2013 SV Timer Won't always work

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So, I brought the charger in the house to let it warm up (which I really didn't think needed to be done, but what the heck...) and also used a toothbrush to clean the charging gun. I went back out to try it again and it worked... Not sure what the answer was but I am hoping it was the cleaning and not the heating because it will make charging the car overnight very difficult.
llclark22: A lot of people here may be able to help, but might need some more information. I assume you talking about the standard Nissan LEAF charging cable and not some more advanced charging station? If so, it may have been as simple as the plug being wet and tripping a GFI protection and it dried up by being brought inside. Make sure you keep it as dry as possible. What is the nature of the outlet you have it plugged into? Is it relatively new GFI protected outlet or older on an extension cord etc..

If you have more problems, tell us more information and you might be able to get more effective help.
The charger is an EVI Portable EV charger. Model number: PC-0113-AA-SM. I use a 220 outlet that is installed in my garage and the 110 adapter for the same charger when I am at work. We HAVE had some messy snow and rain the last few days so hopefully that is all it needed was to be dried out. Fingers are crossed for school tomorrow. Thanks for your help!!