Any interest for a VSP-delete module?

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2023
I'm thinking about building a VSP-delete module.

It would be a module that you simply plug into the wiring loom using the VSP plug behind your glovebox EDIT: combination meter (instrument cluster) after removing the current VSP module from a >=MY2021 ZE1. It's purpose would be to send the necessary periodic CAN frames that the combination meter is expecting so as to stop the combination meter from showing the VSP malfunction lamp. It would not produce any of the normal VSP noises, therefore silencing the VSP speakers.

Is there any interest in such a module from other forum members? Maybe I could build a handful of them instead of just two for my own vehicles.
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There are speakers? For the engine? I figured there was road noise because they cheaped out on the sound insulation. Would be a cheaper way to do it. If there are and you’re willing to dig around in the dash in the first place wouldn’t a wire cutter work just as well? A dead speaker is a dead speaker. Or is it the radio speakers or something that are also used for other things?
There are speakers? For the engine? I figured there was road noise because they cheaped out on the sound insulation. Would be a cheaper way to do it. If there are and you’re willing to dig around in the dash in the first place wouldn’t a wire cutter work just as well? A dead speaker is a dead speaker. Or is it the radio speakers or something that are also used for other things?
Yes the Nissan Leaf has external speakers. Not for the engine, but for pedestrians. Some owners dislike the sounds that it makes, especially on later models which cannot be disabled using LeafSpy like earlier models could. An example of the noise on the latest models is available here:

Other posters have reported that cutting the speaker wire causes a VSP malfunction lamp to show on the combination meter. Disconnecting the VSP module also causes a malfunction lamp to show.

I am proposing making available a module that sends the necessary CAN frames to trick the combination meter into being happy with the original VSP ECU removed (the replacement module being installed in it's place and using the original connector).
Yes the Nissan Leaf has external speakers. Not for the engine, but for pedestrians. Some owners dislike the sounds that it makes, especially on later models which cannot be disabled using LeafSpy like earlier models could. An example of the noise on the latest models is available here:

Other posters have reported that cutting the speaker wire causes a VSP malfunction lamp to show on the combination meter. Disconnecting the VSP module also causes a malfunction lamp to show.

I am proposing making available a module that sends the necessary CAN frames to trick the combination meter into being happy with the original VSP ECU removed (the replacement module being installed in it's place and using the original connector).

Sounds dangerous. If you hit someone and they find out you did it’s an instant lawsuit loss. Even if the whole thing is stupid. I wonder if all electric cars have this? Could you instead make it sound like something else? Say an endless stream of profanity or hamsters or something? That could be entertaining. It would be so much fun to have your car angrily mutter to itself Homer Simpson style at a traffic light…. Ooh! Montey python coconuts! That would make the news. Everyone would have to have one. Imagine cruising while your car is making speedboat noises…. I would buy one of those..
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I would imagine that your argument equally applies to using LeafSpy to disable the sounds on earlier models (as many, many owners have done), however the laws in my country differ significantly to those in yours. I already drive a silent Leaf and I am very happy to continue :)
I would imagine that your argument equally applies to using LeafSpy to disable the sounds on earlier models (as many, many owners have done), however the laws in my country differ significantly to those in yours. I already drive a silent Leaf and I am very happy to continue :)
Yeah, such stuff varies a lot. They put it in though so there must be a need somewhere. If it’s not commercially viable a raspberry pi hack would be endlessly entertaining…. *sigh* yet another instance of “I wish I could write code”
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Yes the Nissan Leaf has external speakers. Not for the engine, but for pedestrians. Some owners dislike the sounds that it makes, especially on later models which cannot be disabled using LeafSpy like earlier models could. An example of the noise on the latest models is available here:

Other posters have reported that cutting the speaker wire causes a VSP malfunction lamp to show on the combination meter. Disconnecting the VSP module also causes a malfunction lamp to show.

I am proposing making available a module that sends the necessary CAN frames to trick the combination meter into being happy with the original VSP ECU removed (the replacement module being installed in it's place and using the original connector).

My 2017 UK Leaf doesn't make any external sound. I always wondered why after reading things like this here. Maybe it wasn't part of the configuration for the UK market
Reprogramming the sounds from the VSP would be much more attractive proposition than disabling it completely. That's the unit which provides the various beeps and chirps to confirm charging starts and that the car won't lock because one of the doors isn't closed, as well as the warning noise for pedestrians.
As far as I know, it doesn't make any sound when stopped unless you are in reverse. Also, I don't think it makes any sound above a certain speed (10 mph?). Please correct me if I am wrong.
I'm thinking about building a VSP-delete module.

It would be a module that you simply plug into the wiring loom using the VSP plug behind your glovebox after removing the current VSP module. It's purpose would be to send the necessary periodic CAN frames that the combination meter is expecting so as to stop the combination meter from showing the VSP malfunction lamp. It would not produce any of the normal VSP noises, therefore silencing the VSP speakers.

Is there any interest in such a module from other forum members? Maybe I could build a handful of them instead of just two for my own vehicles.
Our firm is interested in having a partner who can do the canvas programming for the Nissan Leaf. Please contact me.
Reprogramming the sounds from the VSP would be much more attractive proposition than disabling it completely. That's the unit which provides the various beeps and chirps to confirm charging starts and that the car won't lock because one of the doors isn't closed, as well as the warning noise for pedestrians.
Thanks @woeful, that's a good point. I personally have come to far prefer not having any of those noises either (there are other cues I use to detect vehicle charge status and key in vehicle etc), but I can totally see how some drivers may prefer to keep those whilst being rid of the forwards-driving noise <30km/hr.

It adds complexity (need a class-D amp on the PCB now :), but it's certainly possible.
I MIGHT be interested. What about the idea of lowering the volume? I'd be interested in that. It allows us to say we didn't remove it, plus the next owner may want the noise back to the original.
Reprogramming the sounds from the VSP would be much more attractive proposition than disabling it completely. That's the unit which provides the various beeps and chirps to confirm charging starts and that the car won't lock because one of the doors isn't closed, as well as the warning noise for pedestrians.
Can it be reprogrammed to produce something really stupid? 8D I want galloping coconuts! With maybe some “flight of the Valkyries” to go with it!
The irony about this is that electric cars do make noises; mostly tires and motor. The problem is that the EX noises are drowned out by ICE vehicles. It seems to be impossible to get the ICE crowd to use decent mufflers so the push is to make EVs noiser.
The irony about this is that electric cars do make noises; mostly tires and motor. The problem is that the EX noises are drowned out by ICE vehicles. It seems to be impossible to get the ICE crowd to use decent mufflers so the push is to make EVs noiser.
All that is needed is less sound insulation which actually lowers costs the wheels make the same amount of noise, the ‘whoosh’ at a given speed is the same, etc.. “quiet” ICE vehicles just have more of it. That silver stuff you see covering the insides of cars in rebuild shows? Sound material. They actually put a lot of sound dampening material in teslas
I'm thinking about building a VSP-delete module.

It would be a module that you simply plug into the wiring loom using the VSP plug behind your glovebox after removing the current VSP module. It's purpose would be to send the necessary periodic CAN frames that the combination meter is expecting so as to stop the combination meter from showing the VSP malfunction lamp. It would not produce any of the normal VSP noises, therefore silencing the VSP speakers.

Is there any interest in such a module from other forum members? Maybe I could build a handful of them instead of just two for my own vehicles.
Definitely interested
Would like to be able enable/disable on demand.
If you do decide to sell this, make sure you havesuficient liability insurance for the possibility that someone is hit and killed because they did not hear the car approaching.
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If you do decide to sell this, make sure you havesuficient liability insurance for the possibility that someone is hit and killed because they did not hear the RAV4 approaching.
Thanks for your unsolicited advice Mr Lawyer. I never said anywhere that I would sell them though, and I'm not sure of what the RAV4 comment is referring to. Did you know that the sound is automatically muted by the vehicle above 30km/hr? That's the factory-standard config. But oh no, what if I hit them at 32km/hr and they say they didn't hear me?!