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Personally I think Nissan is trying really hard to fufill the orders as they come. With the recent tradgic events that happened in Japan there is no sence in getting upset with Nissan over it. If your orders were supposed to come in April or May, I'm sure you would have got your vehicles if it weren't for the tsunami.
iloveleaf said:
Personally I think Nissan is trying really hard to fufill the orders as they come. With the recent tradgic events that happened in Japan there is no sense in getting upset with Nissan over it. If your orders were supposed to come in April or May, I'm sure you would have got your vehicles if it weren't for the tsunami.

I did one of the "end of October" orders, delivery was April, then was May, now "Pending".
SL+QC white
iloveleaf said:
Personally I think Nissan is trying really hard to fufill the orders as they come. With the recent tradgic events that happened in Japan there is no sence in getting upset with Nissan over it. If your orders were supposed to come in April or May, I'm sure you would have got your vehicles if it weren't for the tsunami.

I don't follow. How, exactly, did the tsunami impact those cars that were already built, shipped, and headed to Long Beach?

Was it the 20" swell that hit the SoCal Pacific coast?
Was the Japanese workforce required to unpack/test the cars in California, travel delayed?
I haven't heard the connection yet -- why those ~1500 cars can't be put on trucks and shipped IN ORDER to the people who ordered them first.

I think everyone totally understands why the factory stopped and the hardships they're going through to get back on their feet. My beef is that Nissan (AMERICA) is screwing up the delivery order (and communication) here in the US, and hiding behind the disaster as cover. That's not nice.
GroundLoop said:
iloveleaf said:
Personally I think Nissan is trying really hard to fufill the orders as they come. With the recent tradgic events that happened in Japan there is no sence in getting upset with Nissan over it. If your orders were supposed to come in April or May, I'm sure you would have got your vehicles if it weren't for the tsunami.

I don't follow. How, exactly, did the tsunami impact those cars that were already built, shipped, and headed to Long Beach?

Was it the 20" swell that hit the SoCal Pacific coast?
Was the Japanese workforce required to unpack/test the cars in California, travel delayed?
I haven't heard the connection yet -- why those ~1500 cars can't be put on trucks and shipped IN ORDER to the people who ordered them first.

I think everyone totally understands why the factory stopped and the hardships they're going through to get back on their feet. My beef is that Nissan (AMERICA) is screwing up the delivery order (and communication) here in the US, and hiding behind the disaster as cover. That's not nice.

Amen. Stop telling me the tsunami affected my delivery -- at least until you explain just how many of the "1500" you intend to deliver out of order, Nissan. But, before you do, please explain why that problem is too difficult to correct.
GroundLoop said:
iloveleaf said:
Personally I think Nissan is trying really hard to fufill the orders as they come. With the recent tradgic events that happened in Japan there is no sence in getting upset with Nissan over it. If your orders were supposed to come in April or May, I'm sure you would have got your vehicles if it weren't for the tsunami.
I don't follow. How, exactly, did the tsunami impact those cars that were already built, shipped, and headed to Long Beach?

Was it the 20" swell that hit the SoCal Pacific coast?
Was the Japanese workforce required to unpack/test the cars in California, travel delayed?
I haven't heard the connection yet -- why those ~1500 cars can't be put on trucks and shipped IN ORDER to the people who ordered them first.

I think everyone totally understands why the factory stopped and the hardships they're going through to get back on their feet. My beef is that Nissan (AMERICA) is screwing up the delivery order (and communication) here in the US, and hiding behind the disaster as cover. That's not nice.
It's difficult to keep all the info straight as it's almost a full-time job keeping up with the forum and pulling the pieces of info together.

Here's the challenge as I see it. I may have missed some posts here, might have gotten bad info from Nissan, and might have gotten good info but not understood it fully. But with that said...
- It appears that Nissan was starting to turn the Leaf production rate up, and that seems to be confirmed by at least the two ships in rapid succession that made their way to the West Coast last month.
- It's clear that either Nissan or a vendor made a mistake and assigned some cars out of order - and that may have caused 2011 orders like mine to get a month of May(be) while orders from 2010 stayed in Penduary.
- Nissan appears to have made the decision to leave the out-of-order orders as they are and quickly back-fill the missing orders from future ships.
-Next in the timeline appears to have been the quake/tsunami/nuke problem that's beating Japan about the head and shoulders. Serious shift in priorities, timeline, and capabilities...
- The quake and rolling blackouts trashed communications between Nissan Japan and Nissan NA, trashed in-transit visibility, and caused automated systems to fail. At least some processes are being done manually.

Thanks to the disaster we won't have ships for a bit, so the backfill plan isn't going to work. Plan B to get cars to the jumped-over folks appears to include re-assigning dealer demo cars. It now appears (from all the moves from 'month of' to Penduary) that backfilling the lost orders is going to expand the delay between the March/April deliveries and the May deliveries. It also appears that at least some of the April and May orders are being reassigned to back-fill.

It's not like to go smoothly for a bit as the folks at Nissan are apparently still trying to work with manual systems, figure out what they've got and where it is, and try to work thru the mess quickly enough so the customers aren't too upset overall. I really feel for Nissan as they're damned if they do and damned if they don't - they are going to upset someone from the earlier group if a December or January order stands, and they're going to upset folks from April, May, and beyond as 'their' cars are pulled back to fill earlier orders.

I do not envy the folks at Nissan a single bit.
Something interesting happened today. This afternoon I got a call from my PD saying he was checking his supplemental order list from Nissan and my order was listed on it along with a VIN# and manufacture date (exactly one month ago). My DB and his dashboard still show the order as pending.
AndyH said:
I really feel for Nissan as they're damned if they do and damned if they don't - they are going to upset someone from the earlier group if a December or January order stands, and they're going to upset folks from April, May, and beyond as 'their' cars are pulled back to fill earlier orders.

Andy, what always amazes me is how MNLers are forced to speculate on what is happening. You may be very close in describing what is happening. OR, you may be off by a mile. That is part of the problem. It would not be difficult for Nissan to say, "Here is what happened and here is what we are planning to do." I agree that someone will still be upset.

BUT I still contend that we are all adults and if we are told the truth and the solution to the problem is fair then I think we can all deal with it. But, I for one get tired of all of the speculation that we have to do.

Maybe I am incredibly naieve, but I can't help but think that anyone with a 2011 order wouldn't realize a mistake was made and if correcting it meant reassigning their car, that they would agree that it would be the right thing to do. Sure they would be disappointed, all of us would. (And I know, "Life isn't fair" but I contend that we should all still strive to make it so.) :)
leafkabob said:
AndyH said:
I really feel for Nissan as they're damned if they do and damned if they don't - they are going to upset someone from the earlier group if a December or January order stands, and they're going to upset folks from April, May, and beyond as 'their' cars are pulled back to fill earlier orders.
Andy, what always amazes me is how MNLers are forced to speculate on what is happening. You may be very close in describing what is happening. OR, you may be off by a mile. That is part of the problem. It would not be difficult for Nissan to say, "Here is what happened and here is what we are planning to do." I agree that someone will still be upset.

BUT I still contend that we are all adults and if we are told the truth and the solution to the problem is fair then I think we can all deal with it. But, I for one get tired of all of the speculation that we have to do.

Maybe I am incredibly naieve, but I can't help but think that anyone with a 2011 order wouldn't realize a mistake was made and if correcting it meant reassigning their car, that they would agree that it would be the right thing to do. Sure they would be disappointed, all of us would. (And I know, "Life isn't fair" but I contend that we should all still strive to make it so.) :)
I won't disagree with any of this. (But if I switch to Devil's Advocate mode, we're really not 'forced' to do anything. I'd be upset if I put down a $5K deposit...) (ok..back to reality...) All I can suggest, having been on the other side of the CS counter in a previous life, is that there are a LOT more of 'us' than there are of 'them', and they either have time to fix the delivery problems or tell each of us, one at a time, what's happened to our orders.

They likely cannot send a blanket email to everyone that's meaningful as there are a number of different situations out here in the field. (One example is the recent email messages - folks being told their cars are coming as they're moved from 'month of' to pending, others emailed about their move to pending while their PD confirms they still have a car, VIN, and delivery date. Bad times at Nissan right now...)

Maybe this is my own bias showing... My USAF career started with electric typewriters and teletype machines and ended with networked computers and the internet. What I saw happen over and over is that each time some task was automated, people quickly forgot how to do things manually. When something bad happened (like the guys 'down the hill' cutting the fiber bundle with the backhoe while trenching for the new water lines...), it took too much time remembering how to do things manually after finding the forms and other tools stashed in the emergency cabinet (and we kept relearning that we could only do about 60% manually).

I hope I'm wrong, but my gut has it's accurate moments... So maybe I'm only off 3/4 of a mile. ;)
mgoleta said:
Something interesting happened today. This afternoon I got a call from my PD saying he was checking his supplemental order list from Nissan and my order was listed on it along with a VIN# and manufacture date (exactly one month ago). My DB and his dashboard still show the order as pending.

Good for you! I hope there's truth in his statement, as it bodes well for all of us...
ahagge said:
mgoleta said:
This afternoon I got a call from my PD saying he was checking his supplemental order list from Nissan and my order was listed on it along with a VIN# and manufacture date (exactly one month ago). My DB and his dashboard still show the order as pending.

Good for you! I hope there's truth in his statement, as it bodes well for all of us...
I received a call today from CS confirming that although my DB says "pending" my car is indeed in Long Beach being prepped. CS rep did not have VIN or delivery date to provide, but does expect to be able to firm both those items up in the coming days.
OKay, after about a day or so after receiving the "Events in Japan" e-mail, my "Month of April" went back to "Pending". I was prepared to bite the cliché, but the reports here suggest I should get on the horn to North Bay Nissan and say "hey, whisky tango...?" in hopes that my late September order was still on track. Or am I missing something? (It wouldn't be the first time! :? )

Blue Ocean Leaf SL, QC
Res 4/20/10
Ordered 9/29/2010 4:13PM (PDT)*
Delivery - April 2011... um, maybe?

*Received "You can now RAQ..." e-mail at 3:08 PM the same day.
Andyh wrote:
It's not like to go smoothly for a bit as the folks at Nissan are apparently still trying to work with manual systems, figure out what they've got and where it is, and try to work thru the mess quickly enough so the customers aren't too upset overall. I really feel for Nissan as they're damned if they do and damned if they don't - they are going to upset someone from the earlier group if a December or January order stands, and they're going to upset folks from April, May, and beyond as 'their' cars are pulled back to fill earlier orders.

I do not envy the folks at Nissan a single bit.

I agree with everything that Andy said and would point out one additional thing - the automated systems for Leaf reservations/orders/allocation were new systems developed just for the Leaf and have already been demonstrated to being not up to the job. So there are no pre-existing manual systems in the backup closet, they are going to have to make it up as they go along.
Beachcliffs said:
ahagge said:
mgoleta said:
This afternoon I got a call from my PD saying he was checking his supplemental order list from Nissan and my order was listed on it along with a VIN# and manufacture date (exactly one month ago). My DB and his dashboard still show the order as pending.

Good for you! I hope there's truth in his statement, as it bodes well for all of us...
I received a call today from CS confirming that although my DB says "pending" my car is indeed in Long Beach being prepped. CS rep did not have VIN or delivery date to provide, but does expect to be able to firm both those items up in the coming days.

Call your PD, and tell them to follow these steps. Log into NNANet, go to "Work Space" and the "Order Management System." Hover over "Reports" and click "Status Reports." Finally, click "Customer Orders" and then he'll have a pdf of all his inbound orders.

If you have a VIN, your car is built. If it has a VIN and the status is "HOLD" it's stuck in the port. I've had a few people lose their ETA's on their dashboard, but their cars are built, and in the port. If your name isn't on that report, your car is not yet in line for production.

I spent a fair bit of time with CS recently letting them know how this works, and why I had better information than they did. There has been more than a fair bit of miscommunication spread by CS, as the LEAF ordering process is brand new, and unlike any other car Nissan has.

I highly doubt you'll get a delivery date, as everything I have in the port is showing "HOLD" while they sort through an issue (most likely the AC), and my contact in the port hasn't emailed me back in awhile.
Brendan, is your list out of order, ie do you have Jan orders with VINs and Sep/Oct orders w/o VINs, or do you have an accurate ordering sequence.
xtremeflyer said:
Brendan, is your list out of order, ie do you have Jan orders with VINs and Sep/Oct orders w/o VINs, or do you have an accurate ordering sequence.

Everyone is dealing with line jumpers in Jan/Early Feb. CS line said it was due to damaged cars that were already produced, but who knows. Database error with their flakey website seems more accurate. I know plenty of guys here (myself included, my SL is pending) are bent out of shape about it.
To paraphrase beachcliffs.....I received a call today from Mike in CS confirming that although my DB says "pending" my car is indeed in Long Beach being prepped. CS rep did not have VIN or delivery date to provide, but does expect to be able to firm both those items up in the coming days. I asked how I would be contacted. He said I would be called. I did not initiate a call to CS today. He called on his own. This is the first Nissan initiated call I have ever received. I was dumbstruck!

Here's hoping!

Update: just talked to PD. He said my car was produced 3-7-11. I have a VIN (1467) and car is on hold in the port of LA. :mrgreen: