Warning from HOA for trickle charging

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abasile said:
RonDawg said:
There are free charging stations at Pasadena City College
I believe charging at PCC is $1.25/hr., on top of the cost of a PCC parking pass. Not worth it for regular use.

OK thanks. I thought they were free. I've never used them because if I need to stop in Pasadena for a charge, I might as well go to Sierra Madre Villa station to do so.
RonDawg said:
How many miles do you or your wife drive every day? Living in Pasadena, you at least have some nearby alternative charging solutions if your HOA is not willing to cooperate, at least until you can find a more EV-friendly housing solution.

I don't know where your building is (and I don't expect you to reveal it if you don't want to), but Metro has charging stations on the first level of the Sierra Madre Villa parking station. You do need a Metro EV charging fob, and while it does cost $1/hour with a $3/day cap, at $60/month (assuming 5 days/week, 4 weeks/month) that may be cheaper than what you and/or wife may be spending on fuel for the ICEV. The parking garage itself is free.

There are free charging stations at Pasadena City College and in some of the Old Town parking lots/garages, but you have to pay just to get into the lots themselves, so that is economical only if you were going to park there anyway.

Also, would you or your wife be able to charge at work, or near to work?

I only drive 10 miles a day on the weekdays and we both can't charge at work. There are definitely options to charge at the Paseo and old town parking garages (90 mins free parking and free to charge).

The weekend is the main issue. Let's say I go out on Saturday and use up most of my charge, then I would have to go to the mall or the gym to charge for a few couples instead of just trickle charging while I am home. But you are right, Pasadena is definitely one of the better places to own an EV and hopefully more and more charging stations will pop up.
RonDawg said:
I might as well go to Sierra Madre Villa station to do so.

Not sure if you know this, but they just put up 4 charges at the LA Fitness by the Sierra Madre Metro station. I used it last night and it was free. Let's just hope it stays free.
goldie said:
Got another call back from the building management company basically saying they are concerned about the cost of electricity and it's not fair for the other units who are sharing the bill. Also, if everyone starts getting an EV, then they don't have enough outlets for everyone to use and the electricity bill will jump. Bottom line is I can't charge my car and they want me to go through the whole process to get approval. Hopefully I will move out of this place in a few month and don't have to deal with this.

I spoke to the city of Pasadena as well and heard that they are going to require all new buildings to have EV chargers moving forward, so that's good news. But until then, I will be charging at the gym and at the mall, which really takes away from how much I can use the car on the weekends.

I have a feeling they are going to put up a poster or mail something out to everyone in the building about not charging their EV with the outlets. It's going to be a little embarrassing because everyone will know this is about me because I have the only EV in the building...

Unfortunate to hear they are taking this tact. The point about all owners having to contribute to the electricity cost is a valid one, but I think if you give them an estimate of your elected usage, as modeled by another user earlier in this thread, some of the HOA board members may have a better sense of scale. I expect they really just have no idea how much electricity an electric car draws, and they may be assuming overly high numbers. If you pledge to pay a fee per month that covers the extra usage, then that SHOULD alleviate their concern.

The counter they might come back with then is that the only way to verify/document your actual usage is to install a separate meter, which would be expensive.

If you were already going to move anyway, I might do as you said and just wait it out until I could move.

But, if you otherwise like living there, I would at least make the effort to estimate the usage and enlighten the HOA board as to the scale of what you would be drawing from the outlet. Being in the L.A. area, and with EV and PHEV ownership on the rise, this is certainly not the last time they are going to encounter this problem. Save them from themselves and do a small part in educating them!
dgalvan said:
Save them from themselves and do a small part in educating them!

That's what I was thinking too. But the way the HOA guy approached me really makes the situation difficult.
goldie said:
dgalvan said:
Save them from themselves and do a small part in educating them!

That's what I was thinking too. But the way the HOA guy approached me really makes the situation difficult.
I would complain about that. They want you to go through official channels to let you to charge but they tell you not to with an angry knock on the door.
goldie said:
Anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what I can do?
Become a board member. Become friendly with your neighbors. Coordinate a barbecue at the club house. Get your friendly neighbors to join the HOA board.
goldie said:
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like an uphill battle that I don't have the time to fight.

I definitely feel like the guy was power-tripping a little when he told me that I had to unplug my car immediately. Makes me feel like I got bullied.

Wish I can do something about the situation but the laws just aren't there to support it right now. On top of that, they are going to tell me to stop charging my car and waste paper sending out letters to my landlord and I. :roll:

My wife still drive an ICEV, so this might force us to use that more than I had planned because I can't be going to the gym or the mall to charge all the time.
I would come up with a letter that said a price and explanation. I would offer to prepay the amount 6 months at a time to use that simple outlet.
Request an approval letter to place in the windshield to avoid confusion with other residents.

I would do it just to spite the bully. If it is denied then just let it go. Probably not worth the fight. I have faith that the board are reasonable and intelligent people. If you mention by name the person that came to your door they may approve it just to put him back in his place also. He is probably a PITN on other stuff too.

Give your landlord a call to let him know what you are requesting.

If you don't know the cost to offer post the miles you drive in a month and someone will come up with a number. Otherwise $50 per month for unlimited charging seems reasonable. Maybe less.
Thanks for all the advice, fellow Leaf owners. I decided it's not worth taking any further action at this point. It's just not worth the time and there is a long list of reasons the HOA board can use to deny my request or make me jump through more hoops (people tripping on wires, not sure if the outlet can handle the voltage, accuracy of how much electricity is used, insurance liability, etc) My lease here expires in 4 months and I might move to another building then, so I will use the advice given at the new place instead. Also, since I only need it for the weekends, I would imagine I would only use $10-$15 worth of electricity a month and it may be hard to convince them that's how little it will cost to charge my Leaf.

I am glad I asked this question because I am sure someone else will run into a similar situation in the future and will find this thread on Google. Thanks everyone.
goldie said:
RonDawg said:
I might as well go to Sierra Madre Villa station to do so.

Not sure if you know this, but they just put up 4 charges at the LA Fitness by the Sierra Madre Metro station. I used it last night and it was free. Let's just hope it stays free.

No I didn't. Thank you for letting me know!
RonDawg said:
goldie said:
RonDawg said:
I might as well go to Sierra Madre Villa station to do so.

Not sure if you know this, but they just put up 4 charges at the LA Fitness by the Sierra Madre Metro station. I used it last night and it was free. Let's just hope it stays free.

No I didn't. Thank you for letting me know!

You need to download the Wattstation app to scan the QR code. Took me a little bit to figure it out and I wrote a note on Plug Share to let others know as well.
These are Senate Bills in California, the one for Apartments & Condos is the SB-880 below, research your state for these Senate Bills, simple google search should do it.

AB 1092 for California State owned buildings

http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140AB1092" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

SB-880 Common interest developments: electric vehicle charging stations.(2011-2012)

The Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act defines and regulates common interest developments, which include community apartment projects, condominium projects, planned developments, and stock cooperatives.

This bill would make those provisions applicable only to the installation or use of an electric vehicle charging station in an owner’s designated parking space, as described.

http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml;jsessionid=73210777ecf27e4ea7ed74add052?bill_id=201120120SB880" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

SB-454 Public resources: electric vehicle charging stations.(2013-2014)

http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140SB454" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
goldie said:
Anyone has any ideas or suggestions on what I can do? I am not too hopeful at this point because it might take a lot to get them to okay the use of the outlet based on the guy's reaction tonight.

I am president of an association and I must say the idea that you were confronted by a slightly power mad Association member doesn't surprise me.
Associations are generally run by a board of directors. They should have regular meetings. I don't know what the rules are in the state in which you live but in our state members(owners) have a right to attend. Renters have no standing.
The approach I would take is to find out what position the person that approached (attacked) you has. Is he a member of the board? If he is President, you're done. If he is just a board member you might have a shot if you approach the president and try to have a rational discussion. If you can get the president on your side they might be able to get the idea before the board for discussion. Most people running associations are doing so because no one else wants to ( believe me I know). You might luck out and find a majority of the board is rational or you might find them logic deficient. If its the latter be polite and walk away. There is a LOT of ignorance out there relative to just how much an EV charge costs. Good luck.
^^^^ I can attest to the same thing. I was an HOA President for a while because nobody else wanted the job. Unfortunately, there were always those "one or two" people who just couldn't keep from their noses out (because they had been in charge before and couldn't seem to stop). EDIT: Try to give some of the board members a ride in your car and explain that it costs less than $25/mo to charge (or whatever you calculate based on your rates and driving pattern).
jrreno said:
...There is a LOT of ignorance out there relative to just how much an EV charge costs...
I think this is a general problem when it comes to public charging of EVs. ICE car owners assume that charging an EV is like them putting $50 of gas in their SUV tank. They can't comprehend how tiny the "tank" of an EV is nor are they aware of how much cheaper electricity is compared to gasoline/diesel.

At my rather high electricity rate of 13.777¢/kWh my LEAF draws 20¢ per hour when Level 1 charging and about 52¢ per hour when Level 2 charging (a newer LEAF with the faster charger would be about 91¢ per hour).

And, as discussed in another thread, non-EV drivers also don't understand that an EV plugged-in isn't always drawing electricity. Rather, it charges for whatever time/SOC is needed and then the draw drops to near zero.

The problem seems to be one of education.
Well the association doesn't pay for jack squat, the condo owners pay due to cover all those expense. Some people use the clubhouse and pool, other use an outlet. If they don't like it turn off the outlet.
perhaps just not informed and think you are some sort of leech.

tcherniaev said:
mkjayakumar said:
I was plugging into one of the outlets in my office multi-level parking lot, several hours every day for over an year, always dreading the tap on the shoulder. I even taped my charger chord with blue tape to camouflage with the blue wall background, so that it is not obvious from a distance. Was always worried that some co-employee with neighborhood-watch mentality, complaining to the folks in charge of the facility. I was imagining the worst - theft of office property, blah, blah.. With a commute of 36 miles one way, all highway, my wife even suggested that I ditch Leaf and drive an ICE. But how could I? As you all know thats blasphemy.

Fast forward one year later they installed two Chargepoint stations and it is free for employees. As I was plugging into the Chargepoint station the first day, the building manager walks by and is all apologetic that it took longer than expected to get that installed, and he was genuinely sorry that I had to go through the trouble of plugging in a remote corner of the topfloor in the parking lot to charge everyday. Apparently he knew all along :). We had a long nice chat.

Sadly, my experience has been totally opposite of yours, more in line with what original OP described. I am amazed at how much negativity there has been directed towards me since I purchased my LEAF back in 2011. And this is in the state that has very serious air quality issues every winter. On one side they post signs on the freeway asking motorists to limit driving on bad air quality days, and on the other side they kick me every time they get a chance because I drive an electric car.
Did you take a copy of the documentation he showed you that he has authority to speak to you like that, and ask for the contractual agreements forbidding charging from such a point?

If he fails to present either, tell him to go walk. You are using facilities in the building as provided, so if he has no material substantiation to say you cannot do that, tell him to go swivel.

I disregard people who say they have authority until they prove it. "Who are you, name, address and date of birth please for my records, and now show me your ID and proof by documentation of your authority to act in the capacity you claim?"
Our HOA which I am the president of ( no big deal only 50 homes) we have 1 stupid streetlight which is on a private drive. If anyone else in the HOA was interested other than myself, what type of system should we have installed for members to use that each person would pay a portion of the cost to charge! How how much to install?
kieranmullen said:
Our HOA which I am the president of ( no big deal only 50 homes) we have 1 stupid streetlight which is on a private drive. If anyone else in the HOA was interested other than myself, what type of system should we have installed for members to use that each person would pay a portion of the cost to charge! How how much to install?

My HOA wastes more money planting flowers each couple months than my petrol and BEV electric costs for all my vehicles. They really don't take much to charge and is a good money maker for anything around them or even just boosting public image at this point. I make a point of trying to frequent stores in plazas where free chargers are placed even when driving my ICEs.

If you want to install a system, a basic L2 would be nice. But a streetlight usually is only 1 line so 120v. I plug into the GFCI outlet on a parking lot light post at my work and it is great. Charges the Leaf all the day I'm there.