New low price EVSE

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thankyouOB said:
we are a tough group and very loyal once you have gained our trust.
If you want to compete here with that EVSE, you are going to have to match Ingineer's specs, service, performance and directness.
good luck with that.

I'm getting ready to send a second Nissan EVSE to Phil for upgrade.
I see no reason to change my plan.

Before we get too riled up, I do think that it is possible to do a "splice"-style hack to the EVSE that would preserve the EVSE's safety features. If one were to use a relay or relays to open/close both the 240v hots spliced in based on whether there's 120v present in the output from the EVSE, and if the spliced in 240v cord provided its own GFCI, I *think* all the safety features and timer/etc functionality would be preserved. However, I doubt one could achieve much of a profit margin doing this for less than the rev1 upgrade from, plus there's the inconvenience/tackiness of needing to plug in to separate 120v and 240v circuits.

That said, I see nothing posted here or on the website to indicate that either of these features has been implemented; in fact the mention of the yellow warning light and the failure to work with a charging timer leads me to believe that neither has. I would love to give themotorman the benefit of the doubt, and would love for him to step in and prove us wrong, as he was an active forum member before offering this service, but I think offering such a service without maintaining these safety features (and not clearly stating so on the website) is downright irresponsible. Also, most of the website is blatantly plagiarized from, which is just messed up, if not illegal.
Even if it worked there is no possible way I would go this route. Does not look like you can go back to any resemblance of the original. No chance would I have my $900+ Nissan evse modified like this if he paid me the $100 :shock:
smkettner said:
Even if it worked there is no possible way I would go this route. Does not look like you can go back to any resemblance of the original. No chance would I have my $900+ Nissan evse modified like this if he paid me the $100 :shock:
Actually I think the EVSE itself is untouched by this, it's just the J cord that's cut. So I would assume you could "remove" the hack and wire the nozzle end back into the unit for a stock-like unit with a shorter cord. Anyway, not something I would try either, as both mine have already been EVSEupgraded. :)

Also $900, really?! I got my 2nd one for ~$500 from back in July. I heard the price went up, but wow. EDIT: Current is showing $698.77.
I have to admit, I'm all for hacking things... YOURSELF. For example, a website may tell you how to do a cheap hack to your product to give it this or that feature, but then also warns of the possible consequences, then the person doing the hack for themselves takes responsibility.

But to SELL a hack like this to the general public who may not be aware of some of the risks, that is a whole different thing. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. It might be different if it was some $10 device than ran on 5V or something. But we're talking about an expensive car that might be damaged as well as safety issues.

I would at least make sure to put a lot of disclaimers on the website, as well as included in the product in paper form. I would make the user have to read the disclaimer about potential risks and click agree to it before allowing a purchase.
charlestonleafer said:
It doesn't show a picture or anything, but I believe it's the correct part judging by the MSRP.

You have to put in "EVSE" as the part, and "Nissan", then click "search", and it comes up


Item Number MSRP Core Price Price

EVSE $934.82 $0.00 $698.77

smkettner said:
fooljoe said:
I heard the price went up, but wow. EDIT: Current is showing $698.77.
Can you show a link, part number, or key word to search and find? I failed to find the obvious ;)

That is the correct price. New units form the dealer are now $935. There was a $200 price increase.
After reading through this thread and the debate over the merits of the offing the first thing that is clear is that this individual is not a professional engineer and even more alarming, has NO ethics. Regardless of the viability of this as a product, the immediate warning sign is that this person has plagiarized entire pages of content from to describe their product. Not only did they copy the content but left the links to the site for contact and ordering! Not only is this illegal but leaving those links shows the unbelievable stupidity and incompetence of this individual or group. Would you trust your EVSE to be modified by someone as unethical and unbelievably incompetent as this? EV Charge America is looking good here! If the lack of ethics and incompetence are not enough to to set off dozens of immediate warning signals then the unsafe electrical recommendations and kludge "hack" should. I bet they take cash and personal checks :roll:
After reading through this thread and the debate over the merits of the offing the first thing that is clear is that this individual is not a professional engineer and even more alarming, has NO ethics. Regardless of the viability of this as a product, the immediate warning sign is that this person has plagiarized entire pages of content from to describe their product. Not only did they copy the content but left the links to the site for contact and ordering! Not only is this illegal but leaving those links shows the unbelievable stupidity and incompetence of this individual or group. Would you trust your EVSE modified by someone as unethical and unbelievably incompetent as this? EV Charge America is looking good here! If the lack of ethics and incompetence are not enough to to set off dozens of immediate warning signals then the unsafe electrical recommendations and kludge "hack" should. I bet they take cash and personal checks :roll:


I know someone already said this, but I must reiterate, we do not want/need any bad publicity about EV's causing fires, or any issues at all. I just hope that everyone knows that this hack is in no way, shape, or form related to Phil's upgrade, and they should never be associated with each other. It would be a shame for Phil's upgrade to get thrown into a bad light because somebody tried to take a short cut.
I vote this thread be "locked" (can we do that?), or even better, just deleted. We don't need any more people reading about this than already have.
And to add to the other shortcomings, since the LEAF charge timer is in-op, it would appear that you can not get automatic charge termination at 80%.

Looks like save a hundred bucks and pick up a kludge and a bushel of woes. No thanks.
