Tracking ships !

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BTW - The next ship in after the Hoegh Inchon that I have found is United Spirit due in on 12/30 from Yokohama.
As requested my PM:

I am going to (temporarily) play a cynic and just say that we have seen two large ships arrive at the Nissan dock.... just the facts please.
At the Dock:
11 am to 1 pm - apparently lunch break. :(
1 to 2 pm - off-loading :) many Murano, and an occasional "something"
(they all tend to look the same to me...)

Well, they WERE (mostly) all the same model. No LEAFs to be seen. :( :(

The cars were not even exiting via the stern (rear) ramp (where we had a good view), but apparently they were using the starboard side exit and taveling on the dock past the bow (front end, on the left) of the ship.

You can see the port side exit (up and closed) in the picture.

But, it was a fun time chatting. :)
Guess what MW's first job was after he moved to this country! :D
Gonewild said:
Is Yokohama port a Nissan port or all car makers?

You want to find the Oppama plant in Yokosuka. Yokosuka is directly south of Yokohama. Once you find it - the Oppama plant in two peninsula's above (North of) Yokosuka. If you zoom in under hybrid mode, you can first notice the test track - then you'll start to see where all of the cars are parked. Nothing parked there right now - but there is a track that makes it appear that something just left. That track is where the Nissan docks are.,+japan&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.564699,60.292969&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Yokosuka,+Kanagawa+Prefecture,+Japan&ll=35.322059,139.64829&spn=0.027242,0.02944&t=k&z=15 <- that green boat in the google earth view is at the Nissan dock.
LakeLeaf said:,139.64829&spn=0.027242,0.02944&t=k&z=15 <- that green boat in the google earth view is at the Nissan dock.
There is also a street view, taken at a different time, obviously, which shows a larger blue and white ship docked at right angles and behind the stern of the one with a green deck shown in the satellite view. Wouldn't that also be part of the Nissan dock? The satellite view shows several hundred cars parked over there next to the dock.

You can spot the blue and white ship from two places on the street view; one NNE of the ship, right at the entrance to the dock where the green deck ship is; the other SSW of it looking across the parking area for the ocean-facing dock section.
I was looking around the port and I found a NEW Sub being built outside NIPPO Japan. There also a Frigate with a 60MM main gun.

OK I am calling the CIA! I looked all around and see military ships massing. We need to nuke them again?
A new ship, the Asian Beauty, is at the Nissan dock in LA . It appeared there last night, but the forum was down. Wow, two ships unloading Nissan vehicles! I imagine little or no work will be done at this Nissan processing center until Monday though.

Happy Holidays to the crew at the Nissan LA processing port!