Heater OFF switch on 1. gen. "plug &play" solution!

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2014
Sandefjord, Norway
EDIT: December 2015: This cable harness is now available on http://betterev.tabetalt.no/
Shipping is still very expensive (but this is what the Norwegian Postal service charges me).

Most LEAF owners live in climates where the heater will waste energy parts of the year. Sometimes the heater will use energy, and a few minutes later the AC will use energy to cool the cabin down. This is a waste of energy, and will decrease range.

Many of us has modified the system by adding a resistor based on http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=11412 "Easy Climate Control Fan-Only Solution - 5 cents, 5 mins"

These 3 methods are not easy for people without DYI-knowhow, and is a bit impractibale. Sometimes you want to just turn off the heating and keep the AC. The need for heating changes during seasons, and if you want to maximize range. The only solution is to use "method 2", but not everyone is capable to cut into the wires and install the resistor and switch.

I want a "plug and play" solution. A solution that even my 85 year old grandmother will be able to install. And I want it to be possible to buy for less than $ 25.

My idea is to make a small "extension cable" of the M50 connector to the climate control panel, and a switch (with a 330 ohm resistor) in paralell between pin 30 and 37. The cable lenght of the switch must be long enough to so that it is possible to install it under the screen, or close to the pedeals. Or left inside the console. With my layout it will be possible to add a aux.heater, and even the possiblity to adjust the water temperature.

I am not trying to make money on this, but I would like to know how many would be interested in such a "plug&play" cable kit. I do not want to order 200 kits, and be stuck with the bill...

Please let me know if you would consider to buy such a kit for less than $25. If I get enough feedback I will try a kickstarter.

Best regards,

I haven't been through my first winter but just for summer use I'm curious about your idea. I'd like to be able to turn the heat off for 7-10 months of the year with a switch and I'd prefer a prefab solution to having to make one myself.

Ask me again next spring and I might be even more interested.
Nice to hear that some are interested in such a kit. I have posted this in the "Easy Climate Control Fan-Only Solution - 5 cents, 5 mins" thread:

"For those who do not want to "DIY" you can buy a cable kit from http://betterev.tabetalt.no/

Please note that US residents(and all other non-Norwegian residents) must add the "world wide shipping" option.

This is a less than "non-profit" project.

BEWARE: This cable kit is NOT approved by Nissan. This is MAY void warranty,

Please be aware that I am the seller of this item.

Tech info:

Mode 1: 270 ohms in parallel makes the LEAF water heater system to assume to have a very high tempt. El.hetater turns OFF.
Mode 2: 2,2k ohms in parallel makes the LEAF water heater system to adjust to approx 30 C. higher than actual temp. Less heat loss.
Mode OFF: No input. The LEAF will heat as normal,

Length of kit: 10 cm

Length of switch-kit: 51 cm.

The switch can be installed up to 50 cm (cable length) from the center console

Be aware that shipping will be primo nov to mid nov. 2015.

1 USD is about 9 NOK. Price per kit iis about 11 USD, shipping about 7 USD

I will provide a simple "youtube" video on how to install the cable kit shortly after I have received it.

At the moment I am just "covering my cost", to make sure that this cable kit is available. I am not making any money on this, but need to get my money back. "
Hi Tor,

I'm a little unclear on your "technical info". Are the added resistors in parallel to the cabin temperature thermistor or the coolant loop temperature termistor?

Cheers, Wayne
wwhitney said:
Hi Tor,

I'm a little unclear on your "technical info". Are the added resistors in parallel to the cabin temperature thermistor or the coolant loop temperature termistor?

Cheers, Wayne

English not not my first language, so sometimes things get a bit lost in translation in my head when i write... sorry.

The switch will make the resistor connected in parallel to the water temp. sensor. So that the system will read the temp to be a lot hotter than it actually is. And you will still be able to get some heat, or no heat if you wish, and still be able to have use the fan and defroster fan.

Fiddling with the cabin sensor will do very little since the heater system is set to 72 degrees Celsius (161 F) on the water and the main unnecessary heat loss is in the engine bay. By having a lower temp on the water, the difference in temp between water and outside air will be less, and therefor less heat loss. By manipulating the cabin sensor you may even do things worse, since the car then may turn on the AC instead...

"Mode 2" will give heat, but it will take a lot longer to heat the cabin, and in very very cold weather it may not be able to give off enough heat to get the cabin to room temperature.

Edit: The resistors will be connected about 5 cm from the switch on wires. That makes it possible to replace the 2,2 kOhm resistor with one with more resistance so that the water will be a bit hotter, or less resistance to lower the water temp. I am not saying it is necessary, just that it is possible to "fine tune" to personal preference with very little effort and knowledge.

If you wish to save more energy I would recommend insulating the hot water circuit. I have read somewhere that the heat loss (at 72 C) in the engine bay is between 500w and 1000w. With a lower water temperature this loss is a lot less, but it might be worth the effort. I have insulated parts of the circuit and a "feel" that it makes a difference. But this just my be my bias. It is very easy to locate the correct hoses, just turn the heater ON, and just feel your way around.... I have used "foam hoses" (often used to insulate pipes in houses) .

I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask anything. :)


Stanton said:
TorC said:
I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to ask anything. :)

Can you respond to my question a couple of posts up? Thanks.
Stanton said:
To be clear: this will require removal of the center display console and some (mild) soldering? After which there will be a cable protruding from the top/side/bottom?

I am sorry. I did not see your post.

To install the cable kit you will have to remove parts of the panel around the center console. This i VERY simple. https://youtu.be/5bpU3pxYANk?t=1m32s.

There is no soldering needed. The kit is "plug and play". BUT if you want the switch accessible you will have to drill a small hole somewhere to mount the switch. If you want to have "mode 1" (or mode 2) at all times, there is no need to drill the hole.

The cable kit is complete, and no tools required except to make the hole. The switch is connected to three wires with 50 cm (about 1,5 feet) length. You can choose where to install the switch as long as the 50 cm wire is long enough. I would recommend to install the switch just under the 12v outlet, or on the side panel.

The kit/harness "extends" the existing harness and adds the switch.

Best regards,

Here are some pictures of the "sample"/prototype kit from the factory.

It MIGHT be that the short cables will be all white instead of copy of the Nissan color coding since the factory are unable to get the correct quality cable of "light blue" with silver stripes, and "light green" with silver stripes. If not all the cables are identical to Nissans, it may not be a point in trying. It also MIGHT be that an additional sleeve is put over the three long cables for extra protection.

And please be aware that all orders are possible to change (until shipping). If you want an extra kit, just send me a PM or e-mail. A unproportional part of the cost is shipping due to very high shipping cost from Norway. Shipping 1 or 10 items is about the same cost. So it is possible to save some money on getting in on a group purchase.


Edit: I am not able to add images in this post, so please see here:



OR: go to http://betterev.tabetalt.no/Produkt/nissan-leaf-heater-controller-kit-v2#product to see even more pictures of the cable harness.
Is the switch a three position toggle?
Mode 1 press to the right, Mode 2 press to the left, and Off (no change to original operation) in the center?
That is a very nice kit. If I still had the 2011, I would buy it immediately. I was temporarily disconnecting the heater temperature sensor under the hood and inserting an appropriate resistor to get by. I was planning to do a switch arrangement like your kit, but was reluctant to cut/splice the Leaf's wiring harness. Your plug and play kit with connectors for the harness eliminates the need to damage the car's wiring.

How to install the cable harness:
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7DqJbAk_c[/youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7DqJbAk_c

The delivered cable harness will have a 1 meter (about 3 feet) long cable to the switch so it should be possible to install it on the left side of the steering wheel. Where the switch is installed is a matter of preference, and how much work you want to put into it. Keep it simple or install it where you prefer...

@Gerry. Thanks for the feedback. :)
TorC said:
How to install the cable harness:

The delivered cable harness will have a 1 meter (about 3 feet) long cable to the switch so it should be possible to install it on the left side of the steering wheel. Where the switch is installed is a matter of preference, and how much work you want to put into it. Keep it simple or install it where you prefer...

@Gerry. Thanks for the feedback. :)

Nice, looks like exactly what I want.

If I could route it to a blank button left of the steering wheel that'd be golden but I'm willing to stuff it behind the console in a fixed position or even have it dangle down out the bottom of the console near the center tray/cup holders (if I can do that without damaging the wires).

Either way I'll wait until after the Christmas shipping rush and see if I can get cheaper shipping (call me a cheapskate).

It'll also give me a chance to see how bad the stock setup is (I haven't driven in winter conditions with mine yet). I'd like to have some sort of baseline to compare to.
Got my cable today, hooked it up and can confirm it works as advertised.

Thank you Tor!

Now to figure out how to pull off the center console, I would like to mount the switch in one of the blanks.
I received the kit on Nov 24th like everyone else via Priority Air Mail. I Installed it today and it works perfectly.

Installing only took fifteen minutes. Removing the center console is easy. Disconnecting the connector plug from the back of Climate Control module took a little longer because mine is a little tight. I had to disconnect the top Hazard switch connector to get better access to the back of Climate Control module.

I routed the kit switch through a small opening in the bottom and it came out near the foot area of driver's side. The cable is long enough to wind it around the center console below the 12V DC cigarette lighter outlet.

Its was 52 degrees outside. Turned on the fan with kit switch on Mode# 1. Fan did not turn on heat and Energy Usage monitor showed no Climate Control consumption. Even in Fresh Air mode with AC on, there was no energy consumption. This is amazing! Since 2013 (I have a 2012 SL), I've been wanting this option every time my windshield fogged up.

I wish I would have ordered Tor's LED light bulbs as well. I am sure they are better than the ultra cheap Chinese ones I ordered from eBay that started flickering after a year.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Tor for this inexpensive, non-invasive, kit. Planning, designing, ordering, website, shipping, responding to everyone's questions and PMs, used your time and resources.

You did this as a Non-Profit service for fellow LEAF owners. Something that Nissan should have done. My thanks to everyone else who created earlier DIY mods as well. Happy Thanksgiving!