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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. G

    Another poorly headlined EV article

    Carolyn Lochhead, The San Francisco Chronicle's Washington correspondent, wrote a fairly innocuous piece for today's SFGate:" onclick=";return false; Even though it's tantalizing titled...
  2. G

    Electrifying NASCAR (sort of)

    Wonder how many laps that thing'll go at 190mph! :D :D Glenn
  3. G

    Auto Butler

    Have any LEAF purchasers opted to buy "Auto Butler" protection (or some equivalent)? Our dealer "highly recommends" this combination interior Fabricare and exterior Paint Protection package. Apparently the price includes re-application every...
  4. G

    LEAF Modifications and Accessories - an index

    I've created an Index Page with links to threads about all the projects that you incredible MyNissanLeafers have undertaken and shared with fellow Forum members. I've not included the various Consult and CAN bus scans, spreadsheets, wikis, external blogs... even though we all know how incredibly...
  5. G

    July becomes August - the disappointment continues

    Just got "the dreaded email" from Nissan a minute ago. This after Brendan and Ecotality both gave me a specific July delivery date in the past 48 hours. I've been preparing myself to deal with the loss of the full CA rebate, but this is one more kick in the gut that has me moving grudgingly into...
  6. G

    Free EV Charging in San Francisco through 2013

    Monday's SF Examiner reports: The article - - lists garages that will host stations and also mentions that 30 "fast chargers" (their quotes) will be provided. Glenn
  7. G

    LEAF at night

    We've seen oodles of pictures of LEAFs taken during daylight hours, but the vast majority of us have never seen a LEAF at night. Would one of you proud new Mamas or Papas post a couple of your baby pictures after dark? Specifically; dashboard/console, cool new taillights, and those intriguing...
  8. G

    Trailer/Roof Rack

    Serious question, but I don't know where to post it (and don't want to annoy the moderators.) I hope it hasn't already been posted in an obscure corner of the site that I've not yet uncovered. We're kayakers and will want to use the new LEAF to haul our two boats, as well as the occasional...
  9. G

    Mandatory E9 for EV users

    Here's what I've both read and heard from a seemingly knowledgeable PGE rep at this weekend's tour stop. "Pacific Gas and Electric Company offers a special discounted rate for our Electric Vehicle (EV) customers, the Experimental Time-of-Use Low Emission Vehicle rate (Schedule E-9). The E-9 rate...