Back when I did some QC vs QC test, 80 kW was the max due to the station itself. The bottom of the first page is where I was trying this as Nissan HQ.
The battery has to be under 50% SOC to reach that power level. The QC station itself (until the air filters were changed out later) would actually over-heat and shutdown when doing its 80 kW max, lol.
I don't know if LeafSpy has been updated since then, but the chart always stopped at 80 kW and never got higher if you exceeded that.

How do I know? The max I've even gotten at a ChaDeMo QC stations was
99 kW at a specialized ChargePoint station in Nashville. I took a picture with my phone of the dash and did some LeafSpy screenshots, even though it wasn't on my list of "stations" to test, just one I was using one day to get enough power to drive home. It was also a "free" station, even more rare. I had to read the back of the station because I wanted to know how much power was being fed in. It was a dual ChaDeMo / CCS QC station to boot. It was a 150 kW station for CCS but it seems it was wired up to be able to dump that into ChaDeMo as well. The ChaDeMo cable/connector looked identical to the one at Nissan HQ, but I don't know it that mattered or not.
I didn't get a chance to do a proper data record so that's why I only had some pictures and screenshots, nothing good like what SOC I started at exactly, battery temperature, etc. I didn't even notice until probably a few minutes into the charge session when I was looking at the power readout on the QC station and saw the
99 number. I laughed and thought the station was glitching out, no way it was doing that much power, but I switched my dash on the Leaf over to the power section and saw the "99" number and my jaw probably dropped to the floor, haha.
If I can dig up those photos and screenshots I'll post them here, but when Nissan said it can do 100 kW ChaDeMo, I believe it. Finding a station that can handle this is another story...