SOC-Meter in 2012 LEAF

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2010
Laguna Hills, Orange Co, CA
No, we have not yet been able to test the SOC-Meter in a 2012 LEAF.

The messages and data could be different, but I am guessing that there will not be major changes.
So, it is likely our current (rather limited) decoding will still work.

The actual OBD connections COULD be different, but I consider that
to be quite unlikely ... but possible.

Whoever gets a 2012 LEAF first, and is willing to try out the SOC-Meter,
we will try to arrange a link-up with you and an SOC-Meter.

I have one person in FL that should/might get a 2012 LEAF in December 2011.

I will post any new 2012-specific (SOC-Meter related) info here.
garygid said:
No, we have not yet been able to test the SOC-Meter in a 2012 LEAF.

Whoever gets a 2012 LEAF first, and is willing to try out the SOC-Meter,
we will try to arrange a link-up with you and an SOC-Meter.

I have one person in FL that should/might get a 2012 LEAF in December 2011.

I have the SOC meter and will probably get my 2012 Leaf in about 3 weeks :)
jkirkebo, Great!

Please post here to let us know what happens, both
with your delivery and with (carefully) trying your SOC-Meter.

If you have any questions, please post, PM, or call me.

A lot off topic, but for timing:
On Nov 3rd I go "under the (robot's) knife" (really just very small sissors,
I believe) for prostate removal, ... so I might be unavailable for a few days.
I hope I still have a "deep" voice afterward! :lol:

However, I might be able to access/read the forum from the hospital. :D
If I can, I will try to make a small post here myself.

Cheers, and Thanks to All of You for your Support. !!! :) :D :eek:
(Prayers from all faiths accepted, and appreciated.)
garygid said:
jkirkebo, Great!

Please post here to let us know what happens, both
with your delivery and with (carefully) trying your SOC-Meter.

If you have any questions, please post, PM, or call me.

A lot off topic, but for timing:
On Nov 3rd I go "under the (robot's) knife" (really just very small sissors,
I believe) for prostate removal, ... so I might be unavailable for a few days.
I hope I still have a "deep" voice afterward! :lol:

However, I might be able to access/read the forum from the hospital. :D
If I can, I will try to make a small post here myself.

Cheers, and Thanks to All of You for your Support. !!! :) :D :eek:
(Prayers from all faiths accepted, and appreciated.)
Good luck Gary! You will be in all of our thoughts.
gascant said:
garygid said:
jkirkebo, Great!

Please post here to let us know what happens, both
with your delivery and with (carefully) trying your SOC-Meter.

If you have any questions, please post, PM, or call me.

A lot off topic, but for timing:
On Nov 3rd I go "under the (robot's) knife" (really just very small sissors,
I believe) for prostate removal, ... so I might be unavailable for a few days.
I hope I still have a "deep" voice afterward! :lol:

However, I might be able to access/read the forum from the hospital. :D
If I can, I will try to make a small post here myself.

Cheers, and Thanks to All of You for your Support. !!! :) :D :eek:
(Prayers from all faiths accepted, and appreciated.)
Good luck Gary! You will be in all of our thoughts.

You have a large chorus of fans and friends here, Gary. We're all with you in spirit. :)
garygid said:
Cheers, and Thanks to All of You for your Support. !!! :) :D :eek:
(Prayers from all faiths accepted, and appreciated.)

Best wishes Gary. I will keep you in my Christian prayers. But I also have a Pagan friend, if you're open to a ritual dance around the fire on All Hallows Eve as a way of hedging your bets?
Hey, a dance around the fire sounds like fun! :D

I think it is not whether you happen to "belong" to the ONE TRUE faith.
(I am unable to ascertain WHICH one that is.)
But, with a heart of kindness and giving, that one actually has any FAITH.

Thanks to you all.
Note: God is Dog spelled backward.
Maybe not a coincidence that some hid the "true name" of God?
The first 2012 LEAF delivered in Norway ...
also has a working SOC-Meter.

So, looks like out CAN-Logging efforts will also work on,
and apply to, the 2012 model LEAF. Great!
My good thoughts go with you, Gary. Speedy recovery.

Man, it takes the fingers of both my hands to count the number of acquaintances that are enjoying a cancer free life because of the PSA test, and they want us old guys to skip it? Not this geezer, I'll continue the annual PSA check.

Two things on the subject.

If you want to lower your PSA take Saw Palmetto. TJ's sells a pretty decent product that works. In 2 years (once daily) your PSA will be normal. I can confirm that first hand (I'm 60 yo).

Second, biggest friend of your prostate is Zinc. All men need to take Zinc supplement. We lose it with you know what. Stress also burns up Zinc. If you have white spots on your fingernails you are definitely low on it. Take it even if you don't have them. The spots also show up with major stress events. Nail grows 1mm per week so you can actually measure how many weeks ago the stress event occured.

Selenium is a free radical scavenger, therefore a cancer protectant. I take both, Zinc and Selenium on alternate days. Selenium one day, Zinc the other. As far as Vit E, 200 units daily max and most importantly Vitamin E as mixed Tocopherols, alpha, beta, gama, delta. NO Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate. It's actually bad for you. Mixed Tocopherols only, and max 200 units per day. I take 400 units every other day (with Selenium).

Take it from the pharmacist.
Two things on the subject.

If you want to lower your PSA take Saw Palmetto. TJ's sells a pretty decent product that works. In 2 years (once daily) your PSA will be normal. I can confirm that first hand (I'm 60 yo).

To continue off topic, isn't it true that saw palmetto lowers your PSA but may have no effect on the cause of the elevated PSA, thereby masking a true elevation of the PSA and making the monitoring of your PSA level inaccurate for the purpose of evaluating your cancer?
Who knows and why care? PSA has been discredited as having no value as an indicator of anything prostate. I just take it for the dubious value in case it does something good (which it subjectively may) and to keep my wife happy. And to get life insurance because they looked at PSA levels. Prostate cancer prevention is really all about Zinc and anti-oxidants (Vit E and Selenium) besides healthy, fried-meat-free diet (carcinogens galore there).

Selenium and Zinc are in a similar balance relationship as Sodium Potassium and Calcium Magnesium. They should be taken in tandem.

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