40 kwh battery percent varying wildly

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New member
Mar 9, 2014
I have a 2020 leaf sv with 40 kwh battery. I have now had two occasions in the last week while driving on highway the battery percent remaining has varied wildly from like 80 percent down to 10 percent and then back to 80 percent. I have replaced the 12v battery and so that is not the cause. I understand that this can happen when a cell may go to low when stressed. I have included my leaf spy dtc's and the batttery cells graphs. Do I need to see the battery cell graph when stressing the battery to see if a cell is going too low? Is there anything else I need to be doing other than taking it into the dealership( which I dont think will be that helpful). Are there any other of the leaf spy readings that would be helpful. Thanks


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Battery cell health looks fine, so may be an issue with battery monitoring system (software) rather than hardware..
Has the car experienced extreme temperature changes or other factors that may have had an impact?
Battery cell health looks fine, so may be an issue with battery monitoring system (software) rather than hardware..
Has the car experienced extreme temperature changes or other factors that may have had an impact?
Just winter but not that cold here in atlanta. I do think the colder the weather and more stress I put on the battery by either going faster or up hills seem to cause it. I've read that this may be due to some weak or bad cells that are causing problems when the battery is stressed. I guess the question is whether this is covered under the battery warranty even if the overall soh is 92% and the car still has 12 bars.
It has been documented many times that such cases are not covered under warranty and Nissan does not acknowledge the issue. Unfortunately.

But you can try...
I just experienced this with my 2015. Last two nights and all day yesterday, it was in the teens below zero. Today it was in the single digits below zero. (All reading on F temp scale)
My Leaf stays in a un heated out building. When I started to go to town the "turtle" light was on. It would get going up to 55 mph, but more slowly. On two hills I noticed a sudden and rapid drop in SOC. I abandoned my trip and returned home. By that time the battery temp had reached the 1st white bar, and when I shut of and re turned on the turtle was gone.
I would equate this to what it is like to drive a diesel when the fuel filters start to clog with gelled diesel.