Steal Your Battery program: Any news? Hello Nissan?

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thankyouOB said:
it Friday in Japan. 8 am Friday. which is summer not spring.

jokes on us. can it get funnier?

NewsChannel5 in Nashville said that Summer 'officially' starts at 12:04am tomorrow morning CDT. Nissan have their HQ here in Nashville. We should at least give them until 12:04am tomorrow :)

Not sure why it's 12:04 rather than 12:00, but hey that gives 'em an extra 4 minutes.
It is just me, or is there a good chance Nissan won't announce a price this spring. What can be so hard to decide that it takes months? Isn't it just a number? Ah, big companies have the luxury of debating by committee for months.
thankyouOB said:
Dave, are you sworn to secrecy?
give in to your inner truth-teller, sir, and let us know already.

5k for a new battery?

I'm willing to break my NDA ;-)

The new battery replacement will come with free lifetime oil changes.
So we got some news before it became summer.
But no real answer to the question.
Just a $100 monthly payment option that is so ill defined no one understands what it means.
Strange Nissan. Strange.
This does not inspire any confidence in Nissan. :( :? :eek: :shock:
JPWhite said:
thankyouOB said:
it Friday in Japan. 8 am Friday. which is summer not spring.

jokes on us. can it get funnier?

NewsChannel5 in Nashville said that Summer 'officially' starts at 12:04am tomorrow morning CDT. Nissan have their HQ here in Nashville. We should at least give them until 12:04am tomorrow :)

Not sure why it's 12:04 rather than 12:00, but hey that gives 'em an extra 4 minutes.

Simple - summer solstice is at 5:04 UTC. The solstice is simple the moment in the earth's revolution around the sun when the north pole is tilted towards the sun. 5:04 UTC = 12:04 CDT
TaylorSFGuy said:
Here it is" onclick=";return false;

Actually, that's not it. That is a seperate program for battery rental and not the Battery Pack Replacement cost that we were promised.

So how about it Nissan? We are now at End of Spring +1 day. When are we going to get that Battery Replacment Price Andy promised us?
So, Nissan, when are you going to release a battery purchase price?

I am not against the existence of a rental program, but it is NOT a price. Much like we can buy, lease or rent a car, you want to do that with a battery. I'm fine with that. But much like I don't want to rent a car for perpetuity to meet my daily driving needs, nor do I want that with a battery.

Here's what you should do:

1) Release a purchase price for a new battery. I shouldn't have to return my battery. I shouldn't even have to own a Leaf. I should be able to just walk into my local Nissan dealer, and buy a battery like any other car part. I personally expect them to cost somewhere between $12k-$14k. That's about $500-$600 / kWh.
2) Develop a method to evaluate trade-in value for used batteries. Don't pretend they don't have any value. Prorate according to remaining capacity. I don't expect each kWh to have the same value as new, either. Maybe $300/kWh (of remaining capacity). That's $5k for a 70% battery.
3) Offer programs to finance a purchase, lease or rent a new battery. Only offer these programs once you have figured out (1) and (2).
there is something else going on here with the battery issue than that nissan simply cant figure how to price the battery, the old battery and installing it.