what state is the next to be able to order?

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2010
Northern Virginia
In what area will Reservations be able to place an order?

are we not at the end of the first wave of tier 1?

states that have orders CA, WA,TX, TN, AZ,HI, OR ........

might point is its Feb 3rd and we are in the end/middle/end of tier 1 orders

tier 2 states have been told "summer 2011"

so what happen between now and "summer 2011" ?

whos up next?
I think the plan is to reopen reservations and take more orders in the tier 1 states. Tier 2 is late summer although I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they just do away with tier 2 and open ordering nationwide in September. That's assuming they don't switch back to a traditional dealer model for buying the car. Ordering might open earlier if they don't get a lot of new reservations.
Well if they do reopen tier 1 orders , I guess I won't be the only one on the phone with Nissan complaining!

They def need to accept orders from the first 20k reservationists before going to a normal dealer allocation free for all type system.
They've said a few times since they delayed tier 2 that they would open reservations again early this year. I think it was in the press release for gudy's car. As far as going to dealer allocation or doing away with tier 2, that's just pure speculation on my part. I figure if I keep my expectations low it will be harder to be disappointed come September :)

Edit: Here it is.
In order to fulfill interest and meet demand in initial launch markets, Nissan plans to reopen reservations in the first half of 2011 as well as shift timing of additional markets until the second half of 2011.
No problem if they want to reopen reservations, but kmp647 is right - new reservations better be in line behind us tier 2 reservation-holders. If we don't get to order until late summer, then new reservations ought to be after that!

So as to the original question, I thought the current speculation is that they are delivering more cars to the Japanese market to beat the expiration of tax credits there. Perhaps that's enough to account for what's happening between now and summer.
I suspect that Nissan will first take more reservations, primarily for the LEAF-developed areas. It makes business sense to get more LEAFs into the areas where dealers are trained and ready to service and charge them.
I guess it would make sense if they reopen a reservation window in the spring, then allow the rest of the tier 2 people who reserved to order in the summer, then allow the spring 2011 reservationist to order after that.

that would make sense Nissan

at the same time they open new reservations in the spring , they should notify tier 2 and thes rest of the 36 reservations that they are not forgotten and will be allowed to order soon.

this will prevent a blowout of their CS phone lines when they re-open reservations. :)
No problem if they want to reopen reservations, but kmp647 is right - new reservations better be in line behind us tier 2 reservation-holders. If we don't get to order until late summer, then new reservations ought to be after that!

So as to the original question, I thought the current speculation is that they are delivering more cars to the Japanese market to beat the expiration of tax credits there. Perhaps that's enough to account for what's happening between now and summer.

The diversion of cars to Japan should be done with in March. It doesn't make any sense to me that Nissan would say that tier 2 is delayed till late summer but reservations will reopen in the first half of the year unless they are planning on taking more orders from tier 1 before late summer. They've always said that you'll get to order based on your location and reservation time. Nissan definitely will run out of dashboards to open in the tier 1 states before summer so I'm guessing they'll start taking new reservations soon. Anyone who reserves outside of tier 1 would be in line behind you.
kmp647 said:
at the same time they open new reservations in the spring , they should notify tier 2 and thes rest of the 36 reservations that they are not forgotten and will be allowed to order soon.

this will prevent a blowout of their CS phone lines when they re-open reservations. :)

That would be nice, but seeing as the email that notified us that tier 2 was delayed didn't have any sort of apology, I doubt it.
I guess we can expect an announcment of new reservations in the next 60-90 days max

I just think it would be bone-headed move to not notify and re-assure tier 2 reservationist that they are still in que somehow

no apology expected or needed, just communicate
I hate living in Nebraska! I will just have to wait to reserve patiently (even though that is almost IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!) in the spring.
What makes sense for Nissan is to serve the customers who have already gone to such great lengths to buy their car, and have been patient for so long in spite of delay after delay, rather than telling those customers they're not important enough, they'd rather look for a new batch of customers in launch markets first.

The phase 3 market delaying a full YEAR after initial launch was bad enough, but to delay the people who were initially told December '10 to probably closer to December '11 is downright wrong... But then to slap them in the face by selling to completely new customers in launch markets in the meantime - People who at this point still haven't even put up a reservation - is abhorrent.

I know, there's nothing anyone can do, and a lot of apologists will come on here talking about controlling distribution and the patently ridiculous claim that it's all about cold weather packages (I'm sure people across the south buy into that one), but really, when you choose to prioritize controlled distribution over keeping your commitments to your most enthusiastic customers, you're making a terrible mistake.

No, I won't be cancelling my leaf order, and yes, I'm still excited about the car - but that doesn't blind me to the communication and customer relations nightmare Nissan has made of this ordering process.
:shock: +1 :cry:

I drive 5k per year and am quite sure that we
don't have "cold weather" issues here in Florida.

All I need is my garage and a Leaf.... the idea that
new customers in the "magic states" will bump my
position pisses me off.
defiancecp said:
... But then to slap them in the face by selling to completely new customers in launch markets in the meantime - People who at this point still haven't even put up a reservation - is abhorrent.
Agree 100% - and in fact, I really hope the Nissan guys are reading this: I am giving them the benefit of the doubt here and saying that it is extremely unlikely that they would do that! New reservations will surely be in line behind us existing reservation holders, regardless of location! Please don't prove me wrong here, Nissan. :!:
StrangerTides said:
defiancecp said:
... But then to slap them in the face by selling to completely new customers in launch markets in the meantime - People who at this point still haven't even put up a reservation - is abhorrent.
Agree 100% - and in fact, I really hope the Nissan guys are reading this: I am giving them the benefit of the doubt here and saying that it is extremely unlikely that they would do that! New reservations will surely be in line behind us existing reservation holders, regardless of location! Please don't prove me wrong here, Nissan. :!:

It would make no business sense for Nissan to not accept any new orders in the Tier 1 states, while the roll out continues into tier 2 and the "forgotten 36". They will want to follow up on the best advertising they have, Leafs on the road. So new customers in tier 1 will be able to order Leafs before the forgotten 36, and maybe even get delivery as well. Remember that Nissan's purpose on this earth is to sell cars. Expecting them not to follow that purpose will lead to disappointment.

Why does everyone think that life is fair? it's not. get over it.
Nissan might be "committed" to placing some number of LEAFs into the EVProject areas.

If Nissan feels that your AREA is not sufficiently ready for the LEAF, or that the LEAF is not ready for your area, they will probably sell the LEAFs elsewhere.
charlie1300 said:
Why does everyone think that life is fair? it's not. get over it.
That's a bit childish. We're all adults here, let's act like it.

charlie1300 said:
Remember that Nissan's purpose on this earth is to sell cars

So perhaps it would make sense for them to do that - to the people with money in hand waiting in line for a year now, in spite of original assurances that they'd be able to order months ago.

I'm looking forward to my leaf, and when it gets here I'll drive it and probably love it, and when people ask me about it I'll tell them all about it. Then I'll tell them about Nissan's treatment of their customers.

If Nissan really wants people on the roads evangelizing about their cars, they need to be treating them right from the start. Just focusing on customer treatment in a small subset of states isn't going to generate the sort of countrywide customer loyalty we need. Like it or not, the people they're repeatedly delaying right now are going to be their FIRST representatives in 80% of the country.

*self-edited for appropriate tone*
Let's see, humanoid adults have wars, engineer bio-weapons, dump toxic waste, rape, pilliage and plunder, often hold grudges over perceived mistreatment, and generally fail to communicate well.

Do I want to be like that? No, I do not.

So, my suggestion is to act more like thoughtful, caring, loving ...
puppies, ... or perhaps well-balanced children.
Gary, I realize you're a well-respected veteran of this forum, but I hope you don't mind me pointing out that your reply, in addition to being off-topic, seems to me to be a deliberate misunderstanding of the point defiancecp was trying to make. In spite of your contrived comments, I hope you are not seriously arguing that to be childish is a positive quality while to be adult is a negative one.

So, to return to the topic...

defiancecp: very well-stated.

charlie1300: If you thought I was complaining that life is not fair, sorry for the misunderstanding. Rather, I was trying to make the point that the word "reservation" implies to me a position in line. After all, what have you really "reserved" if someone comes after you and gets the item first? Until reading the speculations here, it honestly never crossed my mind that Nissan might deliver orders to new customers before existing reservation-holders. So again, I'll give Nissan the benefit of the doubt in assuming that they define "reservation" the same way I would. Maybe I'm being naive, but I think naivete is underrated. Certainly better than the cynicism that seems to be the default attitude in internet discussions.
The most recent press/interview with brian c leads me to believe they will be filling orders from the original group of reservations , Before starting a new reservation period.

"Once the list is worked through of those who have registered with Nissan, a similar sign-up process will take place, but Carolin does not know when that process will resume."

they have got to offer cars to the first 20k reservation holders who want them

4-5 in 10 will buy = 8k to 10k cars

easily produced by oppama

I will be driving a Leaf , purchased at a northern Va dealer by end of 2011 at latest. :ugeek: