The forgotten Sept/Oct orders

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Well-known member
May 2, 2010
Silicon Valley

I'm looking for some advice on who to talk to regarding this issue. I ordered on Sept 29th and got the dreaded "Pending" eta and also got the email from Nissan about the disaster delaying my order. That is perfectly acceptable and that is not a problem. However, I'm seeing quite a few folks who ordered way after me but getting their cars next month AND also got a VIN. Here are some examples. No offense to anyone I'm listing as an example. It is certainly not your fault, and I'm happy that you are getting your cars. I certainly appreciate the data you provided.

RAQ 11/24/10

RAQ 1/25/11

RAQ 01/06/11

RAQ 12/1/10

RAQ 01/25/11

RAQ 10/22/10

I believe there are others on the board with the same situation, orders being forgotten. I originally got a month of April then May and now back to Pending. Unfortunately, if I miss the $5K rebate because of this issue, I'll have to cancel. :cry:

I appreciate any help!
I was a September order that was finally was able to order in October (10/16) and Carwings just opened up today for me.

Who knows how they organize things over there. Maybe because of car color? Wacky theory.
trentr said:

I'm looking for some advice on who to talk to regarding this issue. I ordered on Sept 29th and got the dreaded "Pending" eta and also got the email from Nissan about the disaster delaying my order. That is perfectly acceptable and that is not a problem. However, I'm seeing quite a few folks who ordered way after me but getting their cars next month AND also got a VIN. Here are some examples. No offense to anyone I'm listing as an example. It is certainly not your fault, and I'm happy that you are getting your cars.

RAQ 11/24/10

RAQ 1/25/11

RAQ 01/06/11

I believe there are others on the board with the same situation, orders being forgotten. I originally got a month of April then May and now back to Pending. Unfortunately, if I miss the $5K rebate because of this issue, I'll have to cancel. :cry:

I appreciate any help!
Obviously, no one knows how Nissan does their car distributions. But I suspect that some people in high order areas (California) might get 'bumped' to allow cars to go to some less active markets (Oregon). Add in the vTec variable and it skews things even more.

Granted, it's not fair and I can understand the frustration that this can cause. Especially when one is put at risk of losing the CA rebate. A tough situation...
cdub said:
Who knows how they organize things over there. Maybe because of car color? Wacky theory.
Can you remember all the arguing that went on back when we were waiting to order in Sept./Oct? People had their order invitations delayed by one thing or another, and we were stressing about how that would effect our deliveries. One faction insisted that cars would be delivered by reservation timing, and were posting "evidence" of this consisting of CS chat transcripts and emails from Nissan. Another faction argued that there could be no way that the cars could be produced according to reservation sequence, but only according to when the RAQ was accepted and the order placed.

All of us were wrong. What a petty and useless argument that turned out to be--anyone want to admit defeat now, after the reality has shown itself? There is no recognizable queue, no order at all to the scheme, as far as I can see. When people who reserved and ordered MONTHS after someone else are receiving their cars sooner, there is no "priority" at all for being early, for being "in line" first, and no fairness or equity to the delivery process. There seemed to be some slight attention to this in the first two months of deliveries, (although even then, the first Leaf delivery here in San Diego did not go to an August order), but since then, the system has broken down completely, and I am very disappointed. :evil:

HIOJim said:
Obviously, no one knows how Nissan does their car distributions. But I suspect that some people in high order areas (California) might get 'bumped' to allow cars to go to some less active markets (Oregon). Add in the vTec variable and it skews things even more.
Read the April and May delivery threads and you will see that neither of these factors (location or eTec) have anything to do with it. People in CA are being leapfrogged over others in CA by MONTHS, regardless of the cars going to other states. They are in the same city, even at the same dealer, they are EVP or not EVP-- it makes no difference at all! The only halfway decent theory about the Jan./Feb. orders that are being filled before Sept./Oct. orders was that cancellations were responsible, and people were pulled from the back of the line and put into the cancelled orders because there cars hadn't been built yet. As time goes by, this does not make any sense either. There CAN'T have been that many cancellations before the cars even arrived at the dealer, and we are seeing far too many of these. Now Nov. and Dec. people are showing up with VINs AFTER the Jan orders got them, and they are HIGHER VINs. Meanwhile, there are Sept/Oct folks with no date--still at "pending" even! It just doesn't make any sense, and Nissan is failing at explaining the logic of this reality to anyone who asks. In fact, they deny it is happening at all. I was told by Customer Service that "Internet reports cannot be relied upon." All you people who are getting your orders filled don't really exist--you are all lying internet trolls, trying to make me crazy, according to Jesse in customer service. :roll:

Where's my medicine? The little red capsules? I need to calm down...they're around here somewhere...maybe a stiff drink will work....

There is also a theory that Nissan is attempting to allocate based on reservation date/time, not RAQ date/time. One thing I'm sure of is to not get hooked up on the emails, check your dashboard and that will be the first place for any updates and delivery adjustments.
ttweed said:
All you people who are getting your orders filled don't really exist--you are all lying internet trolls, trying to make me crazy, according to Jesse in customer service. :roll:
Damn, you caught me! :twisted:
DarkStar said:
There is also a theory that Nissan is attempting to allocate based on reservation date/time, not RAQ date/time. One thing I'm sure of is to not get hooked up on the emails, check your dashboard and that will be the first place for any updates and delivery adjustments.

A very early reservation does not seem to be working in my case.

I have also noticed quite a few post October orders with "week of" or even VINs that reserved after 4/20.

Status still holding on "month of May" (guess I should be glad for that).
DarkStar said:
There is also a theory that Nissan is attempting to allocate based on reservation date/time, not RAQ date/time.
I subscribe to this theory, even though they're clearly not following the method precisely. Reservation times were customer selected. It would be very unfair (to many people, not to me) if they used RAQ times which were selected by Nissan, not by the customer. RAQ times months apart may have made their reservation scant minutes apart.

I think right now they're working their way through the list of orders, seeing which cars are allocated, which are assignable, which fit which orders, what reservation priority they have, and what other priorities (city, EVP, dealer quota, other) they want to apply. Once they figure it out then that person gets email saying their order is unaffected, or email saying their order is back to Pending. Those of us who have heard nothing yet, know nothing yet.

It may be a long time before Nissan knows, let alone before we know, how long a delay the newly pended orders will suffer. I'd still be willing to bet a pizza that Nissan delivers its 10,000th US EV before either Ford or GM manage the same.
walterbays said:
There is also a theory that Nissan is attempting to allocate based on reservation date/time, not RAQ date/time. I subscribe to this theory, even though they're clearly not following the method precisely.

So TTweed and I are the only anomalies having reserved on 4/20 but still being passed by by numerous others with both later reservation and order dates? I am thinking that I have seen others, too.
Beachcliffs said:
So TTweed and I are the only anomalies having reserved on 4/20 but still being passed by by numerous others with both later reservation and order dates? I am thinking that I have seen others, too.
It was actually Darkstar who advanced the theory of delivery based on reservation time, and I agreed.

I'm not sure but I think I've also seen others who reserved on 4/20 seemingly passed by some who reserved and ordered later. Some of these - yours and Tom's I hope - may turn out not to be serious discrepancies, because it may happen that enough cars are coming that most of the perturbations in delivery order may amount to just days or weeks, based on things like dealer readiness to process large numbers of cars, truck schedules, etc.

But I fear there are also likely to be some who reserved 4/20 who have been knocked back to Pending through no fault of their own, while others receive their cars in the next couple of months.
Beechcliffs: It can't be just you and Tom. I also reserved on 4/20 and am watching dozens of later orders (and reservations) getting VINS and delivery dates. I've also seen earlier orders get the same.

None of this makes sense to me.
Beachcliffs said:
walterbays said:
There is also a theory that Nissan is attempting to allocate based on reservation date/time, not RAQ date/time. I subscribe to this theory, even though they're clearly not following the method precisely.

So TTweed and I are the only anomalies having reserved on 4/20 but still being passed by by numerous others with both later reservation and order dates? I am thinking that I have seen others, too.

Like me. I believe several others have had similar experiences to mine, below:

4/20 reservation (within minutes of receiving Email, IIRC).

10/1 order placed-delayed by Nissan's SNAFU over my EVSE Waiver.

At first, I was told my early reservation would control, and get me an early delivery.

Later, I was told order date would determine delivery, so I'd get my Leaf between 1/1 and 3/1, or 3-5 months from my order date.

Then 4-7 months from order date.

Then April, meaning 6-7 months from order date.

Then May, 7-8 months from order date.

For the last 3 weeks, no change on my account, and no emails.

Currently, Nissan has a monopoly on practical BEVS, and I want one.

Am I likely to ever buy any other vehicle from Nissan?


But that could soon change to "May, of the year that hell freezes over".
edatoakrun said:
At first, I was told my early reservation would control, and get me an early delivery.

Later, I was told order date would determine delivery, so I'd get my Leaf between 1/1 and 3/1, or 3-5 months from my order date.

Then 4-7 months from order date.

Then April, meaning 6-7 months from order date.

Then May, 7-8 months from order date.

For the last 3 weeks, no change on my account, and no emails.

Currently, Nissan has a monopoly on practical BEVS, and I want one.

Am I likely to ever buy any other vehicle from Nissan?


But that could soon change to "May, of the year that hell freezes over".

Nailed It!!!

So maybe now we can put to rest the notion that Reservation timing is key factor?

Up until fairly recently, the strongest correlation seemed to be Order date (albeit clearly not in all cases). Now? It is anybody's guess until Nissan starts actually pulling back the curtain. And BTW - it seems to me that Nissan was being squirrelly before the very unfortunate earthquake of March 11th.
leafkabob said:
Beechcliffs: It can't be just you and Tom. I also ordered 4/20 and am watching dozens of later orders (and reservations) getting VINS and delivery dates. I've also seen earlier orders get the same.

None of this makes sense to me.

Guys, I'm watching this closely, along with you. There is no justifiable reason why April 20 reservers should be among the delayed group while a number of those who reserved in May and later are getting VIN numbers and delivery dates. This is clearly a screw-up on Nissan's part.

I wonder if we can appeal to evnow and some of the other principals of the My Nissan Leaf forum to escalate this for us to any back channel contacts they may have at a higher level with Nissan? I know that many of us who already have VIN numbers and delivery dates and also the group who already have their cars believe strongly that the deliveries need to be done with fairness based on some sort of sequential place in line.

All of us went into this with some idea that if we followed Nissan's rules, there would be a well managed priority sequence in place. We might not know the factors that Nissan used to sequence the orders, but there would be logic behind it. At this point in time, we're seeing evidence that something is interfering with that logic.

To be sure, Nissan North America has more than their hands full at this point. We can never forget that their parent company and their home country is having to deal with the personal and business consequences the most disruptive and serious national disaster in their working lives. That said, it is in all of their best interests to manage the LEAF roll out in a way that reflects well on the company and the car. Part of doing that well is to take care of those who raised their hands first.
Beachcliffs said:
So TTweed and I are the only anomalies having reserved on 4/20 but still being passed by by numerous others with both later reservation and order dates? I am thinking that I have seen others, too.

Count me in as one of these anomalies. Reserved on 4/20. Was supposed to be a Sept order but was hung up on the stupid eTec site survey debacle. Finally they appeared mid September and accepted me as an easy install. RAQ finally opened up on 10/1. Ordered 10/1. Currently have a "Month of April" date. This has been stable for several weeks after having been stuck at Pending for months...

Go figure?!
I ordered Oct.30 and am one who was April, then May, then back to Pending.
I contacted my dealer today who told me they have received "30 day notices" for the LAST 2 orders they took. I don't know when they were taken, but I know they were much later than mine.
Beachcliffs said:
So maybe now we can put to rest the notion that Reservation timing is key factor?
That notion is absolutely DEAD. Read the delivery threads and you will see dozens of people who reserved later in April, even in May and now June, and ordered in Nov., Dec., and even Jan. and February, who have already received their cars, or are scheduled for late Mar. or April deliveries, while more than a few people who reserved the first day, on 4/20, and ordered in Sept. and early Oct. have never had anything more than a "Month of" date that went from April to May and sometimes all the way back to Pending. That is just wrong.

Maybe there is some weird anomaly in the way they are notifying people which will account for this oversight, and we will all get solid "week of" dates in the next two weeks, as these next shipments arrive, but we (the late Sept./Oct. group) are definitely a cursed bunch at the moment. If it turns out that our cars are not on these next ships, and are still waiting to be produced for some reason, there will be no explanation that will satisfy me, and I will unleash my best "curmudgeon from hell" act on Nissan Motors.

If we don't get any traction from Nissan Corporate, another option is to notify ABG and see if we can make this public. I got this link from another thread on this forum:

By the way, I also reserved on 4/20. How else will I get a RAQ of 9/29? :roll: So, this theory of sequence by reservation doesn't hold water. I think Nissan just screwed-up plain and simple.