where can I get leaf spy pro with out

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
Yorkton, sask, Canada
geting raped for every peice of info they can?

basicaly click, enter credit card info and download?

every place I seem to looks wants my blood type and more!
I'm not sure where you are searching, but I'm sure that most of us just tap on our Google "Play Store" icon, go to "Apps", search for "Leaf Spy Pro", and click on it. After that its a simple transaction through my Google account.
account thats the problem, I am not giving them any of my personal info, I have no interest in there services.

I just want some where I can simply buy the program, no bs accounts.
All it does is try and get me to install their crap soft ware too, this is getting disgusting now days can't even just get some thing with out getting raped for personal information <_<

Itunes can go f them self's along with google play store and amazon
Well, you need a Google account to use an Android phone for pretty much anything, and you can buy prepaid Google Play cards that might sidestep the credit card requirement...
Nope I disabled all the google garbage and deleated a good amount of it, my phone is an actual phone now!

Do you have any idea how much they are ripping you off, and selling it for huge profits to add companies!

Start by unlocking your phone, check the program dependancies and interconections to other soft ware, go through and disable.

Better yet make a new OS! with out all of the garbage!
I made my own.

Well, Leaf Spy is simply not for you then... There is no other way to get it other than Google or Apple.

XeonPony said:
Nope I disabled all the google garbage and deleated a good amount of it, my phone is an actual phone now!
XeonPony said:
All it does is try and get me to install their crap soft ware too, this is getting disgusting now days can't even just get some thing with out getting raped for personal information <_<

Itunes can go f them self's along with google play store and amazon
Welcome to the world, Xeon. You sound quite advanced for someone so young! ;-) Note that from your 160+ posts here, emails and surfing behavior, the NSA and Google probably already have all they need to know about you (including your blood type!) to make a very accurate profile, and predict your future behavior -- including word use and patterns. And it's nothing new (aka, "now days"); surely it's been going on for a decade or more.

So rather than making things so/very difficult on yourself (eg, sending in your virgin phone to turbo3), I suggest just going with the flow (within reason). Resistance is futile, you know.
mbender said:
XeonPony said:
All it does is try and get me to install their crap soft ware too, this is getting disgusting now days can't even just get some thing with out getting raped for personal information <_<

Itunes can go f them self's along with google play store and amazon
Welcome to the world, Xeon. You sound quite advanced for someone so young! ;-) Note that from your 160+ posts here, emails and surfing behavior, the NSA and Google probably already have all they need to know about you (including your blood type!) to make a very accurate profile, and predict your future behavior -- including word use and patterns. And it's nothing new (aka, "now days"); surely it's been going on for a decade or more.

So rather than making things so/very difficult on yourself (eg, sending in your virgin phone to turbo3), I suggest just going with the flow (within reason). Resistance is futile, you know.
He's probably been browsing through Tor.

XeonPony, have you looked into CyanogenMod? It comes without any Google Apps by default. Then, only if you want to, you can install the Google Apps.
Yep. Folks worry about government surveillance. Private enterprise is much more empowered and we've given permission--all of us. That said, I really enjoy leaf spy pro.
mbender said:
XeonPony said:
All it does is try and get me to install their crap soft ware too, this is getting disgusting now days can't even just get some thing with out getting raped for personal information <_<

Itunes can go f them self's along with google play store and amazon
Welcome to the world, Xeon. You sound quite advanced for someone so young! ;-) Note that from your 160+ posts here, emails and surfing behavior, the NSA and Google probably already have all they need to know about you (including your blood type!) to make a very accurate profile, and predict your future behavior -- including word use and patterns. And it's nothing new (aka, "now days"); surely it's been going on for a decade or more.

So rather than making things so/very difficult on yourself (eg, sending in your virgin phone to turbo3), I suggest just going with the flow (within reason). Resistance is futile, you know.

All they have is a bunch of fairly randomized data, as I am very aware of all the data collection points so to make any advertising data useless for them.

There is a reason I do not give away my privacy as much as possible. and a decade is new still ;) Resistance isn't futile if more resisted!
TheSmith said:
mbender said:
XeonPony said:
All it does is try and get me to install their crap soft ware too, this is getting disgusting now days can't even just get some thing with out getting raped for personal information <_<

Itunes can go f them self's along with google play store and amazon
Welcome to the world, Xeon. You sound quite advanced for someone so young! ;-) Note that from your 160+ posts here, emails and surfing behavior, the NSA and Google probably already have all they need to know about you (including your blood type!) to make a very accurate profile, and predict your future behavior -- including word use and patterns. And it's nothing new (aka, "now days"); surely it's been going on for a decade or more.

So rather than making things so/very difficult on yourself (eg, sending in your virgin phone to turbo3), I suggest just going with the flow (within reason). Resistance is futile, you know.
He's probably been browsing through Tor.

XeonPony, have you looked into CyanogenMod? It comes without any Google Apps by default. Then, only if you want to, you can install the Google Apps.

Yes plan on puting it in soon, and no, no tor, using that paints a good target on your back, no where as secure as most think it is.

Got a better garbage info template going and managed to get it working, It's great, love the leaf spy pro.

And for those who value their privacy: Addblock+, Ghostery, flash block, Hosts file mod, Mallwarebytes, and of course never use real information! or little as possible!
JohnBike said:
Costco has a great deal on giant rolls of aluminum foil. Enough to make you a new hat every day.
OMG - No! DO NOT WEAR the tin foil hat. That is government PROPAGANDA!! The tin foil hat actually INCREASES the signal. This was PROVEN in an MIT study. But now (suspiciously) the study is MISSING FROM THE WEB.

However, you can read about it here : http://web.archive.org/web/20100708230258/http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
