How will Hollywood depict an EV car crash?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
We should all be aware of how grossly unrealistic Hollywood ICE car crashes are all too commonly, i.e. explosively and with huge balls of flame. Perhaps it has already been shown in one or more movies already for EV cars, but I don't recall having seen any. What gloriously spectacular special (and ridiculous) effects can you imagine will be used?
Well, they already portray Prius owners as "like driving a vagina" (meaning we are all wimps), you can expect the same or worse for EVs

BTW, the quote is from "The Other Guys",,20407755,00.html

"Not that Ferrell has left his surrealist-prankster side at home. The Other Guys gets you chuckling at the little details of Allen's stick-up-the-butt patheticness, like the way he hums while typing, or argues with Terry about how a school of tuna could whip a lion, or blasts Little River Band CDs in his sad, dinky red Prius. (Terry: ''I feel like we're literally driving around in a vagina.'') A few of the jokes are sly, many are quite obvious, but what knits the laughs together is the nearly confessional conviction with which Ferrell delivers them. He's not playing just another geek idiot — as, say, Rob Schneider does. He digs into some elemental side of himself, a side that craves order and niceness and civility, that shrinks from danger and violence. Allen is such a straight arrow that he might have stepped out of the 1950s; he doesn't even realize that his wife (Eva Mendes) is a total hottie. But that's also a tip-off that he's got a secret, suppressed raunchy side, a big-pimpin' alter ego named Gator who starts to ooze out, to uproarious effect, as the movie goes on"
I'm sure they will find a way to apply full pack voltage and current across the vehicle's occupants, resulting in either torching the occupants or exploding them (or both). After that, we'll see a standard explosion, where the whole car goes up in a fireball. EVs will allow them to add a whole new dimension in un-reality.
If an electric car crashes on land, it bursts into a huge fireball much like any other car (batteries can explode too, right?)

But if it crashes off a bridge into the river below, it electrocutes anyone in the vicinity when it splashes down.

(Of course neither is likely to happen in real life)
Giant electrical discharge, like a ball of lightning completely surrounding the car, then an EMP-like flash (never understood why it's a flash in the movies) followed by the batteries exploding in a giant fireball.

The real question is this:
When Hollywood starts doing this, how are the Mythbusters going to modify the vehicle to actually get that kind of a reaction?

Because you know that after trying to make it happen for real, they always have to use C4 and whatnot to get the desired effects in any way possible. This just made their job a lot harder. :)
tps said:
I'm sure they will find a way to apply full pack voltage and current across the vehicle's occupants, resulting in either torching the occupants or exploding them (or both). After that, we'll see a standard explosion, where the whole car goes up in a fireball. EVs will allow them to add a whole new dimension in un-reality.

I'm sure things will blow up REAL GOOD!
I sorta liked the way the original Predator "off'd" himself. Just leave out the mushroom cloud.
the more battery technology evolves, the less they are developing batteries and and the more they are developing bombs :idea:
How about the LEAF is 'Battery Ram' a transformer that does battle with the aliens from 'Batteries Not Included'!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW I love this thread.
After a few moments, the car will split open like an over-ripe
melon with an smoking, steaming, pulsing blob of battery terminal
corrosion enhanced, protein-based protoplasm oozing outward.


Because the blob will have already dissolved/devoured the
occupants, it will be intelligent, but with multiple personalities...
very unstable... with WIFI/BlueTooth/GPS... the Perfect Predator.

What it looks like under its shape-shifting, protective slime coating:

Once the creature gets its bearings, it moves off leaving a trail of
smoking debris/underbrush and scorched, dismembered small animals.
It obliterates several rural/suburban homes and their occupants,
and subsumes all their electronic devices... think Microsoft.


It stalks, disables, and devours a Volt, an iMiEV, and a Prius.
Is there no no way to stop this algorithm changing beast?


In time the creature, growing in size every minute and now a glowing,
sparking neon green, will attack and destroy the nearby city...
most likely it is Detroit.


The shy, unassuming anti-hero that saves the entire world?
Armando Hammera, pure BS


The EverReady Bunny, in the 'Toon form of Jessica Rabbit, is the
love interest, caught in a tragic triangle of all encompassing


He/She/It wins a Best Supporting Role Oscar for the deeply
moving portrayal of the internal confliction of having to hunt down
and destroy, "A good battery gone bad. One that was my friend and
soul mate .(sniffle) One that knew me, (sob) inside and out... "
(tearful moan)

Copyright, 2010, MyNissanLeaf :lol:
We put a hydrogen tanker explosion in the film I'm working on as our nod to EVs. The writers wouldn't go for anyone driving an EV as it wouldn't be appropriate for the story, so this was the next best thing ;)
I would imagine a total power outage in all of Hollywood and 100s electrocuted as the batteries fly apart on Hollywood blvd..Then they bring in the cleanup crew in sealed containment outfits and recover the bodies ;-0

Leafs sales will fall to 0 after the showing of GodzillaLeaf attacks Hollywood..
SINCE it has been shown that it is theoretically possible to create batteries that store energy directly in the protons and neutrons of nuclear isomers like hafnium-178, these batteries will someday deliver the energy density of a plutonium bomb. :mrgreen:
iceman said:
SINCE it has been shown that it is theoretically possible to create batteries that store energy directly in the protons and neutrons of nuclear isomers like hafnium-178, these batteries will someday deliver the energy density of a plutonium bomb. :mrgreen:

Supercharged!!! Where ya been???