Why are Deliveries from Long Beach Slow?

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I'm not upset about the car, and I don't need to take deep breaths--thank you!
I think the whole thing is absolutely hilarious!!!!! The subterfuge from Nissan CS is a lesson in the absurd!

So dude, I'm laughing more than crying!!!

My motto is not to take anything too seriosuly, but laugh out load and long!!
Sorry if my tone didn't really convey this!
Here's another bit to laugh about...
My DB went from April to May to pending to June. Then in early April it went to 4/22.
Then I got my VIN on the 17th, and my 7-day email on the 21st.
Then my dashboard bumped to 4/27, and shortly afterwards, to 4/29.

After receiving my 7-day email, I ran out and got pre-qualified for my loan at the credit union, and then a whole week went by with no news. During this time I read that many people were getting their dates pushed back into May, but not mine. So I called the dealer, but he had no information about me, my VIN, or my delivery date. He said that they usually get invoiced about 48 hours before a car shows up, but that sometimes that doesn't happen and cars just "show up".

So today (4/29) my DB changed... from 4/29 to 4/27. Huh? :?

I have to laugh at this point. It's almost as if someone IS actually juggling all these dates around, and then watching the forums to see how we respond. After all, several people have posted their VINs, so they know exactly which cars to screw with. I hope the Nissan folks are really having a grand old time at our expense, since that's about the only plausible explanation for the random date changes, and the fact that so many cars are still sitting in Long Beach. :roll:

You know, it would've been nice if they printed the last four numbers of the VIN on that big white sheet on top of each car, since then at least we could see our cars in that aerial photo... :lol:
That's strange - my estimate (4/22) has been rock steady for a month now. (The last day of the week of 4/22 is today!) Come on Nissan!
Yes it's just a car it's not worth getting worked up about. I don't care about how long it takes (though some people might miss expiring rebates) as much as I'd like a more accurate delivery date so I can plan around it (put off maintenance on the old car if it's just going to get done shortly after trade in or do it now if I have to wait a while, buy new license tabs that might expire before the new car gets here, get a loan, clean out the old car, etc.). It's impossible to plan that when the delivery date keeps moving around or is inaccurate (some have several weeks passed delivery dates but no car). Nissan, pick a date and deliver, whatever that date is, enough of the daily guessing game.
So I just spoke to CS again, and this time spoke to a supervisor. He did acknowledge a large bottleneck at the port of Long Beach, and he did tell me that they are trying to get the order of the cars out of the port in the Order Date order. So if I believe this, it explains why my car has been released since 4/19 but not shipped yet. It's simply waiting because I am one of those that got a car earlier than I should have, so now they are just going to let the car sit, to fix their mistake and push cars forward for those that had ordered earlier than me. I ordered Jan 28, and had an original ETA at 4/21 that has been moving a ton since 4/20 (it's now at May 20). So I think they are telling the truth, and really trying to get cars out of Long Beach in Order Date order. However I have seen people take delivery of vehicles this and last week in the CA area that were still out of order.
garygid said:
The actual transportation duration is usually only a few hours to a few days.

This depends on distance and transportation-type. If the transport becomes "intermodal" i.e. train to truck to dealer - the transportation time can become "several days" / a few weeks.
cdub said:
That's strange - my estimate (4/22) has been rock steady for a month now. (The last day of the week of 4/22 is today!) Come on Nissan!

Same thing. Week of 4-22 for nearly a month now. Update performed on 4-25. Maybe there a convoy of trucks heading from Long Beach to Boardwalk Nissan as I write...

One can dream can't he?
I am getting my car today.
still in April by a whisker, despite May deliver on DB.

Lucky duck. I am certainly one of those.
I will be getting a 2.5-cent discount from DWP on 500kWh/ month of power.
That will make my PV array go farther as it offsets the new usage. I was already above 100%, and have money in the DWP solar bank from the array being installed two years ago.
LADWP is the bomb.

The insurance on the car is rough though, at more than $3 a day and $1200+ a year. no accidents. good driver and other discounts and all.
thankyouOB said:
The insurance on the car is rough though, at more than $3 a day and $1200+ a year. no accidents. good driver and other discounts and all.
What insurance company? Seems to be a lot of variability. $2,000 a year for me from 21st Century. I have high limits, but seems kind of ridiculous. I have good driver discount, one extremely minor accident ($600) a couple of years ago.
Don't fret yet, if your ETA changed from April # to May # after being on April # for a while. My DB showed April 8th for 6 weeks then last Tuesday it changed to Week of May 5th. The car arrived at the dealer yesterday and I'm picking it up today. So there is hope for you April to May change people. ;)
scharlj said:
So I just spoke to CS again, and this time spoke to a supervisor. He did acknowledge a large bottleneck at the port of Long Beach, and he did tell me that they are trying to get the order of the cars out of the port in the Order Date order. So if I believe this, it explains why my car has been released since 4/19 but not shipped yet.
It does take a week or two longer for cars to get up to WA from LB. I'd expect to see it in a week or two.

I don't believe that Nissan is making any real effort to reorder deliveries. Perhaps moving canceled orders and demo cars around to early deliveries, but that's it.
thankyouOB said:
I am getting my car today. still in April by a whisker, despite May deliver on DB.
Lucky duck. I am certainly one of those.
Wow.. you may be the LuckyDuck poster boy!
Order in Jan, delivery in April?

That makes me happy for you, and mad at Nissan.

GroundLoop said:
thankyouOB said:
I am getting my car today. still in April by a whisker, despite May deliver on DB.
Lucky duck. I am certainly one of those.
Wow.. you may be the LuckyDuck poster boy!
Order in Jan, delivery in April?
He ordered on Feb 1.
Reserved 4/20----Ordered Oct....Vin 1873...DB still week of 4/22 for 3 weeks now.....

Popped into my dealer today to check if any news on delivery---still no sign of it.
However, they did tell me that they had delivered a number of Leafs to folks who reserved and ordered months after I did.....great job Nissan!

The only difference between mine and those already delivered was that I ordered the Eco package. I'm thinking that it must be the accessorizing that is holding up the delivery; however, Nissan CS will not admit to this.... Either that, or something more sinister is happening...Ooooch!.....only kidding!

Dealer had a red orphan on display.....What a fantastic looking car......Can't wait......Come on Nissan, get your act together....give it to me already!
Stoaty said:
thankyouOB said:
The insurance on the car is rough though, at more than $3 a day and $1200+ a year. no accidents. good driver and other discounts and all.
What insurance company? Seems to be a lot of variability. $2,000 a year for me from 21st Century. I have high limits, but seems kind of ridiculous. I have good driver discount, one extremely minor accident ($600) a couple of years ago.

Try AAA - I was quoted under $800, with high limits, but in the San Diego area..
CS/Jasmine told me today that besides the software issue/A/C, all the cars (1500) that left Japan just before the earthquake had yellow pollen stuck to the paint and it is taking 5 hours for each car to remove. After the pollen is removed and the painted surface is restored, they go to 'Accessories'. Then and only then, are they loaded onto a train or truck. Robert was mistaken when he said the car was released for shipment on Apr. 15th. The software upgrade/A/C problem was fixed Apr. 15th, then the pollen removal, etc.
LEAFfan said:
CS/Jasmine told me today that besides the software issue/A/C, all the cars (1500) that left Japan just before the earthquake had yellow pollen stuck to the paint and it is taking 5 hours for each car to remove....
I'm not sure what bothers me more - that this story is true or that CS made it up... :?