Nissan Ariya to be announced for the JDM July 15, 2020

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knightmb said:
dgpcolorado said:
We had an EV event in the tiny town, population 1100, near where I live, with more than a dozen different models of EVs. The Grand Junction Nissan dealer brought an Ariya — first one I've ever seen up here in rural mountain Colorado. Even though it was fairly pricey, of interest to me was the sticker in the window saying that leases start at $299/month. If true, that seems like a pretty good deal to give the Ariya a try while the EV market shakes out.

Especially if the dealer can take the $7500 tax bonus and have a contract to buy after lease for the remaining value. I have access to a lot of them here where I am (Nissan HQ basically) but haven't tried to use LeafSpy on them to see what happens yet. :lol:
Colorado also has a $5000 refundable tax credit for new EVs purchased or leased. It goes to the leasee. The lease numbers by Nissan may be including that as part of the calculation, even though it doesn't go to the leasing company. Just a WAG though.
US: Nissan BEV Sales Hit 9-Year High In Q3 2023
The Nissan Ariya is now outselling the Leaf 3:1.
DougWantsALeaf said:
Honestly not a bad sales total for the Ariya (4500). I am actually seeing them almost daily now around the north side of Chicago/Evanston.

Very good considering the monstrous disadvantage they have in the market. It saddens me that they are beating up on their own product (the LEAF) in order to increase Ariya sales. I will never understand sacrificing a child so another can thrive.
DaveinOlyWA said:
DougWantsALeaf said:
Honestly not a bad sales total for the Ariya (4500). I am actually seeing them almost daily now around the north side of Chicago/Evanston.

Very good considering the monstrous disadvantage they have in the market. It saddens me that they are beating up on their own product (the LEAF) in order to increase Ariya sales. I will never understand sacrificing a child so another can thrive.
I've been puzzled as to why Nissan didn't switch the LEAF to CCS1 for the US market some years ago. I think it would have increased the utility of the car considerably here.
dgpcolorado said:
I've been puzzled as to why Nissan didn't switch the LEAF to CCS1 for the US market some years ago. I think it would have increased the utility of the car considerably here.

My guess is to save money. Much like why they are still air cooled today and they attacked it only via battery chemistry. I do agree with you once most of the other automakers went to CCS1 they should have changed over to CCS1 then I could for example use your magic dock in Moab. As supposedly NACS is now a standard controlled by a standard body (not just one automaker) and everyone is switching to that the future looks brighter in that we can hopefully all use the same connector. I would have preferred there be a international standard like there is for your phone for example but it is clear that will never happen. NACS is not suitable for 3 phase AC charging in Europe so it won't catch on there. Still things are going to get a lot better as we are converging on one charge standard for north america (NACS) and one for europe CCS2, one for China. Japan where I spend part of the year is still entrenched in CHAdeMO for everyone but Tesla.
dgpcolorado said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
DougWantsALeaf said:
Honestly not a bad sales total for the Ariya (4500). I am actually seeing them almost daily now around the north side of Chicago/Evanston.

Very good considering the monstrous disadvantage they have in the market. It saddens me that they are beating up on their own product (the LEAF) in order to increase Ariya sales. I will never understand sacrificing a child so another can thrive.
I've been puzzled as to why Nissan didn't switch the LEAF to CCS1 for the US market some years ago. I think it would have increased the utility of the car considerably here.

Planned obsolescence. They knew years ago that the LEAF was coming to an end so a big investment on the tech and tooling changes simply didn't pencil out. As far as increasing the utility? Just now seeing a clearcut advantage to CCS but then again its an adapter away from disappearing and lets face it; that adapter will be 3rd party. Nissan has no interest in providing it.
DougWantsALeaf said:
Either Alibaba or an enterprising Leaf faithful will need to help us out with one. Hopefully next year. Chademo to nacs in 2024!

Hopefully soon. Not totally familiar the the incompatibilities but have a suspicion that billing is involved.
I would consider selling our 2019 SL+, but 1) it's paid for, 2) it still meets all of the needs we ask of it, and 3) I can't find a compelling replacement in the market today for reasonable dollars.

So we're keeping the Leaf. If I were to sell it, the current best candidate might be the Kona. We're not interested in anything approaching the size of the Ariya, and certainly nothing that expensive either. EV6 would be nice, but for $56k nicely equipped? I don't think so.

Last but not least, I want to see bi-directional charging support. And oh, btw, forget about the everything-on-a-single-screen interior. Deal-killer. The new Volvo EX-30 would be interesting, but, crap interior design. Sigh.
DaveinOlyWA said:
DougWantsALeaf said:
Either Alibaba or an enterprising Leaf faithful will need to help us out with one. Hopefully next year. Chademo to nacs in 2024!

Hopefully soon. Not totally familiar the the incompatibilities but have a suspicion that billing is involved.

Unlikely. Different communication standards and software protocols. NACS has CCS protocols, so the adapter is basically just wires. Yes, also billing.
Chademo to NACS (or CCS, same thing) would need at least a micro with independent power and perhaps more.

Chademo CAN bus to NACS/CCS PLC based on the standard DIN SPEC 70121 and the ISO/IEC 15118-series.

Yes, older Tesla locations and cars don't support this, but use an internal Tesla standard.

Yes, older Tesla cars can take Chademo because they talk CAN bus and Chademo protocal as well.
Unlikely? Who knows. it IS doable so the only question is at what cost?

Its become obvious that despite our level of complaining, old LEAFs are not making haste to the landfills and continue to wander the streets of our neighborhoods. Only shows that needs/circumstances are infinitely variable since I couldn't do it.

It literally took all of a week (maybe less) to understand I wouldn't settle for less after my Plus arrived a week short of 4 years ago. Once I had the taste; going back wasn't an option.

But the demise of the LEAF/Chademo, etc. is quite overblown in my opinion. I base that on pix "I" have taken of new stations with chademo (2 that are still in process) in my small town alone. Do they match CCS? Nope. Each occurrence only matches the CCS count at that location ignoring the many CCS only locations that are also popping up. Amazon Go has apparently partnered with Volta and are providing CCS only DC stations at their newer locations. Free for 30 mins, then 47 cents/kwh (This is locally. I am sure prices vary from zone to zone)

So yeah; I think an adapter will happen. It will be 3rd party and expensive. Many will see the value in it. I doubt I will. I have options. Not as many as CCS but road trips continue to be doable for me. Speed was never a desire since I am no longer willing to the the 3-4 hour driving stints. I simply do not want to endure it. Has nothing to do with the type of car.
DaveinOlyWA said:
Its become obvious that despite our level of complaining, old LEAFs are not making haste to the landfills and continue to wander the streets of our neighborhoods.

Not just old Leafs but first generation. These things last a long time. When charging at home they are practical.
Toby said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
Its become obvious that despite our level of complaining, old LEAFs are not making haste to the landfills and continue to wander the streets of our neighborhoods.

Not just old Leafs but first generation. These things last a long time. When charging at home they are practical.

Yep, my sister gets gas so rarely she realized the other day, she actually might need some. She normally leaves home, plugs in at work in her Prius Prime (works at car dealership) but was out and about and realized she might not make it home with 20 miles of range, so she stopped, got $10 worth (which is practically nothing in WA as we just recently dropped below $5 a gallon)

But also shows how often she gets gas. After the first two gas stops two years ago, (she filled the tank) she never goes much more than half a tank any more and yeah, its a small tank.
We buy gas maybe 6x a year for our other 2 cars combined. For our Audi, when we take longer trips or shuttle my wife's 60# trike around for a more distant bike ride in the mountains. We put gas in the roadster maybe 2x a year.

The Audi is now 8+ years old and has 54k miles on it. Not exactly wearing it out. 45k miles in the first 4 years, before we bought the Leaf.

Three very different vehicles for very different uses. A little extravagant, but I retire in 5 years, so now is the time to splurge a little.