Nissan Ariya to be announced for the JDM July 15, 2020

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A guy at work (I don't know him well as I don't work with him) PMed about the crazy supply of Ariyas in the Bay Area on Autotrader.

I just checked (for kicks) and picked a Bay Area zip (not mine). shows supposedly 163 new ones within 50 miles of that zip code (where Google's HQ is).
We drove one some time ago. Frankly not that compelling.

First of all, it's just too damn big. Power was just OK. And way too much money for what it is.

Not a good fit for us. Best of luck to them. I'm sure there's others would prefer that size vehicle.
I've been seeing ads on TV for them, sometimes multiple ads for the car within the same show.

I did see one on the road in the wild within the past 2 weeks or so. I can't say that I've had that many sightings, maybe one to three before this.
LeftieBiker said:
Leave it to Nissan to build a Crossover (a generally Hot segment of the market) that manages to appeal to almost no one...

Is that true ? I'm under the impression the main problem is price. The car is not Fed tax credit eligible, while Tesla now is. That is a $15k swing in value even before considering the drops in Tesla prices while the Ariya, so far as I know anyway, is priced about the same.
I can't think of a single review of the Ariya by a member of the public that wasn't lukewarm at best. I did see one mildly positive review - and that was today. The Ariya was compared to a comfortable old pair of shoes. A Buick, essentially...
LeftieBiker said:
I can't think of a single review of the Ariya by a member of the public that wasn't lukewarm at best. I did see one mildly positive review - and that was today. The Ariya was compared to a comfortable old pair of shoes. A Buick, essentially...

Sounds like Nissan design. Trying to keep it familiar. Can't say I hate a car that still has knobs...AM radio...all that ancient stuff.
LeftieBiker said:
I can't think of a single review of the Ariya by a member of the public that wasn't lukewarm at best. I did see one mildly positive review - and that was today. The Ariya was compared to a comfortable old pair of shoes. A Buick, essentially...
I skimmed and the Ariya definitely did significantly better at most metrics that they looked at vs. the "busy forks". But, they had a very expensive test Ariya that was about $10K more than the "busy forks" tester.

Seems like they didn't test DC fast charging at all on either.
DougWantsALeaf said:
Watching the Ariya range/efficiency drives from Bjorn make me think that it only barely outranges the Leaf with the big battery.
I'm not surprised given it's a bigger and heavier vehicle. The C&D test Ariya they said was 5087 pounds, which is WAY heavier than any Leaf.
The heavier car will make a difference but I have always beaten EPA and am not a conservative driver. I am opportunistic which is dramatically different examining minutia but still gets the job done.

Right now I am averaging 6 miles/kwh in my LEAF primarily due to playing the lights. I see no reason to rush up to a light opting for D, B, N instead. E Pedal is rare, brakes even rarer. Time lost; negligible. I am always quick off the line assuming I have a clear path but slower than a Turtle if I don't.

This is a major departure from how most people around me drive although I am noticing a LOT more people copying my process. (Bottom of the line gas is $4.39 here and not common)

So am really interested in how well I would do with the car as I am always looking at elevation advantages. Of course, a bigger heavier car may or may not have properly tuned regen that can be used as an effective decelerator in traffic like the LEAF can.

The other thing is the price. I am fairly confident that soon, very few will be selling anywhere near their MSRP. Nissan has already announced tax credits for Ariya LEASES so could be a chance to see if the car is worth the chance on the cheap.

Do keep in mind; Nissan is no longer allowing purchases of leases but with current interest rates, waiting a bit might not be all that bad an idea.

Right now, my plans is the VW van. I am seriously considering taking off every Summer and simply drive the country with my Planet Fitness membership and checking out quazi van life. :cool:

LEAF paid off in 26 months which puts me right before retirement.

My SV+ with the eRange tires is sitting at 5.8 miles/kWh for June. I have yet to average 6 for a whole month, but will give it a shot in July as the adult kids are on the other Leaf (with crossclimate2). It's all about minimizing the number of stops as you say. At 35-40 when hitting all of the lights I have seen as high as 7 miles/kWh on a good day when dropping my daughter at the train (5 mile drive).

I agree that Jack rabbit statts only minor lyrics affect efficiency as long as you only accelerate to your desired speed and not above.

Gas in chicago is back to between $4.4 and $5/gallon , but hasn't changed too many ice vehicles driving habits yet.

I would like to see how some Leaf driving style would do with the Ariya. I have seen some managing 4 miles/kWh on FB, but no consistent 5s and 6s.

I often dream of other EVs...but almost always come back to the value oriented conveniences of the Leaf. >400 miles in summer throttling being the only real annoyance. You should consider adding the Panera unlimited sips to your Van cross country plan.

Maybe I am just old now.
DaveinOlyWA said:
The other thing is the price. I am fairly confident that soon, very few will be selling anywhere near their MSRP. Nissan has already announced tax credits for Ariya LEASES so could be a chance to see if the car is worth the chance on the cheap.

Do keep in mind; Nissan is no longer allowing purchases of leases but with current interest rates, waiting a bit might not be all that bad an idea.
Indeed. If Nissan wants to actually move Leafs and Ariyas in the US, they're going to need take advantage of the $7500 Federal tax credit commercial leasing loophole and pass most/all of the savings onto lessees and/or offer dirt cheap leases.

As for no longer being able to purchase Nisasn EVs at end of lease (, that is definitely very off-putting too. They would get more takers if they dropped that and did the above.
cwerdna said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
The other thing is the price. I am fairly confident that soon, very few will be selling anywhere near their MSRP. Nissan has already announced tax credits for Ariya LEASES so could be a chance to see if the car is worth the chance on the cheap.

Do keep in mind; Nissan is no longer allowing purchases of leases but with current interest rates, waiting a bit might not be all that bad an idea.
Indeed. If Nissan wants to actually move Leafs and Ariyas in the US, they're going to need take advantage of the $7500 Federal tax credit commercial leasing loophole and pass most/all of the savings onto lessees and/or offer dirt cheap leases.

As for no longer being able to purchase Nisasn EVs at end of lease (, that is definitely very off-putting too. They would get more takers if they dropped that and did the above.

Info verified thru Ray at Everett Nissan. TBH; I am shocked. I do fairly well at seeing reasons why things happen even when they are completely against my grain but there is logical path on this one.

Another thing to note; lease cash to cover fed credits NOT available on the LEAF. so they are pushing everyone hard to the Ariya and despite the price, I know bunch who have done exactly that. Some are very happy, no one is upset and more waited for AWD so still in the evaluation stage but prelim comments has everyone happy.

On a side note; our mileage champion LEAFer is having charging issues with his Niro. The cable is heating up and causing the charge to terminate prematurely after a few hours.
In a Bolt group at (you'll need to be a member to see the post), a Bolt driver used a dual-standard DC FC at a Tri-State Nissan in Winchester VA. He said the dealer was closed but he was able to charge.

He reported Ariyas there were all $3K off (per one written on its windshield). He saw 13 Ariyas there...
2023 Nissan Z Production Lags Far Behind Due to Paint Problems: Report
This might be why you haven’t seen many new Nissan Zs on the road yet.

Story says Ariya is also affected and there's this:
"Production of the Nissan Ariya and Z at the Tochigi Plant in Japan has been facing the significant challenges of 1) a limited semiconductor supply and 2) deliveries of components that have been hampered by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic," the Nissan spokesperson said. "In addition, with the introduction of the Nissan Intelligent Factory initiative at the plant, a completely new production system was adopted. Unfortunately, it is taking some time to further improve the production capabilities in the painting and assembly processes. Nissan is making a full and diligent effort to fully regain production capacity at the plant." ... -EV-Models

Wow, that is big news! I saw that Nissan stock had a big spike this morning, and didn't know why - perhaps this good news was the reason. I owned several Leafs (2013 and 2015), and then switched to Tesla a few years ago. Have really appreciated the robust charging network, although with the longer and longer ranges, it's not as necessary for my own use any more. But this is great news for Nissan if it takes away a barrier from someone considering an Ariya...