One car per "roll-out city"

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It's amazing how many people don't know how the US money system works. I think if they did, things would be different.

If you don't understand how screwed this economy is, watch the first 20 minutes of this video. It's starts getting juicy about 3 and a half minutes in.
We are way off topic here. But lets just say that the concept of the "money turnover" in which the first 5 minutes of the video is based on is wrong. Please look up the money supply figures such as M2 along with "money turnover" or also called the "velocity of money" and you will see that it is actually going down right now. The only way the inflation will come back is if the money is actually going out from the government and exchanging hands out in the economy, and currently it is not. It is staying within the financial system which just keeps interest rates low. The biggest danger is that rates stay low for too long without any benefit in the form of expanded GDP and lower unemployment....then we are in some long term trouble. Okay, that was my 2 cents, take it or leave it, now lets get back on topic ;) .
Well, I think the OP is referring to this...

This is a plan along with the Zeitgeist movement for the ellimation of governments, money, and many other issues. Worth looking at, and perhaps it will happen with the failure of the current society/government.

These ideas are pretty far "out there", but who knows, maybe radical change is all that can save us.

PS - yes, we are way off topic... But are we? The topic was "one leaf per rollout state", what might be the reason for that? Perhaps its greed, and the self interests of corporations, Zeitgeist has a lot to say about those outdated concepts.
What-Ifs aside, it appears to me that Nissan is trying to be part of the "fix" to this small sphere that we are guests upon, rather than only part of the "problem".

A substantial brave foot forward, and not just a "baby step", I think.

Sure, WE must take MANY more steps, and Nissan cannot do it all. But, THANKS, Nissan, for giving us this chance to be part of the "fix".

Soon, it will just be too expensive to wage great technological wars overseas, and those nations trying it will go bankrupt. Will the USA join these nations?
We probably need a thread for is the link anyway:

short 5 minutes video on "the transition", a few famous people in it, Carl Sagan, Dr. Michio Kaku (Discovery channel), etc