remind that we did use the AC on low, so maybe the overhead was it rather than the speed. But, in any case, I would suspect 75 miles range is easily doable at 70mph never mind 60mph.

However, I'm still angling for use of a press car for a couple of days during the first few weeks of December (failing getting my OWN car), and my aim is to replicate my own 60 mile commute as many times as possible with a variety of loads on the pack.

Thanks, Mike. I don't know how I missed that info....makes me feel MUCH better. I'll still do my own drive before signing just because I can. :twisted: Every time I have to pump gas now makes me cringe....I REALLY hope I have my car before Xmas, what a gift THAT would be. :mrgreen:
I can put some of your fears to rest. If you like driving a modern car. And you want it to be electric drive, the Leaf will delight you and be more than you expected.

Just drove it yesterday. ;)
darelldd said:
I can put some of your fears to rest. If you like driving a modern car. And you want it to be electric drive, the Leaf will delight you and be more than you expected.

Just drove it yesterday. ;)

I have driven a few modern cars I don't like... yes I want it to be electric. I have heard this from many and do appreciate your input as it does make me feel a little better, however I would still like to try it sooner than February or May (timeline for me to receive my Leaf). But, as I have mentioned I will get mine before the dealer demo arrives.
During these test drives has anyone asked about driving the LEAF through a puddle? How deep can you get the LEAF immersed before everything shorts out and you get a hot seat?
garygid said:
How much of a "test drive" will your dealer allow before you sign any papers (purchase/lease it)?

Will CA dealers allow us to cancel the purchase within 3 days?


I'd be VERY upset if he wouldn't let me go 3-5 miles up the road and back. Why wouldn't he? They understand that no test drives are really available for the early adopters, so it's be ridiculous to say "no".

I'll let my PD know my intentions when they call to tell me my car is coming. I'm confident they'll say "no problem".

3 day right of recission? Is that state law? (shrug)
Yes, I think the 3-days is CA law, but you can sign away that right, and that might even be legal.

One dealer told me that if you drive it off their lot, you have "taken possession" or "delivery" and "no-backsies".

But, if they let you drive it away with no paperwork (and no salesperson along), I would be a bit surprised. Depends upon how well they "know you", I suppose.
I believe the 3 day right to rescission applies only if a salesperson comes to your house and sells you something. I'm virtually positive that when you go to the dealer, sign the papers and then drive the vehicle off the lot that you own it and they do NOT have to take it back.
thimel said:
I believe the 3 day right to rescission applies only if a salesperson comes to your house and sells you something. I'm virtually positive that when you go to the dealer, sign the papers and then drive the vehicle off the lot that you own it and they do NOT have to take it back.

There are usually signs around the Finance Office at the dealership that say "CA has No Cool Down period".

I remember getting 3day rescission rights on signing a home mortgage, but a car is yours for keeps once you sign on the line.