I feel nauseous after driving the LEAF

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Maybe we could change the thread title now that we know the casue was not the LEAF......"Gangster Tint Makes Me Sick" works for me. I am sure that there are others that are much more descriptive.
GaslessInSeattle said:
that is really interesting! our previous car was heavily tinted, beyond legal as well, and I won't do that again, it was actually quite difficult to see into poorly lit areas at night, especially while turning.
I already find the side visibility poor while turning - not going to try to get any tinting.
BLUEH20 said:
Maybe we could change the thread title now that we know the casue was not the LEAF......"Gangster Tint Makes Me Sick" works for me. I am sure that there are others that are much more descriptive.
Hang on... Have we ruled out "Bowel Obstruction"?
Motion Sickness is fundamentally a sensory disconnect between what your inner ear's feel and your eyes see. Any fixed foreground object (in the windshield) will play more heavily against the moving background scene. This more intense sense of visual movement will not be felt by your inner ear creating a bigger disconnect between these senses. Ex - Some people cannot drive wearing large brimmed hats without yacking. Pretty much the same thing.

+1 on Ginger BTW.
Me too, just a little. I'm very susceptible to motion sickness and got quite ill riding with someone else in her Leaf recently and occasionally feel a tad queasy while driving mine. It is clearly related to the motion of the car, not any gases or things of that nature. It happens mainly when I brake because the regenerative braking is not as smooth at normal friction brakes. There is a touch of jerkiness in there that is not obvious, but which my inner ear can detect. Changing lanes quickly also does it, as the car tends to sway slightly. This is certainly not a feature I expected when I decided to buy, but I think I am getting more used to the motion of the car and will be able to deal with it OK. I drive very conservatively, which makes it less of a problem. I don't have to commute so I can poke along in the slow lane most of the time.
I hope you realize that the Leaf is made from recycled trash :shock: I think you really are allergic to the car.. Maybe different trash was used on each part in the car which means removing one part at a time..
I would start by removing a door then a seat then move on to the carpet,if that did not help try removing the steering wheel then the dash and so on down the line ;)