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We also went from "Saved by the Bell" kind of cell phones, to flip phones, to smart phones. Touch screens etc. are expanding quickly. Three years ago, did you know what a tablet was? If you don't think that a personal laptop from 3 years ago is more expensive, heavier and slower than one can buy today, you are oblivious. Does all technology move quickly over 3 years? No, absolutely not, but certain ones do, for many different reasons.

You have presented your point of view, and it seems obvious you feel you are more informed then everyone else. I think its time to stop bickering and trying to convince everyone else who is "right", when there isn't just one "right" answer, since it is all based on assumptions and guesses about 3 years from now. Put the potential risk/reward factors out there, then let people make up their own mind.
None of those changes happened in 3 years :) that's all I'm saying. The ipad came out three years ago, and after three generations has the same battery and weighs the same as it did three years ago. Check and mate I guess. ;)
wantonsoup said:
None of those changes happened in 3 years :) that's all I'm saying. The ipad came out three years ago, and after three generations has the same battery and weighs the same as it did three years ago. Check and mate I guess. ;)
Look at the difference between Roadster & S. S has a new generation of cells, higher density, almost 50% less cost (as Elon said). All in about 5 years.
Hate to pick nits, but the Roadster was designed in 2006 using old technology (basically a few thousand laptop batteries). It's apples and oranges.
wantonsoup said:
pgrokkos said:
Over the 3 years, even at a relatively conservative 3%, you are making close to $1k per year.
You'd be lucky to get 1% right now. So that number is more like $200 a year interest minus taxes. Or $800 after 36 months, again minus taxes of say 27% = $584 net profit from leaving the money in the bank. And that's a CD. Money markets are more like 0.8% right now. Savings accounts are so bad it's not worth considering.
Quite true with today's rates on a 100% safe investment. But we have had four years of historically low interest rates as we try to dig our way out of the worst recession in 80 years. Rates will be back up to more normal levels in far less than three years, so even a CD will yield a lot more than you are estimating over that period.

But if you are willing to gamble $36K up front on a car that may or may not be worth $15K in three years, I suggest you should put that money into the stock market. In case you haven't noticed, it has already shaken off the recession. You have a very good chance of getting more than 5%/year on relatively conservative stocks over the next three years.

wantonsoup said:
Hate to pick nits, but the Roadster was designed in 2006 using old technology (basically a few thousand laptop batteries). It's apples and oranges.
Model S also has a few thousand laptop (form factor) batteries. You didn't know that ?

BTW, I was paraphrasing Elon earlier. Not making up something on my own.