No charger assessment No order

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
Olympia, WA
Just when online Under the order cab It states i must Schedule a charger Assessment first.

I called nissan customer service. They advised me They are escalating the issue and will call me today or tomorrow and it also it sure is me that this will not affect my delivery date
Glad you August people are ironing out the problems for us Sept people :)

I'm sure it won't affect delivery as Aug has supposedly 200 orders...Nissan won't be shipping less than 200 cars at a time from Japan to the US.

Just got the phone With my dealer. Although we cannot Officially submit A quote. We already already discussed prices options i will be getting. The only thing left is to to wait for nissan to iron out the website bugs

Obtw, I received by email 4 quote invitation But still get the assessment issue

But my dealer Did assure me Delivery will be In december

The waiting is Getting harder and harder. It's no longer just talk It's actually happening!!
My order is for Sept.

I scheduled my assessment with a disposable credit card number. Will cancel the assessment once the order is placed.
Dave, check the other thread. You may be able to request the assessment - then you can order. They are planning to cancel the assessment request after the order is confirmed ...
I would do this (prefer if the site let you sign the waiver over the internets), but the Nissan Site won't even let me schedule an assessment.


hopefully will be a moot point by the time my september order date arrives.

greenleaf said:
My order is for Sept.

I scheduled my assessment with a disposable credit card number. Will cancel the assessment once the order is placed.

Just wondering what folks are doing without an assessment. Are you an EV Project person? Will you do your own installation of the charger? Are you getting a different charger?

BTW, the dealer i spoke with said there is a waiver to bypass the requirement for an assessment.
Tango said:
greenleaf said:
My order is for Sept.

I scheduled my assessment with a disposable credit card number. Will cancel the assessment once the order is placed.

Just wondering what folks are doing without an assessment. Are you an EV Project person? Will you do your own installation of the charger? Are you getting a different charger?

BTW, the dealer i spoke with said there is a waiver to bypass the requirement for an assessment.
Not EV person. I will do my own installation, probably the Leviton. I can live with L1 for a while.
I will be having my electrician install a Leviton EVSE. And I really don't need that as my commute is 10 miles, maybe 10 more miles a day in driving fun. So really the 120v trickle charger that comes with the LEAF will be fine...but I plan to get a level 2 charger anyways just to be safe.

I tried the assessment Just got an error on the web page. But since i am Guaranteed a december delivery i can wait a few days to submit an official quote. After all i have already Submitted an unofficial quote and recieved a price. Was very pleased To find out that Cessories and options were also discounted
DaveinOlyWA said:
I tried the assessment Just got an error on the web page. But since i am Guaranteed a december delivery i can wait a few days to submit an official quote. After all i have already Submitted an unofficial quote and recieved a price. Was very pleased To find out that Cessories and options were also discounted

So how much was the 'Protection Package'?
leaffan said:
DaveinOlyWA said:
I tried the assessment Just got an error on the web page. But since i am Guaranteed a december delivery i can wait a few days to submit an official quote. After all i have already Submitted an unofficial quote and recieved oa price. Was very pleased To find out that Cessories and options were also discounted

The what?
guess i have to say was not an option i selected

So how much was the 'Protection Package'?
I had a long chat with Nissan about this.

I'm a September order and I'm currently one of those "ECOtality needs more info" people.

They said basically if ECOtality hasn't gotten back to me yet that basically I can't order.... great. You really do need to have an assessment before hand to order.

Well they're escalating it and someone is going to get back to me to see what my status is with ECOtality.

I really hope this is all cleared up before I get that e-mail saying "it's time to order" because then I'm FUBAR.
Well, following the advice here I went ahead and scheduled an assessment. Scheduled for Sept 30, which is the latest the system would accept. Of course I intend to cancel as soon as I put in my order, as I will be purchasing an EVSE from an alternate supplier.

To be able to RAQ, I only need to have an assessment on schedule, right? I don't have to actually have the assessment completed?
johnr said:
Well, following the advice here I went ahead and scheduled an assessment. Scheduled for Sept 30, which is the latest the system would accept. Of course I intend to cancel as soon as I put in my order, as I will be purchasing an EVSE from an alternate supplier.

To be able to RAQ, I only need to have an assessment on schedule, right? I don't have to actually have the assessment completed?

yup, that seemed to work for me today.
As of 2:12 pm Pacific Daylight Time, with the help of the Customer Service phone system, they over-rode the "demand for home assessment" and let the website bring up the waiver section for me to agree to, and my Glacier White SL with the fast charge dock and floor mats is now sent off for final determined pricing to North Bay Nissan (Petaluma, CA.).

I am passing on the Nissan home charger program because we are also getting the first Chevy VOLT coming to Fairfield Chevrolet and in the Sacramento region Volt buyers, if early enough will be able to get Federally supported home charge points...

So in middle November the VOLT will/should arrive and the charge point perhaps be installed at or before that time, and in December when the LEAF arrives....we will be more than ready for it.

And for the last 12 months we have had 25 Sunpower 220v solar panels on our roof, and our PV system for this year has generated a CREDIT with PG&E of over $430 !!! Last week I sent in the PG&E forms to transition to the "experimental electric car rate structure" which provides for 12am to 7 am electric rates of $ .05 to .064 per kW....and our panels PRODUCE surplus which is credited at around $ .30 per kW !
GeorgeParrott said:
As of 2:12 pm Pacific Daylight Time, with the help of the Customer Service phone system, they over-rode the "demand for home assessment" and let the website bring up the waiver section for me to agree to, and my Glacier White SL with the fast charge dock and floor mats is now sent off for final determined pricing to North Bay Nissan (Petaluma, CA.).

I am passing on the Nissan home charger program because we are also getting the first Chevy VOLT coming to Fairfield Chevrolet and in the Sacramento region Volt buyers, if early enough will be able to get Federally supported home charge points...

So in middle November the VOLT will/should arrive and the charge point perhaps be installed at or before that time, and in December when the LEAF arrives....we will be more than ready for it.

And for the last 12 months we have had 25 Sunpower 220v solar panels on our roof, and our PV system for this year has generated a CREDIT with PG&E of over $430 !!! Last week I sent in the PG&E forms to transition to the "experimental electric car rate structure" which provides for 12am to 7 am electric rates of $ .05 to .064 per kW....and our panels PRODUCE surplus which is credited at lmaroundo $ .30 per kW !
I called this morning Then they were still working on it. After reading your post I just tried it again And it still doesn't work.

Were they able To process the Waiver for you Or did they walk you through The process online?
They walked me through...stayed online with me while they manipulated the website and then stayed with me when I was able to move through the waiver and to the actual order process...

Good luck. Ask for Yvonne as a phone customer service "manager."