Official EV Project / Ecotality / free charger thread

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I am LAR-0526. This was on the Sunwest paperwork. I just was approved last week. Ordered on 9/3 - really hoping for a January (December would have been better) delivery.
I am SDR-0073 on my assessment document. Reserved 4/20, given a Sept. order date, but assessment was late and didn't get to order until 10/1. Probably looking at a Feb.-Mar. delivery the way things appear to be slipping...

Sure would like to hear of someone being contacted by Ecotality or update to dashboard to indicate install date/time. I don't have a lot of confidence in Ecotality delivery at the moment.
SeattleBlueLeaf said:
Sure would like to hear of someone being contacted by Ecotality or update to dashboard to indicate install date/time. I don't have a lot of confidence in Ecotality delivery at the moment.

I'm actually the other way around - when I spoke with them during the eval process, they were very forthcoming with information and very helpful (talking with my local SD rep). I suspect the challenges are getting logistics to line up between Nissan, the power companies, the regulators, and eTec/Ecotality.

I still have a sneaking suspicion that San Diego's coming first..or at least tied-for-first to get Leafs... makes me wonder if the number is sequential by region or irrespective of region... (haven't seen any numbers overlap yet)
sdbonez said:
makes me wonder if the number is sequential by region or irrespective of region... (haven't seen any numbers overlap yet)

I was wondering the same thing, but a page or two back there are reports of both WAR-011 and AZR-011. Having ordered on 8/31 after being approved-without-site-visit for the project, and supposedly the first order at my PD, I'm a little surprised to be #55 if in fact the numbers are in order of expected fulfillment region wide.
I'm LAR-0016. No install date projected yet however.

Interesting because if the numbers are sequential, it would seem that there are at least 500 approved for install in L.A. I find that hard to believe...

tcimpidis said:
I'm LAR-0016. No install date projected yet however.

Interesting because if the numbers are sequential, it would seem that there are at least 500 approved for install in L.A. I find that hard to believe...


California is a different deal no matter what as we see that the code identified city+sequence instead of state+sequence. Very easily could be that the California ones have sequence numbers for the entire state while being broken down by region.

Just seems likely that sequence numbers are by State while regions have the breakout in California.

If that is the case though - LAR-0016 is indeed a very early order - #16 Ecotality person in all of California.

We are all just guessing though - no one knows for sure unless you work for Ecotality and are leaking info. I tried to confirm details with my local regional Ecotality manager and just got crickets too.
I'm AZR-0011 and I ordered 9/1 without a visit from EVP...that came later.

[edit: you can ignore this, I read a previous email incorrectly]
My Ev Project number is SDR-0554. I reserved my Leaf on May 15. My EV number probably represents the number of applications Ecotality had in San Diego County on the date and time I reserved
I got the email that said "eTec survey completed" on April 29th. I don't remember if I applied right after reserving or not. Though I didn't get my Reservation Complete email until the 21st.
The charger is NOT FREE ?

This Wed. at the CVRP WorkShop , Robert Dickens, Ecotality- Stakeholder Services Area Manager for Los Angeles, make it clear that the Blink charger is NOT Free, and at the end of program, set to Dec 2011, those 1000 people will have to option to buy the charger. No info on how much it will cost to buy at that time.

Bit shocking , because we were under the impression that at the end of it, you keep the charger for free.

I've shot him an email to provide more info - esp because most of us haven't gotten our Leafs and Dec 2011 is right around the corner.

I just want everyone to be aware, and he did ask all of us if we have anything in writing that states the charger is free ?
I have his contact info if anyone is interested.
ronnyguru said:
The charger is NOT FREE ?

This Wed. at the CVRP WorkShop , Robert Dickens, Ecotality- Stakeholder Services Area Manager for Los Angeles, make it clear that the Blink charger is NOT Free, and at the end of program, set to Dec 2011, those 1000 people will have to option to buy the charger. No info on how much it will cost to buy at that time.

Bit shocking , because we were under the impression that at the end of it, you keep the charger for free.

Well...he's wrong. The agreement I signed says this:

"Upon termination of this Agreement without cause by ECOtality, the Participant will allow ECOtality to leave the Equipment in place at the Location. ECOtality agrees to transfer ownership of the Equipment to the Participant and allow the Equipment to retain its basic charging capability. Additional functionality for the Equipment may be available to the Participant after the Term of this Agreement by enrolling in a membership network. "

Also, the program ends Dec 31 2012, not 2011.
Just got an email back from Robert:

"Sorry for the confusion.

The unit will be turned over free of charge at the end of the project. Basic charge functionality will continue. If you want to be linked into the Blink network to see charge events, receive data etc... you will have to pay for the data package currently at $24.95 per month. We believe that customers will want to keep their Blink subscription active so they can use public charging. Also Ronny, after any initial installation charges you may be responsible for, at the end of the project there is no charge to you when ownership of the charger reverts to you. "
Ouch - $25/mo? Even at 15c/kWh that's 166 kWh or about 7 full charges.

Unless you regularly need to use quick charge stations, it's just not worth it. I'd rather pay $5 to use a quick charge station if I needed to use it as it would rarely happen.
drees said:
Ouch - $25/mo? Even at 15c/kWh that's 166 kWh or about 7 full charges.

Unless you regularly need to use quick charge stations, it's just not worth it. I'd rather pay $5 to use a quick charge station if I needed to use it as it would rarely happen.

+1! I can tell you right now, I'm not going to pay an extra $25/mo. When the time comes, we'll see if they will reduce that to a reasonable monthly fee.
drees said:
Ouch - $25/mo?

Yeah, there better be some electricity included in that fee...I'm not likely to pay $300 a year just to "see charging events and receive data".

Also, "membership" in "public" charging? That doesn't quite fit my definition of "public". This whole area is one of the big unknowns I think...not only how much you'll have to pay in places other than your own garage, but what the protocols will be once there are more than a handful of EVs on the road. For example, will it be considered rude (or perhaps illegal) to switch a charge cable from another car to your own, assuming you can determine from the EVSE that the other (unattended) car is no longer actively charging? Or will chargers be set up so they can't actually reach more than one parked vehicle (which seems inefficient). Any existing EV owners who can comment on that? What happens at airports and Costcos now?

At one talk I attended, there was vague discussion about locations (businesses) that choose to install chargers not exactly being able to sell electricity at a metered rate (you have to be a utility to do that), but, particularly once the Project winds down, being able to decide if they want to charge for parking /access to an EVSE (or not)... if that decision is left to the property owner, would they still overlay a membership requirement on top of it?
LEAFfan said:
drees said:
Ouch - $25/mo? Even at 15c/kWh that's 166 kWh or about 7 full charges.

Unless you regularly need to use quick charge stations, it's just not worth it. I'd rather pay $5 to use a quick charge station if I needed to use it as it would rarely happen.

+1! I can tell you right now, I'm not going to pay an extra $25/mo. When the time comes, we'll see if they will reduce that to a reasonable monthly fee.

+2! :x
Oh, this just reminded me of something discussed last night - apparently ALL LEAF owners, EV Project or not, will receive an Ecotality card which will allow use of the public chargers free of charge until May 2011.

Now, I asked Robert about a scenario where very little infrastructure was in place by May of 2011 (and in particular I was thinking L3 chargers), and he said it's possible that a revision of the date might possibly occur, extending the period of free use.
drees said:
Ouch - $25/mo? Even at 15c/kWh that's 166 kWh or about 7 full charges.

Unless you regularly need to use quick charge stations, it's just not worth it. I'd rather pay $5 to use a quick charge station if I needed to use it as it would rarely happen.

I think there's a misunderstanding here.. the $25/mo is for your own residential charger to communicate with the Blink Network. This would let you do the same stuff you can already do with the Leaf -- start/stop charging, monitor status, etc.

It probably has nothing at all do with public L2 charging, or your RFID card.