Plug-in-Cars article on Paul Scott, Santa Monica Nissan

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I don't begrudge any seller getting "market price". I have knowingly paid thousands over MSRP for a high-demand car in short supply. That's how it works. Want to pay less? Wait for the supply/demand ratio to tilt more in the buyer's favor. If you wait until LEAFs are stacked like cordwood on dealer lots with prices written in shoe polish "star shapes" on the windshield, you win.

I'm not averse to any of this. In fact, I was totally surprised that the very first RAQs from the very first reservations were already getting a $1k discount UNDER MSRP. I just assumed we'd be paying Straight List, at best, given how fast the reservations booked out.

That aside, Paul still comes off as a jerk in the article. It's one thing to be on the strong end of a supply/demand curve, and another thing to rub your customers' nose in it. That, and the whole "quit whining, I've waited longer than you" aire. Whatever. The dude sells cars. Power to him.

I guess I'm not drinking enough of the EV Kool-Aid, really. Nissan is not a philanthropic organization, painting daisies on the world. It's not a "cause" or an altruistic act to buy a marvelous car.
I'm not going to learn to talk with my eyes closed.
GroundLoop said:
I'm not averse to any of this. In fact, I was totally surprised that the very first RAQs from the very first reservations were already getting a $1k discount UNDER MSRP. I just assumed we'd be paying Straight List, at best, given how fast the reservations booked out.
Most of us had already pre-negotiated our deal with our PD long before the RAQ. It was widely known on the Internet which dealers were offering what deals.
Sure, sure.. and I did the same. I'm just saying, if all the PDs had said "Full MSRP only", I would have shrugged and ordered. Demand is outstripping supply for all of MY2011. My point is that Capitalism and Paul's approach to pricing is pretty elementary, and I don't feel inclined to protest whatever sales strategy they employ.

But hey, what do I know.. apparently I didn't stand in the rain when they were crushing EV1s, and volunteer for The Cause, so I should shut up, quit asking Nissan for when they might deign to build my Leaf, and wait patiently.
GroundLoop said:
Sure, sure.. and I did the same. I'm just saying, if all the PDs had said "Full MSRP only", I would have shrugged and ordered. Demand is outstripping supply for all of MY2011. My point is that Capitalism and Paul's approach to pricing is pretty elementary, and I don't feel inclined to protest whatever sales strategy they employ.
I have to admit that I too was pleasantly surprised to see how many of us were able to get quotes below MSRP. I've heard that Nissan corporate isn't supposed to be able to tell its dealers what to charge, but it sure seems like the word was out not to gouge Leaf buyers. Contrast this to the stories I've been hearing about Volt orders.

It will be interesting to see how Ford handles their Focus.
GroundLoop said:
....I'm not going to learn to talk with my eyes closed.
+1 but damn, now I have to clean the coffee off my keyboard!

If that SP image was on the giant "Zero Emissions" door sticker, I'd have one.
GroundLoop said:
It's not a "cause" or an altruistic act to buy a marvelous car.
Maybe not for you. It is for a lot of us. As someone (Ford ?) put it we are buying into a philosophy.
GroundLoop said:
I guess I'm not drinking enough of the EV Kool-Aid, really. Nissan is not a philanthropic organization, painting daisies on the world.

LOL, good quote Groundloop, thanks for the chuckle to start my Sunday with...that 'daisies' line is funny....
GroundLoop said:
Demand is outstripping supply for all of MY2011.
Right, that is true for the vehicle, but demand for the vehicle is not applicable as to why the price was lowered. It's the demand for your reservation by the Nissan dealers which exceeded the supply of reservations. So therefore competition occurred among the dealers for that scarce reservation and many lowered their offer price.
Ouch! I should have checked out this site earlier. I had no idea the article had generated so much traffic.

I apologize for how I worded my response to Brad Berman when asked about selling orphaned cars. As many of you noted, correctly, it was insensitive and made me look like a jerk to those of you who don't know me. I'm clearly not a typical car salesman, I'm an activist who works every day to make the world better. As an activist, I tend to speak my mind without hesitation. I am trying to learn how to hesitate.

That said, I really appreciate those of you who came to my defense as you understood where I was coming from. I have spent the past 8 years fighting this fight, and I did experience a serious loss of income while doing it. All of the LEAFs we've sold here at Santa Monica Nissan have been at or below MSRP. My lack of experience selling cars, and my insensitivity to those of you who want to buy at below MSRP resulted in a comment I wish I hadn't made.

I tend to look at the big picture, and replacing ICE with EVs is crucial to ending the evils that oil has brought to our world. Each of you who buys a LEAF, or Volt, Focus, Smart, Volvo, Tesla or any of the myriad plug-in cars coming to market over the next decade, will become part of this revolution. You will no longer give money to the evil people who own the oil companies, or by extension, the Saudis who fund the terrorists who kill our soldiers. You will no longer pollute the air you, or your children, breathe. All of the money you are now sending out of your community to buy gas will instead stay local, generating jobs and creating wealth in your town.

These are the reasons I do what I do.

My clumsy explanation of what happens when a car is orphaned at a dealer was a mistake and should not be held against Santa Monica Nissan. I was under the impression that this is how the business works. I'm still learning the business.

Regardless of where you buy your LEAF, you are doing a good thing by replacing your ICE with the cleanest-running car available, and you will be amazed with how good this car is.

Carlos Ghosn is a true hero in my book for seeing the future of personal transportation as I see it. Renewable electricity instead of filthy oil. Many people have criticized Ghosn for going all in on the bet that EVs are the future, but I see it as a sure bet. Nissan is doing the right thing and they should be supported for doing it.

Whether Santa Monica Nissan did the right thing by hiring a rabble rouser to sell cars, that remains to be seen.

