Range Indictator Varies on Full Charge- WHY IS THIS?

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Mar 8, 2013
I'm a little stumped on my new Leaf....

All charges are 100%... but the range indicator says 106 miles on some charges and now it says 95miles. Why the variance? :?:
That is why it is called the Guess-O-Meter by most... It tries to figure out your range based on how you drove and the environment recently. Since this is almost always changing, so does it's measurement and display... To show how silly this can be, my commute to work is mostly downhill the entire way (and uphill back). Thus, it shows less range when I leave the garage charged then, it does when I get to work some 20 miles way. Most of us learn to pretty much ignore it's numbers.

RustyHook said:
I'm a little stumped on my new Leaf....
All charges are 100%... but the range indicator says 106 miles on some charges and now it says 95miles. Why the variance? :?:
RustyHook said:
I'm a little stumped on my new Leaf....

All charges are 100%... but the range indicator says 106 miles on some charges and now it says 95miles. Why the variance? :?:
That happens because the estimate is based upon your recent driving efficiency. We call the distance-to-empty (DTE) indicator in the LEAF the guess-o-meter (GOM) instead. Note that it is unlikely you can drive either 95 or 106 miles unless you *really* work at it and then the GOM will estimate 125 miles!

I tend to look mainly at the charge bars to estimate how far I can go. Trust me, you will get used to estimating where you can go without help from the GOM.
I always charge to 80%, and always drive the same route to worik and back, but one day this week my GOM showed that I had 71 mile range after a charge, and the next day it showed 106 miles because traffic was really bad the night before. I often turn on the climate control, turn off AC, and run the temperature down to 60 degrees so I can get fan only, so it basically takes almost no power, but the GOM may still change by 10 miles when I turn it on or off. A stopped clock is right twice a day, but the GOM is never right. The two things you need to ignore are the little tree builder above the instrument cluster, and the GOM.
RustyHook said:
Interesting....very good info! You all saved me a week's worth of confusion...lol. Much appreciated.

Welcome to the LEAF, and thanks for not persisting to "figure out" the GOM. We do get folks who actually think its accurate. It is accurate when it goes to "---" at the Very Low Battery (VLB) warning.

Anyhoo, please check out the range chart or one of the several apps for Apple and Android.
RustyHook said:
Interesting....very good info! You all saved me a week's worth of confusion...lol. Much appreciated.
Here's my "personal best" GOM reading, 14.5 miles into a long trip:

No, I didn't manage to go 155 miles like it said I could.

The GOM has amusement value, but little other use, where I live.
dgpcolorado said:
RustyHook said:
Interesting....very good info! You all saved me a week's worth of confusion...lol. Much appreciated.
Here's my "personal best" GOM reading, 14.5 miles into a long trip:

No, I didn't manage to go 155 miles like it said I could.

The GOM has amusement value, but little other use, where I live.

They've made the DTE much more accurate now. In the 2011, I could easily have it show 130-140 too, but not this one. Even though I had 5.8m/kW h, this one only showed 105 miles at 100%.
LEAFfan said:
They've made the DTE much more accurate now. In the 2011, I could easily have it show 130-140 too, but not this one. Even though I had 5.8m/kW h, this one only showed 105 miles at 100%.
That begs the question: "what has Nissan done to make the algorithm better?" If it doesn't just reflect recent mileage efficiency (5.8 x 21 = 122) I wonder what they are using to make the calculations?
RustyHook said:
I'm a little stumped on my new Leaf....

All charges are 100%... but the range indicator says 106 miles on some charges and now it says 95miles. Why the variance? :?:
Uphill and against the wind, I've used 7/12ths of the battery with the GOM dropping like a rock, and then used about 4/12ths on the return trip. Fun stuff. You only need to worry about it when you are trying to stretch range, say over 60 miles. Then use Tony's range chart.
