2 years / 40,000. 2012

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Mar 17, 2012
I am wondering about other people's experiences and how miles they are getting before its impractical.

I drive around a hundred miles a day and charge in between. Don't see that I have "lost any bars." But, not completely sure what that means.

It's a brutal schedule but much nicer with a Leaf.

I figure I have saved around 7K dollars in fuel costs. You guys are a lot more thorough though. I am guesstimating. My son will finish that far away school in a couple of years. I hope we can make until then!

dhamra said:
Don't see that I have "lost any bars." But, not completely sure what that means.

The "capacity bars" are the thin 12-segment bars to the immediate right of the 12-segment "state of charge" bars in the dash display. You can tell easily if you have lost bars if you charge to 100% and compare the inner and outer ring of bars on the right side of the display--if they are equal arcs of 12 bars each, then you have not lost any bars yet. In this picture below of a 3-bar loser, the inner arc (charge bars) still show a full 12 bars (100% SOC) while the outer arc is shorter, displaying only 9 bars of capacity.

If you have lost only 1 bar instead of three, the difference is not so obvious as with a 3-bar loss, and you may not have noticed it.

I see by your other posts that you're located in San Diego. You might update your profile to include your city and state so that we can tell immediately where you are when reading your messages. If you were in a cold climate, it is possible you could go 40K miles without losing a bar, which would be very nice performance of the battery pack. In a warmer climate like San Diego, it is very likely you have lost 1 or 2 bars already (I am in San Diego, CA, and lost 2 bars after 38.6K miles). In a hot climate, like AZ, people have lost 3-4 bars within the same span of time. See the battery capacity section of the Leaf wiki for more info.

Glad you are enjoying your Leaf and saving so much money on gas. :D
