Are there really that many haters?

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thankyouOB said:
I call troll on Red Leader. it is all too much to bare and so phoney.
Leaf number 0000
4 posts
had the leaf since august and he pops up on our site talking about haters?
and this next has the ring of what?
i see lots of Leafs on the road and my friends can pick them out but have never seen mine and then chat about them with me at lunch.
LOL... I would say that would be a bad call.

RedLeader said:
I actually learned about this forum through a friend that turned out to have a Leaf as well.

Heh...You're welcome,... I think.
See what I mean?
I love the Anti-EV stock arguments.

"Nobody ever thinks of where the electricity comes from".
Oh, darn! How did we miss that!? :lol:

"Materials and assemblies are shipped over the ocean!!"
Yes, by cargo ships, not strapped to leaking Oil Tankers. :roll:

"Lithium and Nickel have to be mined and refined!!"
Unlike Iron, Aluminum, Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, all of which are found in their pure state laying on the ground. :?

"Electric motors contain RARE EARTH elements!!"
A rose, by any other name...
Blackhouse said:
A nice lady in a Leaf showed me the four foot long scratch down the side of her car. She assumed it was from a hater who keyed her car. It looked like it had been keyed. It was a long waivy deep scratch. Sucky!

We were keyed in Kearny Mesa area, with a bonus soda dumped on the hood. Luckily I was able to get the soda off before it did damage.
solartim said:
Blackhouse said:
A nice lady in a Leaf showed me the four foot long scratch down the side of her car. She assumed it was from a hater who keyed her car. It looked like it had been keyed. It was a long waivy deep scratch. Sucky!
We were keyed in Kearny Mesa area, with a bonus soda dumped on the hood. Luckily I was able to get the soda off before it did damage.
Man - I can understand disagreeing with someone but the lack of respect is downright depressing sometimes. Sorry to hear you were keyed. Did you report the incident to the police? I certainly would. Getting it fixed can cost around $1000 to fix depending on the severity.
thankyouOB said:
I call troll on Red Leader. it is all too much to bare and so phoney.
Leaf number 0000
4 posts
had the leaf since august and he pops up on our site talking about haters?
and this next has the ring of what?
i see lots of Leafs on the road and my friends can pick them out but have never seen mine and then chat about them with me at lunch.

I'm not sure what I did or said to get this type of accusation from you? No, I intentionally did not post my VIN and will not since it openly enables criminals to use it in VIN for fraud (take a minute to google it and find out). 4 posts? Yes, did take ownership of a Leaf in August of last year, I just started posting to this site after finding out about it from Drivesolo last month. As far as the # of Leafs I see; I work near and frequently go to the Landing in Renton, that's an area that a lot of Leafs frequently go since they have 4 Blink chargers and an entire outdoor mall, multiplex, restaurants and shopping. As for the discussions w/ friends, there's nothing I can do to prove that, choose to believe it or not.

I see that this thread is truly about hate. Thanks for making that clear.
RedLeader said:
thankyouOB said:
I call troll on Red Leader. it is all too much to bare and so phoney.
Leaf number 0000
4 posts
had the leaf since august and he pops up on our site talking about haters?
and this next has the ring of what?
i see lots of Leafs on the road and my friends can pick them out but have never seen mine and then chat about them with me at lunch.

I'm not sure what I did or said to get this type of accusation from you? No, I intentionally did not post my VIN and will not since it openly enables criminals to use it in VIN for fraud (take a minute to google it and find out). 4 posts? Yes, did take ownership of a Leaf in August of last year, I just started posting to this site after finding out about it from Drivesolo last month. As far as the # of Leafs I see; I work near and frequently go to the Landing in Renton, that's an area that a lot of Leafs frequently go since they have 4 Blink chargers and an entire outdoor mall, multiplex, restaurants and shopping. As for the discussions w/ friends, there's nothing I can do to prove that, choose to believe it or not.

I see that this thread is truly about hate. Thanks for making that clear.

I didn't see too many supporting his idea. I think hate is a strong word, some people just have trust issues or maybe a little quick to judge. You are welcome here and hope you can continue to add to the discussions. Please don't paint everyone with the same brush.
@drees "Sorry to hear you were keyed. Did you report the incident to the police? I certainly would. Getting it fixed can cost around $1000 to fix depending on the severity."

I'd be tempted to paint it black and wear it as a badge. It would be a great conversation starter.
apologies to Red Leader.
my bad. he asserts he is not a troll. I accept that.

Regardless, I am not buying the far-out and whacky idea that Leaf hate is stoked nationwide by Leafs being driven too slowly in the fast lane.

There arent that many Leafs.
Of those Leafs, there arent that many being driven 55 mph on the freeway.
Let alone going that slow in the fast lane.

Maybe it is different in the Seattle-plex. I doubt it, but then I am hundreds of miles away and it rains all the time there.
But I think, along with others here, that there is a much bigger phenomenon going on; part hate, part fear, part dont-wanna-change, part testosterone. By the last, I mean this is a country that sells pickup trucks to folks who live in urban settings by showing them how much farm equipment they can haul or what granite face they can drive up. So there is allot of basic insanity and unreality out there, and some of it drives purchases and marketing.
I agree with thankyouOB, its actually quite worse here in Texas, which, I would bet money, is the truck capital of the world. Granted many trucks are actually used for their full intent, there are still many ranches near the cities and farms too. Plus there is always lots of construction work. But beyond that, there are still many people who have the largest truck just to drive to and from work. I have seen my share of haters, although most of it wasn't outright hatred more of trying to convince me EVs were bad, mostly with misinformation. Items of I heard were:

The battery only last 2 years and takes 10k to replace, its a stupid design to have to pump 10k every 2 years.

They are so unsafe, my *friend, uncle, cousin, etc.* had to work on a volt/leaf and there was so much electrical protection it was so unsafe, many technicians die working on them (this was before the volt-fire media fiasco)

They are too small to fit anything in (this is standing next to the leaf while they have a small civic or something) at a grocery store.

They can't reach freeway speeds, why drive a car you can't take on the freeway!
Let's not get our knickers all in a twist. The irony of our world is that humans don't like change, but adapting to change is the only strategy for survivial. So don't be angry at those who resist change, pity them.
I don't believe in any great conspiracies - people believe what makes them feel comfortable. If anything, blame our education system that values rote learning of "important facts" over criticial thinking and evaluation of competing ideas.
But eventually reality will take hold, and if EVs are the best choice for the future of personal transportation, they will suceed. Indviduals will learn about EVs from other individuals who own them, and make their own decisions. Letting a friend take your leaf for a test drive is worth more that reponding to 100 negative blogs.
I have mentioned this before, you Leaf and Volt owners need to visit gas stations more often.. just 30 minutes a week would be plenty. Drive up and park, get a gorilla sized slurpee* and just stand around your car while you suck it down slowly.. perhaps walk up to someone gasing up their SUV and complain that there should be some free chargers installed in the parking lot.. talk about how much money you are saving on gas and so on. The joy of silent power etc.

*" onclick=";return false;

Herm said:
complain that there should be some free chargers installed in the parking lot
Yeah, but at a 7 Eleven down the mountain from us, I can sip a Slurpee and charge the LEAF at the same time. (They even have a Quick Charger, but it's not turned on yet.)
charlie1300 said:
The irony of our world is that humans don't like change, but adapting to change is the only strategy for survivial. So don't be angry at those who resist change, pity them.

Funny, I was thinking the really great irony is that gas car drivers should LOVE other people having electric cars. Less demand for gas from us = lower gas prices for them. A coworker said he wants electric cars to catch on and is thinking about getting a Leaf because he has a big fishing boat with a 200 gal tank and is worried about it becoming prohibitively expensive.

charlie1300 said:
Letting a friend take your leaf for a test drive is worth more that reponding to 100 negative blogs.

I started keeping a log; just passed 25 test drives. My Leaf has been used like a twenty dollar, um, well let's just say a lot of people have driven it.
Herm said:
I have mentioned this before, you Leaf and Volt owners need to visit gas stations more often.. just 30 minutes a week would be plenty. Drive up and park, get a gorilla sized slurpee* and just stand around your car while you suck it down slowly.. perhaps walk up to someone gasing up their SUV and complain that there should be some free chargers installed in the parking lot.. talk about how much money you are saving on gas and so on. The joy of silent power etc.

You try it first and let us know how that works out.
Herm said:
I have mentioned this before, you Leaf and Volt owners need to visit gas stations more often.. just 30 minutes a week would be plenty. Drive up and park, get a gorilla sized slurpee* and just stand around your car while you suck it down slowly.. perhaps walk up to someone gasing up their SUV and complain that there should be some free chargers installed in the parking lot.. talk about how much money you are saving on gas and so on. The joy of silent power etc.

*" onclick=";return false;

That will not work because drinking one gives temporary brain freeze and these commenters have permanent brain freeze." onclick=";return false;

What these people need is hot coffee and a "Google".
ENIAC said:
Most have never seen an EV or know a damn thing about them.

It goes beyond that - It's total ignorance! Most people don't even know what "EV" is the acranym for :!: :eek:

But the hate issue still goes beyond ignorance - the real reason (and not really a subject for this thread or for the entire forum actually) is that we are a completely divided country in all aspects- politically, socially, economically, you name it! You like this, I like that, I'm right, and you are wrong.

In the EV realm, as the price of gas goes up, so will the interest in EVs. I for one can't wait! :D
saywatt said:
But the hate issue still goes beyond ignorance - the real reason (and not really a subject for this thread or for the entire forum actually) is that we are a completely divided country in all aspects- politically, socially, economically, you name it! You like this, I like that, I'm right, and you are wrong.

I've come to the conclusion that the haters fall into 2 categories:
  • Those who believe the only possible purpose for an EV is to reduce air pollution and global warming, which they don't believe in. They also believe that electricity generation causes more emissions, defeating the entire purpose of the car. And they are angry that government money is being used to fund it.
  • Those who believe that the vehicles are ugly, slow, and limited due to range and recharge time. And they believe that a person who drives one is giving up a better lifestyle in order to serve some higher cause (stop global warming, for example) and since they don't believe in that, they think we are being stupid.
So my strategy when dealing with these people lately has been to avoid discussions of global warming, pollution, or any other "higher cause." (although sometimes I'll mention dependency on foreign oil) but rather talk about why I love my EV. I love not having to go to the gas station. I love not having maintenance. I love the looks of the car, the acceleration, and the savings in fuel costs. And above all, it is the car I wanted more than any other car available. It was not a choice between what I wanted, vs. what I thought was best for the greater good. The choice was made because I thought it was the coolest car available in my price range. It is really hard for the haters to argue with me on that.
saywatt said:
It goes beyond that - It's total ignorance! Most people don't even know what "EV" is the acranym for :!: :eek:

But the hate issue still goes beyond ignorance - the real reason (and not really a subject for this thread or for the entire forum actually) is that we are a completely divided country in all aspects- politically, socially, economically, you name it! You like this, I like that, I'm right, and you are wrong.

In the EV realm, as the price of gas goes up, so will the interest in EVs. I for one can't wait! :D

I don't buy the notion that it's all about political divisiveness. There may be some with a phobia that "the government is going to force everyone to buy electric cars that nobody wants" but IMO that is a generalization that misses the more significant psychological phenomenon... specifically that it is very common for people to become "emotionally invested" in their purchase choices. A car (or truck) is a big financial investment and people want to believe in something when they put money into it. When new technology comes along the wisdom of those choices is threatened, and many individuals feel the need to defend them, often by marginalizing the new thing.

On the flip side, I am meeting tons of people who are curious, and while not yet ready to take the plunge into an EV, are of a mind that it's inevitable and looking for advancements in the technology and infrastructure to improve the overall solution to the point where it meets their needs.
I think part of the Anti-EV sentiment comes from an odd transference of values.

America developed a car culture due to a rational perception of the utility and liberation of personal automotive transportation.

Gasoline made that possible, no question. The phenomenal energy density and relatively low cost were hard to beat.

Somehow along the way, those values of utility and liberation became transferred to gasoline itself. Instead of a means to an end, gasoline has now become part of our identity.

As some of the downsides of gasoline became apparent, smog in the '50s and '60s, Global supply issues and trade deficits in the '70s, Climate change in the '90s, I think the public retrenched as they saw defense of gasoline the same as defense of liberty, despite the negative effects. Having sent many of our young men to die in multiple wars for the resource only served to elevate Gasoline's status, I think.

Now that EVs are on the move I think a lot of people see it as just another "attack" on the "American Way of Life" - i.e., Gasoline.

We know that EVs mean the preserving the liberating aspects of personal transportation and separating them from the negatives of Gasoline. Advocacy should focus on separating that association in the perception of the public.

Nissan's "What if everything ran on gasoline" ad was brilliant in that regard.