How often do you drive without ECO?

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I live in Rural Ontario and I have a 2012 Leaf (24KWH Battery) so everywhere I go is at least 20 KM so when you do that in the winter and have to drive with Heat on and with the option of Eco Drive which reduces the consumption by 10% and the heater uses about 20%. ECO Drive makes sense so I use ECO all the time. Yes I still have 13 Bars when it is fully charged.
ECO mode also affects how much power the HVAC system consumes. And personally I prefer the feeling of the accelerator pedal in ECO mode. YMMV.
I always forget about this. I try to avoid using the defogger (i.e. I run the system with Heat on and AC off when possible) but when it's 45° and raining and our clothes are wet, that isn't practical. I should see how much using ECO helps when it's wet since running the AC really bites into the range. Having just a touch of AC for dehumidification would be excellent.

But generally, I never use ECO. Drive 90%+ in B.
Doesn't eco just mean you have to depress the pedal further to get the same response that you would get from non-eco mode? I never use it - or is there more to it than that?
I live in Rural Ontario and I have a 2012 Leaf (24KWH Battery) so everywhere I go is at least 20 KM so when you do that in the winter and have to drive with Heat on and with the option of Eco Drive which reduces the consumption by 10% and the heater uses about 20%. ECO Drive makes sense so I use ECO all the time. Yes I still have 13 Bars when it is fully charged.
I'm always use ECO and B drive on my 2019 Leaf (40kW) moore smooth to use
Never. I’ve done a few tests where I’ve left eco on for a few days and it has made little to no difference to range.

I always drive with ECO D/range and ePedal on, except on the rare occasion when going up steep grades
at which time I turn off ECO drive for that area. Such an efficient driving experience.
Hi I drive with e pedal on and in b eco mode or is it the same just with d range and e pedal on
I replaced the traction battery in the 2012 SL I bought several years ago with the newer 24kw (lizard) battery. I have NEVER driven the car in anything other than the ECO mode. I have the charge limit PERMANENTLY set to 80%, charge in my garage with a $200 level 2 portable EVSE for which I bought an adapter that allows me to charge the battery using 110 volts (although I have never used it). I am the Leaf's third owner and caretaker. Should I live long enough to see the battery degrade to the point that it interferes with my enjoyment of the Leaf, I will replace its battery again! This is the best car I've ever owned because its build is the best I've experienced, it is a pleasure to drive, and it still looks new. With LeafSpy it has more than all the tech I could want.
Doesn't eco just mean you have to depress the pedal further to get the same response that you would get from non-eco mode? I never use it - or is there more to it than that?
It makes the power response exponential rather than linear. The outputs only match at 0% and 100% pedal travel. The Eco response is less anywhere else, which makes the curve flatter near zero (smoother inputs) and steeper in the last bit.
I only use ECO when range challenged, does make a difference for me as without ECO, I like the quick starts off the line :)

B mode rather than brake as soon as I see red light ahead, recharge even if only a little. As I recharge every night (unless I know I'm not pushing limits of range the next day), 220v 30AMP, I have 100% every morning.

This is our around town vehicle, use each day ranges from 10 - 95%, yes, made it home in turtle mode at least 3 times since owning 02/2020.

Hoping to resolve same battery issue of sudden turtle mode on freeway with 60% + on the meter, each of 6 times in past year was on freeway. I would like to reach 100,000 + on this 2016, bought used with 32k. The 2015 I bought used with 149 miles, yes it as a steal, made it to almost 57k miles before someone ran stop sign & totaled it.

The Leaf is a great around town vehicle for everyday use.
I live in Rural Ontario and I have a 2012 Leaf (24KWH Battery) so everywhere I go is at least 20 KM so when you do that in the winter and have to drive with Heat on and with the option of Eco Drive which reduces the consumption by 10% and the heater uses about 20%. ECO Drive makes sense so I use ECO all the time. Yes I still have 13 Bars when it is fully charged.
I primarily use Eco as first level of regenerative braking, with B being second level. I have said for years that there should be a paddle on the wheel or the "shift:" lever.. because the best control of the vehicle and the best economy are closely linked to using the regen braking often and fluidly. If one is sensitive to throttle use to begin with eco is fairly unnecessary for extending range. I live in quite hilly terrain ( rather than flat land) with a 1200 ft descent from my home to shopping and etc, and that same climb returning... so I am mazimizing all the regen charge I can using the eco/B modes on grades and curves, and coasting in D going down... there is NO GAIN using eco climbing hills... unless you like annoying people and being behind the curve. The amount of energy it takes to move X tons up X grade for X miles is a function of physics.. and ECO mode cannot change that. Learning to manage the dynamics of acceleration and maximizing coasting are the real keys to best range mi/Kwh. BTW I HATE one pedal driving because it forces your foot to hold postions rigidly to achieve coasting... its as if the engineers didn't understand how to drive an EV efficiently. if you use cruise in the flat lands, eco may limit the accelertion demands it makes.. but when you really hit hill... the laws of physics can't be avoided. So, for me eco is just a nice braking button, that I can use it laze along if I feel to stupid to control my foot.
In the early days ( first gen leaf)...I was watching English videos of folks who had turtled trying to eek the last bit of range using Eco. Dumb...the way to hyper mile.. is to select N and coast with no drag whenever you can.. I think in turtle mode the car is already limiting demand ( ala eco) when you use the throttle... it is a judgement call wether to coast or use regen going down hill...with local knowlege playing a big factor...