I saw 2 volts and 6 leafs yesterday!

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I see lots of Leafs here, as the Bay Area leads the world in Leaf concentration.

I'd love to be able to say I've seen X number of Volts. However, the Volt looks like just about every other small GM car on the road, so I'd have to focus on the name plate to identify them.

That's what I love about the Leaf styling - unique, distinctive and original.
dandrewk said:
I see lots of Leafs here, as the Bay Area leads the world in Leaf concentration.

I'd love to be able to say I've seen X number of Volts. However, the Volt looks like just about every other small GM car on the road, so I'd have to focus on the name plate to identify them.

That's what I love about the Leaf styling - unique, distinctive and original.
I usually have no trouble identifying Volts, although there is one car (not a Chevy, I forget what it is) that gives me pause when seen from the rear. When I stopped counting the ones I saw during my regular walk along an arterial between my and an adjacent city, I was up to 50 Leafs and 14 Volts. The ratio usually ran about 4:1, but lately ISTM it has declined. Given that the Volt is outselling the Leaf by about 4:1 and fully 1/4 of Volts are now being sold in California, I'd expect that to be the case. I'd also expect the ratio to be lower on freeways instead of surface streets, as the Volt is more suitable for a high-speed, longer distance commute than the Leaf.
Saw a Volt this morning on the way into work. A mile or so later I was pleasantly surprised to see it pull into our parking garage. First time I've seen another plugin here.
Today I drove from Santa Clara to Menlo Park on 101, and drove back home on El Camino Real (had to stop at Dittmer's and Trader Joes!) I wasn't specifically looking for Leafs, but I still saw 8 of them anyway. I even parked next to an identical red one at Trader Joes in Sunnyvale. While today was probably the most I have seen in one day, I stopped honking at Leafs after the first week :). I still will wave if the other driver makes eye contact. Last night I went through the drive-up window at Carls Junior and the young guy there was really interested in how I liked the car. Seems like the general public is beginning to wake up to the fact that cheap oil is gone forever with several billion new consumers in Asia, and alternative energy is becoming more mainstream. I will live to see the day when internal combustion engines are looked upon as old-fashioned.
Sorry I posted this thread awhile back and then forgot about it. I live in Berkeley, Ca I know that in a 3 block radius there is someone with a Ford Focus Electric, 1 Volt and 2 leafs (including mine) :) .
3 Leafs including mine stacked up at a stoplight on the way to work last week, all gunning for the HOV lane at the highway 85 onramp. I must live in some kind of Leaf neighborhood bubble.
It's rare for me to go a day (I have a 10 mile rt commute when I don't drop the kids off) when I *DON'T* see an EV of some sort other than the two that start the day in my driveway. Most of them are Leafs, but there are a fair number of Volts. I see an i-MiEV at least once a week, and the "classic" RAV4-EVs are fairly visible as well.

There are 4 Leafs (including mine), 1 GEM, and no Volts that drop kids off at my kids' school. (There are also a pair of CNG Civics, but I only bring those up because they have white carpool lane access stickers.)
Had an interesting day here in SF. I saw a Fiat EV in downtown with Michigan plates and a Tesla Model S on 19th Ave.
First LEAFS of Spring?

In the course of getting a QC today we saw 2 other LEAFS, one on the road, and THREE at the dog park we frequent. Also saw a Tesla S on the road.