CHAdeMO dead?

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Tesla launching a ccs adapter.

No word on when/if its coming to the US, but if it does that will remove another leg of whats left of Chademo's future here.
DougWantsALeaf said:
Tesla launching a ccs adapter.

No word on when/if its coming to the US, but if it does that will remove another leg of whats left of Chademo's future here.
SETEC already sells a $700 CCS1 adapter for the Tesla, and it is available in the US. The SETEC is 200 Amps; I hope the Tesla solution will be more.
One way or another, it is pretty much a done deal that Tesla owners will have CCS1 access.

I expect the Tesla solution for my 2018 model to require a hardware upgrade to allow adapter use*. If it's not much more than $1,000 I'm going to jump at the opportunity because it opens up the less traveled roads in Colorado my wife and I want to use. If the Tesla solution does not work out for us I'll buy the SETEC adapter.

*I'm going by the European experience. Tesla offered older car owners with Type 2 ports an upgrade path to CCS2 use via a hardware upgrade + adapter package. The package started out at 500 Euros in 2019 and now costs 300.

As for CHAdeMO, let me put it this way: If I was offered the adapter for free, I would choose to pay for CCS1 instead. The improved charging speed, and reliability that comes from using an actively supported infrastructure with much more deployment is easily worth the cost of admission.
I just hope enough CHAdeMO cars are sold world-wide that someone creates a reliable VTG setup using it. It's not high on my needs list as if I ever needed anything like that I'd probably just buy a generator. Still the convenience of using a Leaf as solar backup while the grid was down (or up!) would be a nice feature.
goldbrick said:
I just hope enough CHAdeMO cars are sold world-wide that someone creates a reliable VTG setup using it. It's not high on my needs list as if I ever needed anything like that I'd probably just buy a generator. Still the convenience of using a Leaf as solar backup while the grid was down (or up!) would be a nice feature.
There are tons of V2H units, just not sold in the US.

There were over 7000 V2H setups in Japan as of 2017. I've posted about V2x w/CHAdeMO numerous times like at the below.

It would be dangerous to feed back into the grid if the grid is down.
Dang! I had no idea there were so many options. But after a quick glance it appears most of them are not only not sold in the US, they don't support the US split phase electrical system. I guess I do remember some discussion on this but never paid attention to the details before.

And yes, I meant V2H not V2Grid. VTG is technically feasible and could work but the devil as usual is in the details, and the will to do it. It shouldn't be much different than grid-tied solar (during the day) except that the inverter input would be coming from a battery instead of a panel array.
Thanks for the link. I guess I knew that folks were working on this but somehow I hoped someone would come up with the perfect, albeit unrealistic, solution. It seems so easy until you start digging into the details.
I had a call with Brett Graessle from Wallbox today (Quasar). He said they have delayed their US launch to 2022. They are focusing on the UK rollout with the programs there. He said they have been working with CCS but that he thought cars with support were still some ways away. They are also working to add an isolation mode so that it could be run off grid.
Thanks for the update. isolation mode is the whole point as I could for example without the equiivalent of a Tesla wall run solar pushing power to the car or pull power from the car to run some subset of the house during a power outage (which are quite rare here). As it is if the power is out and you don't have a Tesla wall equivalent the solar cuts out too to protect the line workers.

While CHAdeMO has been bidirectional for a decade (yes over 10 years!) CCS is coming. That said I think there is almost no point to release in the US as they are, they need a CCS version.
They could certainly get some pilots going.

I believe the expanding programs in the UK are one major reason why Leaf sales are continuing as strong as they are in the UK. The Ocotpus and Ovo FB groups are quite active and growing. Everyone posting how little (and sometimes negative) they are paying to charge and how often/much they push back to the grid. Honestly, the UK is a great market for the Leaf. Not too hot, and not too many trips you can take more than 500 or so miles in one direction before hitting ocean. (Brighton to Inverness is 620 miles, but that's at the extreme)
Electrify America recently (about a year now) installed a four station DC charging setup in a local convenience store parking lot close to our home. Out of the eight available charge cords, only one is CHADeMO. :|
OrientExpress said:
DougWantsALeaf said:
We have yet to find a single EA station with more than 1 Chademo.

Good thing is that you only need one at a time.

I watched a YouTube video from Out of Spec Motoring. They visited EA and he asked several questions and it seems as if EA plans to minimally support CHAdeMO and will focus more on CCS. Interesting enough they (EA) has partnered with Tesla to supply battery storage for EA.
ejm4 said:
I watched a YouTube video from Out of Spec Motoring. They visited EA and he asked several questions and it seems as if EA plans to minimally support CHAdeMO and will focus more on CCS. Interesting enough they (EA) has partnered with Tesla to supply battery storage for EA.
EA seems to be doing the bare minimal (legally required?) to "support" CHAdeMO given that they're VW of America owned and EA was part of their dieselgate penance. They got to spend $2 billion of their own $ on a network where they could stack the deck in favor of their own brands (VW, Audi, and Porsche) and their US-market interests by setting a trend/forcing the hands of other automakers, including Nissan.