Has Gudy's ship come in?

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hill said:
LakeLeaf said:
Bummer - the Nissei is sailing the wrong direction, unless it is just making another port call before heading to Gudy's house.

Anyone have a link showing why some think this is the correct cargo ship?

I've been watching ship tracks for the last 10 days or so, and this is the only ship I've seen that has stopped at the Nissan Oppama wharf. Doesn't really mean that much, but we assume the first Leaf will be shipped and it's getting within a day or two of when the Leaf has to leave port in order to make the scheduled delivery. I'm also not watching 24x7 so it's possible that a ship came and went while I wasn't paying attention.

It's possible that the Leaf was shipped a couple of weeks ago before I started to watch and has already reached the States - or is almost here. The only car carrier that is registered the Nissan Motors that could possibly have the car is the United Spirit - at least according to all of the tracks.

It could be that the ship carrying the first Leaf's are not (similarly to the Nissei) directly registered to Nissan Motors so I could have missed it and the ship is already sailing.

However - I see that right now there are two ships docked at the Oppama plant - both appear to be car carriers. They are the Favorite Ace and the Nichiryuu Maru. I'll try to track both of these and see if either heads for LA. Since the Bravery Ace, the Sapphire Ace and the Pearl Ace are all known to be Nissan Motors car carriers - I'd assume the Favorite Ace is also a Nissan ship.

I'd guess that we are really starting to put the window on shipping at this point for an 11 DEC delivery - so perhaps I just missed the ship, or one of these suckers will head straight for the West Coast of the US with Gudy's Leaf on it.
The KAIREI is currently docked at the Oppama plant. A little strange as this ship is identified as a deep water research vessel.

Of the other three ships that have been identified as stopping at the plant over the past week, two are still headed west, and the Favorite Ace has returned to Yokohama. I guess there is some chance that it can sale from there to the US, but the time window is beyond tight now. Makes one think that Gudy's Leaf may have found alternative transportation.
mwalsh said:
Aren't you sort of of missing that United Spirit is in Long Beach at Nissan's dock right now?


The OP talks about the United Spirit. It left Japan before I had a chance to find it on the tracker so don't know if it stopped at Oppama or not. The last stop is listed at Yokohama, not Oppama or Yokosuka, but as mentioned, that could simply be an artifact of the tracking software.

But, as nothing that has been seen to dock at Oppama for the past week has headed to the US, it's being quite likely that Gudy's car either is on the United Spirit (or is taking alternative transportation.)

If the United Spirit is the carrier - does it only have Gudy's Leaf?

It looks like a full two weeks from docking to delivery, so if Gudy's is on this one, and others are not, then it looks like at least two more weeks until any chance of others being delivered. If it does have a bunch of Leafs on it - then I guess we'll be hearing about delivery dates very shortly.
The Favorite Ace, which stopped at the Oppama plant a few days ago, is now headed to Hawaii. It could just being delivering cars to the island, or it may go on from there to LA.

If the United Spirit did indeed have the first shipment of Leafs - then it would take 10+ days from docking to delivery. The Favorite Ace, if eventually headed to LA, won't be in for 10-15 days. Add another 10 days for delivery to that and you are just hitting the end of December.

I haven't seen any other ships dock at the plant and head east for over a week.
i would have to believe that gudy's ship has already come in. i am relatively certain that all measures would be exercised to insure that there is no unforeseen problems.

his car is probably sequestered in a warehouse right now being tested thoroughly to insure that the event is perfect
DaveinOlyWA said:
i would have to believe that gudy's ship has already come in. i am relatively certain that all measures would be exercised to insure that there is no unforeseen problems.

his car is probably sequestered in a warehouse right now being tested thoroughly to insure that the event is perfect

Yep . . . his, and about 50 others
I've been refraining from posting on this thread, but I just have to.

Tracking ships from Japan to the west coast? This is totally wacked out! :eek:

This is by far my favorite thread on the forum! I am in a state of wonderment! :lol:
charlie1300 said:
I've been refraining from posting on this thread, but I just have to.

Tracking ships from Japan to the west coast? This is totally wacked out! :eek:

This is by far my favorite thread on the forum! I am in a state of wonderment! :lol:

had a TON of people did the same for the 2010 Pris last may 2009 at priuschat.com

now is it really whacked out?? depends on what lengths and sacrifices you go thru to get er done.

but technology makes it a pretty simple thing to do. no more whacked than joining the 600 million people who keeps tabs on their friends on a daily basis at FB
The Phoenix is now docked at Oppama. It looks like it came in from the West, so may well leave in that direction like several others have. It appears to be a car carrier.

The Nissei - which was a Oppama and headed west toward Kobe, is now heading east again - perhaps returning the Tokyo bay.

I'll check the Nichiryuu Maru and the Kinjyu Maru when the site comes back online.
The Nichiryuu Maru looks like it's sailing west to Kobe.

The Kinjyu Maru looks like it made a stop on the eastern side of Japan and is now returning west.

The Favorite Ace is making almost 18 knots enroute to Hawaii. This would be the best guess right now for a ship that can deliver Leafs to LA before the end of the year.

The United Spirit, which could well have had the first delivery of Leafs on it, is heading back to Japan. If it makes it back in 10-12 days, it could probably still take on another load and return to LA before the end of the year.

Wish we could find some webcams on the Nissan dock in Long Beach.
mwalsh said:
Possibly moot point at this stage in the game, but World Spirit just popped up as being at Nissan's dock in Long Beach. Where did she come from?

The World Spirit is listed as one of Nissan's car carrier ships, but wasn't in the shipping database when I looked at all of these. It could well have Leafs on it.

The Swan Ace is just docking in Oppama while the Favorite Ace continues to steam towards Hawaii
Hmm. World Spirit was just in Tacoma - http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/datasheet.aspx?datasource=ITINERARIES&MMSI=636011023 before going to LA. Hope some Leafs made their way to the NW.