Software Update

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Second full-charge day and only 3 gids worth of improvement - 225/80%/392v. Something else you'll notice from that is the pack only appears to be charging to 392v now, so that's automatically robbing me of a few "apparent" miles worth of driving. The only saving grace will be either a) it continues to tick-up closer to where it was before hand or b) the indicated capacity is now truer - ie: the non-linear usage I've seen historically at the top and the bottom of the pack is now more linear throughout.

Either way, I'm not enjoying this new anxiety I've been forced to endure! My sincere thanks to all the idiots who ran out of fuel the way things were and made Nissan decide to do this! :twisted:
Pre-conditioning the passenger cabin this morning bumped me up to 228/81.1%/393v. This is somewhat positive - before when I've pre-conditioned the cabin, gids and percent of gids had always gone down somewhat, never up. Drove quite carefully to work and arrived with 139/49.4%/376.5v. Between 5% and 10% down on the norm, which you can see for yourself if you check my spreadsheet for the last year, here:" onclick=";return false;

You guys who had the software since you took delivery and had gidometers...what are you seeing on a full charge? I know it'll all be relative, but I want to know if your numbers were drastically different than they were before you took your car in. I especially want to know about that voltage reading - our cars should charge to 394v (ideally). Does yours still?

I'm certainly going to give it a week before I start squawking about something being wrong. But the bottom line is that if I don't start to see numbers like I was seeing before my car was worked on, I'm going to want to know why. Is it the software? Is it the new battery controller? BTW, my car smells "electrical" now after I charge it - that's new and somewhat discomforting! I'll put it down to the part being new for the time being, but if that doesn't go away... :?
Keep in mind, that the finishing voltage will vary with temperature, as pack resting voltage for a given temperature varies. Of course, temperature will also affect capacity as well.

I park inside year-round, and my voltage is usually at 393v when full charging completes. (~95% true SoC)

The "electrical" smell could also be a function of temperature.

i have smelt the electrical thing at random times too and chalk it up to nothing. it is so random i stopped worrying about it like a year ago.

as far as bars? ignore them. before or after the fix, they did nothing but increase range anxiety. you have GID meter so no reason to look at that.

although you are at 44% at work, you still only used 35% to get to work and I will assume it will be warmer so a "bit" more efficient for LEAF driving on the way home. If you are like me, traffic is 10X worse going home then going to work but then I have unusually early start times. (have unusually early end times as well, but "rush hour" traffic starts about noon around here...)

finally, you could just charge to 100 % and not look at the GOM or SOC meter. you drive far enough to where full charging is not an issue

now as far as changes I have had my meter for just about a year now but think i got the update before that so only know what it did after the update.

i never charge to 80% though. without TOU, multiple (still free QC's) planning is not as critical. also SO has transferred from Centrailia to Lacey making her 64 mile RT commute now 9.3 miles so if not driving out of town in the LEAF we now only charge it fully about once every 3 days or so. charged it last night to full after getting home from work (local job 25 mile RT) and it finished at 8 AM this morning just in time for her to do her normal "day after payday" buying flurry.