February delivery == Atlantic Spirit?

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
South Lake Tahoe, California
The Atlantic Spirit spent a few days sitting in the waters off of Yokosuka, and then a day or so at the Oppama plant dock. Looks like it may be headed East.

Atlantic Spirit

February deliveries - could your Leafs be on their way? If it's indeed headed across the Pacific, we'll lose the track in the next day or so, then have to wait for it to pop up in Hawaii or on the west coast.
rnkepler said:
Don't think so. That ship has Balboa Panama listed as its destination.


Argh, that's a bummer.

MaryC said:
The UNITED SPIRIT is heading back to Los Angeles as of yesterday.

I don't know that the United Spirit ever stopped at the Oppama plant (I haven't seen it there this past week). It made a stop at Nissan headquarters for a few days, which is further North in Tokyo bay. Guess there is always the strange possibility that Leafs are shipped from Oppama to Nissan HQ, and then put on a boat to the states - but that seems like a stretch. It would be great if one of our dealer friends could find out the next ship bringing Leafs to the states.
We have the Sanderling Ace in port at Oppama now. This is a new one for me, so don't know where it came from or is headed too.

From watching the ships, it seems each ship sails the same routes over and over, but we'll watch and see where this one pops up as going to.

ETA - under way already - next port listed as JP OMZ
The UNITED SPIRIT has arrived at Los Angeles. It must have caught a quick wave across the Pacific to arrive this early.
For what it's worth, I got word yesterday that my LEAF was in the US, so it couldn't have been on that ship... Doesn't mean others aren't, though.
MrZorg said:
For what it's worth, I got word yesterday that my LEAF was in the US, so it couldn't have been on that ship... Doesn't mean others aren't, though.
From the dealer ?

When did your carwings open (and what is your est date now) ?
evnow said:
MrZorg said:
For what it's worth, I got word yesterday that my LEAF was in the US, so it couldn't have been on that ship... Doesn't mean others aren't, though.
From the dealer ?

When did your carwings open (and what is your est date now) ?
Yeah, the dealer said he talked to some lady at corporate (sorry, don't know any more than that) on Monday evening, and was told the car was in the US. She also said he should call her back today for more info, though she hasn't returned his call. My car wings opened up the same day I got a delivery date, which was Jan. 17th for delivery on Feb. 17th. The portal still says Feb. 17...
MrZorg said:
My car wings opened up the same day I got a delivery date, which was Jan. 17th for delivery on Feb. 17th. The portal still says Feb. 17...
We think the cars came on Jan 14th. Your date of 17th matches with our NW Mar 1 date.
Hi MrZong.
My LEAF came into the dock with yours. Would like to hear and see when you get yours (we should get ours within the same time or one after the other)- I HOPE!
JPC2822 said:
Hi MrZong.
My LEAF came into the dock with yours. Would like to hear and see when you get yours (we should get ours within the same time or one after the other)- I HOPE!
I don't think mine came in a month ago as was suggested. Official word from "the lady" at corporate is the "last two weeks of Feb, possibly later than the 17th." Of course, the 17h IS in the last two weeks, so here's hoping! She indicated they had local work that needed to be done before delivery, which I would have expected to be done by now if it came in a month ago...

Arg! Just give me my car already!!!
We've been thinking that the primary Leaf delivery ship so far as been the United Spirit. It made the trip from Japan to LA a few weeks before Gudy's delivery, and has made another trip to LA and now apparently to the Vancouver area.

Certainly the ship has more then just Leaf's on board.

Watching Oppama, it appears that ships sail assigned routes, as we've seen the same ships come and go from the same places repeatedly. That would leave us to believe that the United Spirit is worth the effort to continue to watch. We also saw one of the Aces sail from Japan to LA, so will keep and eye out for that too.

I haven't seen the United Spirit dock a Oppama - quite possible that I've just missed it. But with the small number of Leaf's delivered so far, I'm speculating that another ship has picked the Leaf's up at the Oppama plant and transported them to Nissan HQ, which is further north in Toyko Bay. (A number of ships have made that trip) We have seen the United Spirit stop at HQ before each crossing, so maybe the initial Leaf's are getting the CEO inspection (Carlos sat here!). Check those door panels for the seal of approval. :D

We are led to believe that March and especially April will see a significant increase in US deliveries. With this, I'd guess that the thousands of car we expect to be delivered will be loaded right from the plant. It looks like this takes 12-24 hours, based on how long other ships have been docked at the plant. So - keep an eye on Oppama and maybe we'll actually see the big shipment of Leaf's loaded. Assume two weeks for the crossing and at least two more weeks at the dock for US inspection.

It looks like a ship can carry about 2000 units (at least that is what is listed for the St. Petersburg), and it takes about a month for a round trip - so if Nissan intends to deliver more then 2000 Leafs in a month, there will have to be more then one ship involved.
That seems plausible, because got word that my car was in the US about two days after the United Spirit was reported to have arrived. Which now begs the question, how long, typically, from that point to customer delivery? I'm really hoping they keep to the 17th date. I'll be so sad if not. As it stands, I'm just pathetic. :)