4/22 Dashboard delivery dates inexplicably on hold?

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Good Morning All

Well Nissan CS has stopped responding to my terse comments on both the Leaf site and the main Nissan site. I have begged them to come clean about this horrible delivery pattern of filling orders out of turn and making up stories as to why, but now the line has gone silent. My car has been in Long Beach since no later than March 22, and yet, I am the villan here. It occurs to me that as a completely disgruntled early adopter I have become the most imparcial critic possible. If I don't love the car I'm not going be inclined paint a better face on it because the experience with Nissan was so unpleasant, and has now become stand-offish.

I guess everyone who is honest with themselves knows that Nissan has always been the second rate Japanese car manufacturer, compared to Toyota and Honda, and now I know why: poor management. Good management doesn't let a situation like this happen, and if it does, they fix it immediately.They don't let it continue as though there were no problem, which seems to be the case here, as I notice an order from Dec 16 was filled Friday (mine was ordered Oct 26, still waiting. Estimate now week of May 23). How can we trust them? It would take an unimaginable outreach on Nissan's part to regain my trust. I have no hope of it.

I think the main thing Nissan failed to understand is that that people who are willing to be early adopters of new, untried technology and products do so, in part, because they get value out of being the first, of being the one to test it out and tell everybody about it. Without that, and with all this deceit and uncertainly instead, the thrill of a big purchase and owning the lastest toy is hugely diminished, to the point of anti-climax. It's the preverbal being screwed without being kissed.

That all for today.
After two months stuck on 4-22, my DB jumped to the week of May 30 last night. I choose to believe that any change is a sign of forward movement...
Like Willie,

I'm now getting the deaf ear from the CS folks and Sups.

I guess they have just given up on lying to us, or have run out of excuses!
Toyota Baby!!!
All the way!!!
boyodublin said:
Like Willie,

I'm now getting the deaf ear from the CS folks and Sups.

I guess they have just given up on lying to us, or have run out of excuses!
Toyota Baby!!!
All the way!!!
Find another hobby. Your dealer will call soon.
We too were a "pollen" car delivered to the port on 3/30, on the ship that left Japan the day before the tsunami. Dashboard had been stuck on 4/18 since March. I called WWL - the company who does the transport for Nissan (assuming they were the "port" when Nissan told me they weren't holding the car the port was…). I was referred to a manager in Port Hueneme (probably incorrectly, but who cares..) who said he knew the guys in Los Angeles (the cars are in the Port of Los Angeles, not the Port of Long Beach… a different place). He asked for my vin # and told me he would call the LA people to figure out what was going on.

2 days later, on May 12, the dashboard moved! (Maybe coincidence, or maybe the WWL guy called LA and asked about the hundreds of Leafs just sitting there..?) Dashboard went to week of May 20. Then a day or two later moved to week of May 23. So then for a joke I called CS. In that conversation I asked, I assume this was a pollen car (to supervisor Keith) who said, no… you would have gotten a call last week. I said, we didn't get a call, but then why the hold up… he says… oh, yeah, you are a pollen car… and we figure out they called the wrong number (reversed 2 #s in our tel number, even tho they had the right # in the system) :lol: :lol:

So we sat around and waited some more.

Then, on May 17 we got the BIG CALL… car arrived! I couldn't wait to see the glowing pollen!

We went to pick it up on May 18, and all is well. Since I no longer believed CS or Nissan about the pollen story (whether they were doing a radiation decon or it was really pollen) I had it scanned. No unusual radiation levels, so if it was glowing pollen, they washed it well enough.

So… after all of that hullabaloo… in our first hundred miles we figured it cost us $1.40 in electricity, vs the 18mpg minivan… which would have cost $23.33 :mrgreen: For those still waiting, my greatest sympathy, but hang in there… really. Nissan seems to be making a pretty good car that will help us decrease oil consumption… even if they don't have a CLUE how to work with their customers!

For what it's worth, we reserved on 4/20, and ordered on the first day we were allowed in November.

I agree the lack of information is the problem now, not so much that they are having problems. In my last conversation with Keith in CS, I suggested Nissan North America Pres (or whoever) send out a letter of apology to all of us who got goofed up and let us know that they "hear us" and that they have set it up so all the Leaf dealers will do charging for free until the infrastructure gets put in… and then they set up a separate tel number for owners to give feedback… and they report on it monthly… top issues and Nissan response… and if they can make simple changes, they do so… and if something is impossible, they say so. It's not that hard to increase a little transparency for those items that won't give away trade secrets.

(Just for a laugh at Albertson's last night I saw a red leaf and parked opposite it -- those two looked good together!!!!!)
This just in: From Nissan CS supervisor:

“As we discussed on the telephone, your vehicle needs to have the pollen cleaned from
its exterior. The target date for completion is Wednesday, May 25th. The accessory that
your vehicle needs is in stock at the LA port and it will be installed. The dealer is in the LA area so the ETA at the dealership is the week of June 6th.”

Again, we get scrwd around....us 30 poor suckers!
I've posted a fuller new topic, "If i had the chance to do it all again," which further chronicles our mistreatment by Nissan!
JCBNJB said:
We too were a "pollen" car delivered to the port on 3/30, on the ship that left Japan the day before the tsunami. Then, on May 17 we got the BIG CALL… car arrived! I couldn't wait to see the glowing pollen! Since I no longer believed CS or Nissan about the pollen story (whether they were doing a radiation decon or it was really pollen) I had it scanned. No unusual radiation levels, so if it was glowing pollen, they washed it well enough.

The ship arrived Mar.22 and both of them left BEFORE the earthquake/tsunami/radiation. Some LEAFs did get Japanese pollen on them while they were waiting to be loaded on the ships. There is no way it could have been 'radiated pollen'.
I'm in a similar spot here.
4/22 in DB all through until last night, where it changed to May 30.
10 days ago I got a call about the pollen and how my car will ship ON May 16th, which then changed to week of the 16th which then changed to hopefully at the end of week of May 16th.
I'm hoping that DB change to May 30 is indicative of the car actually SHIPPING! BRENDAN HERE I COME!

Oh also I got that elusive 7 day email (which didn't say 7 days in it, just said I'll be getting it soon).
JessEV said:
I'm in a similar spot here.
4/22 in DB all through until last night, where it changed to May 30.
10 days ago I got a call about the pollen and how my car will ship ON May 16th, which then changed to week of the 16th which then changed to hopefully at the end of week of May 16th.
I'm hoping that DB change to May 30 is indicative of the car actually SHIPPING! BRENDAN HERE I COME!

Oh also I got that elusive 7 day email (which didn't say 7 days in it, just said I'll be getting it soon).

Same Story here. CS called on 5/10 and gave me Pollen BS and let me know that delivery is "Week of 5/16". Just today got Delivery email and DB updated to "Week of 5/30"
Wow, my expected delivery days and story about the CS calling about the pollen is exactly the same. The only difference is my DB changed to “Week of 5/26” (if you can believe what the DB says). :(
Just called Nissan CS about the "pollen" problem. Sure enough, the car has been cleaned up, as promised, by May 23. Great news! Just one little problem, though... "your car is on hold for floor mats that are backordered". :evil: I told them I would be happy to drive the car without the floor mats until they can be delivered in a few weeks. They are "opening a case" to see if my request can be granted. I am not hopeful, but I will call back tomorrow to find out the results.
Stoaty said:
Just called Nissan CS about the "pollen" problem. Sure enough, the car has been cleaned up, as promised, by May 23. Great news! Just one little problem, though... "your car is on hold for floor mats that are backordered". :evil: I told them I would be happy to drive the car without the floor mats until they can be delivered in a few weeks. They are "opening a case" to see if my request can be granted. I am not hopeful, but I will call back tomorrow to find out the results.
I'm Interested to find out if that works for you. I was on the "de-pollinated by 5/16" list; when I called middle of last week, that was done, but I was back on the "waiting for accessories" list. Where I apparently remain.
lonndoggie said:
I'm Interested to find out if that works for you. I was on the "de-pollinated by 5/16" list; when I called middle of last week, that was done, but I was back on the "waiting for accessories" list. Where I apparently remain.
I think I have a (small) chance, since there is no "installation" involved for floor mats. If I was dealing directly with my dealer, obviously it would be no problem. Nissan corporate just doesn't seem to be set up to deal with exceptions.

Folks, didn't you see my posting "If I had to do it all again?"

As soon as the Pollen issue is dealt with, the accessories issue will be used again to explain the delay.

And then when they stretch that out by a few more weeks it goes back to the Pollen problem.

I've been told on numerous occassions that the pollen issue was fixed and the accessories were in stock, only to be lied to again that both are indeed still a problem in the delay!

It would be absolutely hilarious, if it wasn't so painful!
I received the "seven day" email on Friday, and my dealer wrote today to say that he's received the invoice. Blue SL with L3 and floor mats as the only accessories. Now I need to get off the fence as to lease or buy...
After almost 8 weeks stuck on 4/22, my Dashboard just changed to week of June 6th.
BIG WHoopie!

When I first heard the 4 -7 month estimated delivery window from time/date of order, I thought Nissan was being over cautious with the huge 3 month spread.
Boy was I wrong about this!

My 7 months wait ran out this week, so Nissan couldn't even deliver under their own worst case scenario.....Well done Nissan!

Res. First Day. 4/20
Ordered Oct
Vin 1873
I just spoke with a supervisor, Brian Kirsch, at Nissan CS. He sounded knowledgeable and direct. He assured me that floor mats are NOT on back order. He also doesn't know whether my car has had the pollen cleaned off. "We don't have that level of detail on our screens." He was told that all cars affected by pollen would be cleaned up and ready to ship by May 20, but has no way to check an individual car to see if that is true or not. He promised to send an email to the port to try to get information about why my Leaf is still on hold, and said he would call me back with any information. I will report back with any info.

Bottom line: the CS reps are making stuff up (floor mats) or assuming facts not in evidence (that MY car has had pollen cleaned off). I am withholding judgment on the supervisor until I see if I get a call back or any other info.
boyodublin said:
After almost 8 weeks stuck on 4/22, my Dashboard just changed to week of June 6th.
BIG WHoopie!
Actually, that probably means you are entering the home stretch. The Dashboard date only changes when a "milestone" has been achieved. Presumably, that means your car is no longer on hold at the port. I would love to have my Dashboard date change.