LaTough J1772 EVs Adapter, Tesla to J1772 Charger Adapter

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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
If you travel a lot with your Leaf I would suggest this as a glove box item. There are some cheaper versions but I would go with the more expensive one and this one seems to have good quality. When you get it I would suggest you use it at some local Tesla "destination charging site" It will not work at the super charging stations unless the super charging station has some chargers that are AC level 2. There are a number of apps that can be used to find "Tesla Destination Chargers". The charger sites may have both J1772 and Tesla charger plugs so having the adapter allows you the option of using any charger that happens to be free or unblocked. An easy App identifying Tesla sites is ChargeFinder. It is useful in listing hotels with charging options.


  • tesla.png
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  • tesla2.png
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If you travel a lot with your Leaf I would suggest this as a glove box item. There are some cheaper versions but I would go with the more expensive one and this one seems to have good quality. When you get it I would suggest you use it at some local Tesla "destination charging site" It will not work at the super charging stations unless the super charging station has some chargers that are AC level 2. There are a number of apps that can be used to find "Tesla Destination Chargers". The charger sites may have both J1772 and Tesla charger plugs so having the adapter allows you the option of using any charger that happens to be free or unblocked. An easy App identifying Tesla sites is ChargeFinder. It is useful in listing hotels with charging options.


  • Tesla Destination Charging in ca.pdf
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I have attached a pdf file of Tesla destination chargers in California. You can search it by city to find places to charge using the adapter.