July 27 Nissan email: the Nissan LEAF: get ready to order

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TimeHorse said:
Nissan's LEAF site used to have an estimated delivery in their table posted earlier, but this has been removed and only the estimated order dates are being listed now. Mine originally said April, which I assume is late April so I am calling my LEAF newly Gestated. :)

That said, I think they took it down because they're now rethinking that delivery schedule as, dare I say with 36 states already excluded!, too ambitious! :roll:

The one below? It's still there, you have to go into your account now, and it's under "View Nissan Launch Schedule".

But that said, the one thing I'm learning about Nissan....if you see something in writing, grab a screen-shot of it so you don't doubt your own sanity when any mention of it disappears from their web site!

sorry, did not read thru all the posts so forgiveness if this has already been mentioned.

what we have is a seemingly disparate rollout dates by area.

i in oly, (an area added as an afterthought to the rollout) have order date for august while others who were in the initial rollout like San Diego have later dates.

i think we have to look at regions, allotments and demand

me, being in an added area, i would doubt that a new allotment was set aside for me although WA did provide additional incentives to help with the rollout, but if i were part of the Seattle allotment and being one of the first to sign up would explain why i am in August while others much closer to seattle are sept or later.

that would also explain why SD is Sept when its most likely that there are several in SD who are august as well. simply much more demand than allotment in that case.

i also seem to notice that the rollout area seem to geographically cover the Nissan's range. me being included in the Seattle rollout since i am only 60 miles away. maybe LA being included because they are in the SD area (barely but still doable!!)

so it does now seem apparent that being first to put a deposit down in April, does give us first shot
My account is now officially in limbo - "This is a unique issue".

EVNow, this issue is still under investigation. We have escalated this issue to a higher source who will research the problem and contact you with an answer. This is a unique issue, so it may take a few days to resolve. Please continue to check your e-mails for one from Nissan with an update on this issue.

I think I know why. A week back when I was trying to capture the "details" of the free charger, I was having lot of issues. At one point the site asked me if I wanted to cancel the order - and as you can imagine I was "horrified" and clicked no. I'm sure the great programmers at Critical Mass - who already dished out such classics as not allowing amex cards on april 20 - made sure such simple events will cause "unique issues" of data integrity.
mwalsh said:
The one below? It's still there, you have to go into your account now, and it's under "View Nissan Launch Schedule".

Yes, that one. When it first launched yesterday, I could have sworn that when that page first launched on Tuesday there was another column under the month with an expected delivery date; from memory we had August (AZ, CA, OR, TN, WA) -> December, September (HI, TX) -> January and December (Atlantic South-East) -> April.

But I don't think they want to keep by this schedule and will probably end up staggering the cars throughout the year. August will still be mainly December and September to November will likely be (at a guess) January - May and December and January maybe June - October 2011 and then and only then will the rest of the country be able to purchase cars. This would be in line with the limited production roll-out and the suggested cars per month mentioned by some for Nissan.
evnow said:
My account is now officially in limbo - "This is a unique issue".

Oh, mon dieu! We're pulling for you EVNow. They had better darn well deliver your car before mine up there in WA or we're both going to be quite miffed!
TimeHorse said:
evnow said:
My account is now officially in limbo - "This is a unique issue".

Oh, mon dieu! We're pulling for you EVNow. They had better darn well deliver your car before mine up there in WA or we're both going to be quite miffed!

I'm sure they will correct this - they would have escalated this to their software engineers. If they work the same way I've seen things work - it will take a couple more days. BTW, someone from Nissan saw my FB comment about this and offerred to help. I'll take that up if it doesn't get resolved next week.
evnow said:
I think I know why. A week back when I was trying to capture the "details" of the free charger, I was having lot of issues. At one point the site asked me if I wanted to cancel the order - and as you can imagine I was "horrified" and clicked no. I'm sure the great programmers at Critical Mass - who already dished out such classics as not allowing amex cards on april 20 - made sure such simple events will cause "unique issues" of data integrity.

EEK! :eek:
the good side is once they fix the problem you can let them know that you were, before the computer error, listed as ordering in August :)

Gavin said:
the good side is once they fix the problem you can let them know that you were, before the computer error, listed as ordering in August :)


I'll try that, even though the sequence of events can be used to disprove that theory !

BTW, on Apr 20th - I did try to order within minutes of getting the mail. However it got a few minutes late because of Amex issues.

<tinfoil hat>Interestingly I had a couple of Tweet fights with the CM folk ...Hmmmm</tinfoil hat>
evnow said:
Gavin said:
the good side is once they fix the problem you can let them know that you were, before the computer error, listed as ordering in August :)


I'll try that, even though the sequence of events can be used to disprove that theory !

BTW, on Apr 20th - I did try to order within minutes of getting the mail. However it got a few minutes late because of Amex issues.

<tinfoil hat>Interestingly I had a couple of Tweet fights with the CM folk ...Hmmmm</tinfoil hat>

I ordered within minutes of the email, am in a rollout state, but still was told Sept. So I'm asking them why. I'm supposed to hear back by Friday.
leaffan said:
I ordered within minutes of the email, am in a rollout state, but still was told Sept. So I'm asking them why. I'm supposed to hear back by Friday.

I wonder if initial registration at the site matters. I registered quite early - before Aug 1 '09 unvieling of Leaf.
mwalsh said:
evnow said:
I wonder if initial registration at the site matters. I registered quite early - before Aug 1 '09 unvieling of Leaf.

No, it doesn't.

How can you discount this idea so quickly? I thought the same thing. It would make sense that they are in order by everyone who put down $99 on the 20th is then put in order by registration date rather than timestamp on the $99 deposit.
leaffan said:
I ordered within minutes of the email, am in a rollout state, but still was told Sept. So I'm asking them why. I'm supposed to hear back by Friday.

Just curious what avenue you're using to ask Nissan? I tried Nissan chat, as there are at least two other people I've seen who reserved around the same time as me in the same state who are set for August, and I'm designated as October. The Nissan chat folks gave me a "sorry, it's based on reservation order, then roll-out state order." When I tried to press further, they took eons responding to my message, and gave me another sorry, nothing we can do about it answer.

There was at least one surprise in that the Leaf would not be available in New York until the latter half of 2011.
Nissan noted that more than 55 percent of all Leaf reservations, which were accepted online over the last year via a refundable $99 fee, originated in these states.
“When we decided on this strategy we looked primarily at two things: market readiness and where the customers are,” she said. “New York will see the Leaf by the end of next year.”
Got my email, August!! had charger estimate visit July 12, still no word back. I signed up with Leaf website in March, and sent in my $99 deposit within 2 or 3 minutes of being emailed. I'm in North Los Angeles County, CA.
In Southern Orange County, CA (Laguna Hills), I got a "September" Order.

On 20 April I had to create a new account to Pre-Reserve, even though I had Registered previously. I have not paid for an AV assessment, but apparently Nissan still thinks I am "alive".
mwalsh said:
palmermd said:
How can you discount this idea so quickly?

Because, although I'd been watching Leaf news since August last (with a Google Alert), I didn't sign up on the Nissan website until March.

I signed up on their site in NOV '09 and put down the deposit on Apr. 20th, right after I received the email, so i'm puzzled as to why they said "Sept.". Actually, I'm a little ticked off! :)