Are there really that many haters?

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mbutter said:
I was very happy a couple of days ago to learn that our local library in Austin just added two charging stations. My enthusiasm was tempered when I also realized that this displaced 4 front row parking spots, and these spots were sitting empty while the remainder of the rather small parking lot was relatively packed.
Can you elaborate on how 2 charging stations could have displaced 4 parking spots? I don't see why this needs to be the case.
Yodrak said:
Interesting. As I and another poster have discussed in another thread, least expensive place to locate an EV charging station is either where the power to a building comes from or where it enters the building, i.e. where equipment for making electrical connections already exist and from where cable runs to the charging stations can be the shortest. More often than not such locations are not near a building entrance, which is where preferred parking locations would be.

I agree with you that EV charging stations need not be located on preferred locations. Rather, they should be where the easiest and least expensive connections to a power supply is located, which is ususally an out of the way location (since electrical infrastructure is 'ugly' and can be dangerous). The ability to charge should provide more than sufficient convenience to an EV driver, regardless of the walking distance to the building entrance.
Once you are in the parking lot cutting asphalt it is not a huge extra burden to put the stations in the best spot out along the back edge.
Charging station for the handicapped should be placed in the existing handicapped spaces.
Actually charger location is just geography. If it services multiple stores then front row at one can mean last row at another. Its all relative.

EX: Laguna Beach Farmers Market. Overheard an old crusty woman make a comment to her husband "why do they get to park so close". I smiled and told her we were walking up to the SawDust festival ALL the way beyond the opposite end of the lot thankyouverymuch. Its a decent walk with kids on a hot day.

So haters hate no matter what its about. Its just how they're wired to feel in the world. I know people that hate those that make more money than them.... AND hate those that make less than they do... OR if someone makes the same money as them, they will hate the person if their job is easier and simpler.... AND hate them if their job is more important. Straight to the point, hateful people are just looking for an excuse to hate everyone they want.
You hit it right on the nose, it's how they are hardwired.
Various studies show it, here's one from the London College: and here one from Harvard:
There are those of us who are more able to be receptive to novel ideas and complex thinking, and those who are more hardwired to be afraid. It comes to no one surprise which way those who are predisposed to be afraid tend to lean...

TRONZ said:
So haters hate no matter what its about. Its just how they're wired to feel in the world. I know people that hate those that make more money than them.... AND hate those that make less than they do... OR if someone makes the same money as them, they will hate the person if their job is easier and simpler.... AND hate them if their job is more important. Straight to the point, hateful people are just looking for an excuse to hate everyone they want.
I hate it when the party of slavery offers you a fish for your vote instead of letting you pick up a fishing pole. That must make me a hater.
LTLFTcomposite said:
I hate it when the party of slavery offers you a fish for your vote instead of letting you pick up a fishing pole. That must make me a hater.

The problem with the other party is not that they let you pick up a fishing pole, but that they give the rich donor or corporation the right to use a net; the right to run you off of the fishing hole; and the right to destroy the hole so it's no good to anyone else when they're done with it.
Volusiano said:
mbutter said:
I was very happy a couple of days ago to learn that our local library in Austin just added two charging stations. My enthusiasm was tempered when I also realized that this displaced 4 front row parking spots, and these spots were sitting empty while the remainder of the rather small parking lot was relatively packed.
Can you elaborate on how 2 charging stations could have displaced 4 parking spots? I don't see why this needs to be the case.
I agree with you that this seems a bit excessive. Each of the two Chargepoint 'station' posts has a level 1 (Standard Edison/110V outlet) and a level2 (J1772/220V), so each station can 'technically' support charging two EVs at once. Not sure how many people will actually use the 110V, except perhaps scooters or a desperate Leaf driver. I can see where two spots at a single station *might* make sense, where one EV can park and wait for the other to complete a charge (with a courtesy sign saying OK to disconnect when charge complete), but again not at the expense of 'preferred' parking spots.

Similar parking spot displacement goes for Whole Foods in downtown Austin, where one ChargePoint station has two parking spots. (110V and 220V). Oh, and these ARE preferred parking spots! :) That is where I happened to see an electric scooter parked for convenience/shopping without bothering to charge. (grrr!)
LTLFTcomposite said:
I hate it when the party of slavery offers you a fish for your vote instead of letting you pick up a fishing pole. That must make me a hater.

if the shoe fits you and the other guy should just become dance partners. we dont mind if you are same sex.
and right wingers profit by instilling fears (helped by their vast propaganda machine) into their constituency which (as studies show) is hardwired to respond to it.
be afraid, be very afraid.... :lol:

Herm said:
Fabio said:
You hit it right on the nose, it's how they are hardwired.

Thats why class envy is inevitable in society, left wing politicians profit by it and brainwash their constituents.
I wish the other side was as sane as they were when they opposed slavery, but you know as well as I do, that now the geography is reversed and the GOP is the party of the south, after the dems of the NE fought for civil liberties in the 60s.

LTLFTcomposite said:
I hate it when the party of slavery offers you a fish for your vote instead of letting you pick up a fishing pole. That must make me a hater.
Looks like a record for the EV haters today!;_ylc=X3oDMTNsaHZlc2JuBF9TAzk3NjU3OTYxBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBHBrZwM1MTZjYWQ3Yy1mOTJjLTNiZDItYmJmOC02ODI4NGViZWVhOTAEc2VjA21pdF9zaGFyZQRzbGsDbWFpbAR0ZXN0Aw--" onclick=";return false;
Looks like a record for the EV haters today!;_ylc=X3oDMTNsaHZlc2JuBF9TAzk3NjU3OTYxBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBHBrZwM1MTZjYWQ3Yy1mOTJjLTNiZDItYmJmOC02ODI4NGViZWVhOTAEc2VjA21pdF9zaGFyZQRzbGsDbWFpbAR0ZXN0Aw--" onclick=";return false;
Hmmmm...over 2100 comments in less than a day and nearly all on right-wing message. Ya think those comments might be an organized effort? Subtlety has never been a Koch brothers attribute! :lol:
ENIAC said:
Looks like a record for the EV haters today!;_ylc=X3oDMTNsaHZlc2JuBF9TAzk3NjU3OTYxBGFjdANtYWlsX2NiBGN0A2EEaW50bAN1cwRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBHBrZwM1MTZjYWQ3Yy1mOTJjLTNiZDItYmJmOC02ODI4NGViZWVhOTAEc2VjA21pdF9zaGFyZQRzbGsDbWFpbAR0ZXN0Aw--" onclick=";return false;
Hmmmm...over 2100 comments in less than a day and nearly all on right-wing message. Ya think those comments might be an organized effort? Subtlety has never been a Koch brothers attribute! :lol:

Not much defense from the EV crowd:( This is the worst I have ever seen.
I got the Leaf a few months and I've had lots of opportunities to have discussions w/ people about it. I think that most people I've talked about it w/ have been courteous when talking w/ me. More recently I had a conversation w/ a group of people that didn't know I had a Leaf or an interest in EVs and tried to get an unbiased opinion about it. I've come to determine that there is a true hatred out there for EVs. Apparently the underlying source of their hate does not seem to be directed towards the technology, but towards those that drive it. The belief is that the car is a joke and an extreme annoyance because it is often seen driving well below the speed limit when on the highway. I am not one of those Leaf drivers that insists on under 60 mph when everyone around me is doing 70+, I follow the flow of traffic, but I have seen this many times over the past gew months, even experiencing extreme annoyance followed and even some shame for being associated w/ those that are giving the Leaf and EVs the reputation that it has.

In a sense it is somewhat understandable. Ignorance of EVs is not the fault of the general public. But for those of us that have EVs that really want to help this movement we should all keep in mind that they base their opinions what they see.
RedLeader said:
In a sense it is somewhat understandable. Ignorance of EVs is not the fault of the general public. But for those of us that have EVs that really want to help this movement we should all keep in mind that they base their opinions what they see.
No, it's not all based on what they've seen. Most have never seen an EV or know a damn thing about them. It's based on what they're told on talk radio and FOX News.
ENIAC said:
RedLeader said:
No, it's not all based on what they've seen. Most have never seen an EV or know a damn thing about them. It's based on what they're told on talk radio and FOX News.

I can't say that I know anything about FOX News and what the conservative media is saying about the Leaf and other EVs other than the Volt. All I know about FOX News as of recent are the opinions of Kemit the Frog and Miss Piggy. I live in the Seattle metro area where Leafs are becoming so numerous that I see another one nearly every time I drive more than 10 miles from my home. I actually learned about this forum through a friend that turned out to have a Leaf as well.

I can assure you that the 3 people that I had the impartial conversation about EVs are not Conservatives, I can't say if they listen to FOX News or to conservative talk radio, but if I had to guess I would say that they do not. They are my friends and for the most part they are similar to me and share similar views, excluding the topic of EVs. They only know about EVs from what they have seen. Most likely they have never actively looked into EVs and at no point in the conversation had they quoted the standard naysayer points of range, high initial costs, etc.. The conversation of EVs lasted no longer than 5 minutes and there were few exchange of thoughts in a casual setting over lunch so nothing was held back. I gained enough information that I could tell that their opinions of EVs were essentially from what they witnessed.
RedLeader said:
ENIAC said:
RedLeader said:
No, it's not all based on what they've seen. Most have never seen an EV or know a damn thing about them. It's based on what they're told on talk radio and FOX News.

I can't say that I know anything about FOX News and what the conservative media is saying about the Leaf and other EVs other than the Volt. All I know about FOX News as of recent are the opinions of Kemit the Frog and Miss Piggy. I live in the Seattle metro area where Leafs are becoming so numerous that I see another one nearly every time I drive more than 10 miles from my home. I actually learned about this forum through a friend that turned out to have a Leaf as well.

I can assure you that the 3 people that I had the impartial conversation about EVs are not Conservatives, I can't say if they listen to FOX News or to conservative talk radio, but if I had to guess I would say that they do not. They are my friends and for the most part they are similar to me and share similar views, excluding the topic of EVs. They only know about EVs from what they have seen. Most likely they have never actively looked into EVs and at no point in the conversation had they quoted the standard naysayer points of range, high initial costs, etc.. The conversation of EVs lasted no longer than 5 minutes and there were few exchange of thoughts in a casual setting over lunch so nothing was held back. I gained enough information that I could tell that their opinions of EVs were essentially from what they witnessed.
Most people who see a LEAF on the road don't even know it's an EV. Trust me, they get the vast majority of their opinions regarding EVs from the media.
I call troll on Red Leader. it is all too much to bare and so phoney.
Leaf number 0000
4 posts
had the leaf since august and he pops up on our site talking about haters?
and this next has the ring of what?
i see lots of Leafs on the road and my friends can pick them out but have never seen mine and then chat about them with me at lunch.