Climate Timer Power???

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Jun 16, 2014
Hi All...

I have my Charger Timer set to charge at's usually done by about 2:30 AM....

It's gotten a bit chilly in the morning so I've started playing with the Climate Timer.....having it turn on at 5:20AM as I usually get in my car about 5:30....

Question... #1 Is there any way that when the Climate timer turns can grab it's power from being plugged in and not from the new full charge from a few hours before....

#2--Is the only option for the climate timer to run...for 10 minutes before it shuts off??? Can I make that longer???
Dreamer2000 said:
Question... #1 Is there any way that when the Climate timer turns can grab it's power from being plugged in and not from the new full charge from a few hours before....
If the vehicle you have has the 6.0 kW into the battery, 6.6 kW from the wall that will be in putting enough kW in to pretty much keep up with the heater.
But on a 2011 / 2012 / or 2013 forward S model without the charge package it will not keep up and you will lose some battery charge.
You might try pre-heat early then charge back up.
It would be nice if it let you limit the heater power draw.
But I don't think there is any way to do that short of rewriting the Nissan software.