Gasoline is expensive!

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
Bellevue, WA
Daughter #1 is home for the holidays. I borrow her car to run to the grocery store. Gas tank is empty, naturally. I stop to fill it up. $54.00!! That's what we spend for 2 months worth of electricity for the Leaf. Next year, I'm getting everyone a Leaf for Christmas.
FWIW, you're lucky to be an in area w/cheap electricity. (I lived in WA state for >9 years.) Puget Sound Energy is quite a bit cheaper than ripoff PG&E. Take a look at my post at" onclick=";return false;, for example.

My last "fill up" of my 06 Prius cost me $20.98 for 6.247 gallons which took me ~311 miles.

You can get me Leaf for Christmas. :)
I live in an area of cheap electricity. Unfortunately for my neighbors, it doesn't extend past my property lines. And they STILL don't have solar. Sigh.
Gasoline is expensive? Hmmm, I hadn't really noticed. :eek: For the past four months our ICE sat idle with less than 1/4 tank. Well, we finally broke down, filled up, and drove over to Seattle for Christmas. I think I'll fill up the tank again while gas is cheaper than next summer. Is one tank a year too much? :? I probably should sell the thing, but since its 20 years old, I wouldn't clear much on the sale or save enough on gas/insurance/etc to get a rental for those rare trips across the state. Hey, with all the QC's being added in WA maybe the next trip will be in the Leaf.

I'm sure gasoline prices will rise, but here right now, it can be had for under $3. And Costco is selling it now for $3.02.
It compares 2005 prices so the numbers would need to be adjusted up some 10 percent or so as a reference to 2012... But regardless, compared to most of the rest of the world, gas is dirt cheap here...

MrFish said:
TomT said:
Actually, adjusted for inflation, gasoline is currently not that much more than it was in the 60s...

I found this article that appears to cite accurate sources that actually proposes that we are paying almost twice as much for gasoline today when compared to 1960 after inflation. I guess it isn't all that surprising with the increasing supply/demand pressures.
Now oil changes are expensive too! Thanks to the quest to eek out an extra mile per gallon our 2011 mazda requires synthetic oil. No more $25 oil changes with a coupon... now it's $65.