9/30 Last Day of Sept ...

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garygid said:
It is still a long time until midnight.
And, best wishes.
See you 16 Oct, right?

Well, I broke down and called CS. Take with whatever amount of salt you want....Ryan says no Oct. ordering will be released into all Sept. people get to order. He said I'd probably get to order in "the next couple of days". From what it seems, it does indeed seem that it was the eTec evals that held us LA area people up since we were the last city added to the project.
Shall we start a tally to see who gets the prize as the very last Sept. person on this forum who gets the word to order? I predict I will win! :lol:

Yes, Gary...see you at the OC meet up Oct. 16 and see some of you tomorrow in Santa Monica.
Kataphn said:
garygid said:
It is still a long time until midnight.
And, best wishes.
See you 16 Oct, right?

Well, I broke down and called CS. Take with whatever amount of salt you want....Ryan says no Oct. ordering will be released into all Sept. people get to order.
Seriously? :cry: That stinks for me.
garygid said:
Bummer, midnight is WAY past my bedtime! :lol:

Senior moment ?!

Anyway, that would depend on midnight where ... though I hardly ever sleep before midnight local time.
As an October person, let me wish all the lingering Sept people that your orders are submitted very soon.
Looks like I'm missing my "September order" as well.
eTec accepted, and no further info, naturally.

Maybe Nissan should spend a little less time sending out useless zero-content emails and provide some information people actually need to know? This order process seems like something straight out of a DMV playbook.

Seriously -- how hard is it? The guys at AT&T are practically Delta Force in comparison.
ttweed said:
jfsquires said:
Just been told (3:15 PDT) by Patrick - online chat- that all September orders will be allowed by midnight.
7:45 PM and still no joy here.


Tom, I think you've hit the nail on the head...this process started with pioneering attitudes, irrational exuberance (sorry Alan Greenspan) and joy all round. Now, the proud and the few remaining Septemberites are feeling like the last kids picked for a team...what happened, we thought we were the best! As the hours wind down, we need to believe...we need to...PARTY. I call on our local Nissan dealers to throw open their doors and invite the disenchanted to monitor their dashboards together in an atmosphere of mutual support and hope. The first local dealer to invite us all and include decent beer gets my business (sorry Leon, I'm normally not that shallow...)

uspearls said:
ttweed said:
jfsquires said:
Just been told (3:15 PDT) by Patrick - online chat- that all September orders will be allowed by midnight.
7:45 PM and still no joy here.


Tom, I think you've hit the nail on the head...this process started with pioneering attitudes, irrational exuberance (sorry Alan Greenspan) and joy all round. Now, the proud and the few remaining Septemberites are feeling like the last kids picked for a team...what happened, we thought we were the best! As the hours wind down, we need to believe...we need to...PARTY. I call on our local Nissan dealers to throw open their doors and invite the disenchanted to monitor their dashboards together in an atmosphere of mutual support and hope. The first local dealer to invite us all and include decent beer gets my business (sorry Leon, I'm normally not that shallow...)


Would love to party. :D Still part of the proud and few here waiting waiting at almost 10 pm. Geeze, I think I know all those CS people's names by now...Patrick, Ryan
Kataphn said:
Would love to party. :D Still part of the proud and few here waiting waiting at almost 10 pm. Geeze, I think I know all those CS people's names by now...Patrick, Ryan
... and two other favorites, Olga and Hillary. ;)

(These are their REAL names, Right? In the midst
of my ordering 'issues', I'd spoken to each
multiple times.)
Yet another Sept order still waiting for RFQ to open, now 10:30pm ... online chat told me the same story, will release by midnight. How hard can this be to let us order?

Carlsbad, CA
Jim66 said:
Yet another Sept order still waiting for RFQ to open, now 10:30pm ... online chat told me the same story, will release by midnight.
Me thinks these Nissan folk are a "lyin" bunch. :lol:
A soon as i got home from work at 9pm I checked my email and there it was email from Nissan and I said Yesssss, but then I read the email and it was about checking Leaf options and joining a committee where I would be ask questions on the Leaf ..I went from a high to a low ..I still can t wait to see some Leafs on the street in 3 months...
September order month here - which has come and gone with no ordering available.

Of course, given that it still says my eTec application is pending, I'm not really all that surprised.

No big deal, really - if I can't get the car until Dec at the earliest regardless, what does it matter that I haven't officially submitted an order yet?
Well, I had to stay up to see....will they let me order? And the answer is NO! Going to bed and on to CS in the morning....or maybe I'll corral the Nissan people at the test drive. No more evil smilies...just a big sigh...
Finally got my email at 4pm on the 30th. Though my email said:

"We have some exciting news. You can now request a quote* from your local Nissan Dealer and place an order for your Nissan LEAF™.

But first, we just need you to take a couple of minutes to address your home charging needs."

Now I'm stuck and I don't know why.

I still couldn't get to my "order your Nissan Leaf" section. I've already gotten my home assessment and the quote for the charging equipment is ready.

Sucks to have waited the whole month only to know that I'm now stuck. Frustrated that I wasn't informed about any pending actions which need to be done before the quote is ready to be requested...

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